The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2607

Chapter 2607: Chapter 2598, Liwei

Translator: 549690339

“Boom, Boom, Boom, boom…”just as Jiang Fei was deep in thought, a series of explosions could be heard from afar.

“What’s going on? ! What’s going on?”

“What happened? !”

“Enemy attack! Quick, Hide!”

“F * ck! How did these B * stards defend themselves? Why isn’t there any movement from the fleet?”

“Don’t worry about it. Let’s hide first!”


For a moment, the entire street was in a mess. Those who were originally doing business or strolling around were all swarming towards the underground bunkers. As for the goods on the ground and other things.., at this time, no one had the time to care about so much.

“Kid, are you looking for death? Hurry up and leave!”Seeing that Jiang Fei had already walked forward with a blank look in his eyes.., the old man who had fooled Jiang Fei for a long time was not completely dead. He took a few steps forward and dragged Jiang Fei to a nearby air raid shelter.

At that moment, Jiang Fei was in a dazed state. Therefore, the old man dragged him into the air raid shelter.

“Boom, Boom, boom…”hiding in the air raid shelter, one could vaguely hear the deafening explosion outside.

This bomb shelter was not very big, only about the size of two rooms. There was nothing inside, only four concrete walls. At this time, there were about thirty to fifty people gathered here, a few women and children were so scared that they were trembling.

A large number of living people were gathered in the small space. In addition, the air in the bomb shelter was not very circulating, and the pirates did not bathe much. The smell inside was imaginable.

However, as they were running for their lives, everyone could not care less. All of them were panicking as they looked at the entrance of the bomb shelter. However, no one dared to look outside the entrance.

“Kid, are you stupid?”At this time, the old man still did not forget to teach Jiang Fei a lesson.

“…”Jiang Fei was still thinking about something, so he ignored the old man.

“Mommy, I’m scared…”at that moment, the cry of a child Woke Jiang Fei up.

Jiang Fei followed the cry and saw that it was a very clean little boy. This cleanliness did not refer to the cleanliness of the Little Boy. His entire body was covered in dirt, tears, Snot, and dirt that had formed a ravine. This appearance definitely had nothing to do with cleanliness, however, the cleanliness in Jiang Fei’s heart, the look in the eyes of the real little boy, and his original appearance.

On the pirate planet, Jiang Fei had seen too many people. These people were either dyed with yellow hair or had been hit with various nails. Each and every one of them seemed to not be able to reflect their own personalities without hurting their own bodies, this included many children. They had been hit with various earrings, lip nails, and even nose rings.

Only this little boy was very clean. There were no tattoos or decorations on his body. Moreover, his eyes were very clear. Although there was fear in them, there was still a sense of innocence that belonged to someone his age.

“Don’t be afraid, child…”the little boy’s mother’s face was covered in heavy makeup. At that moment, it was a little messy. Her body was also covered in tattoos and nails. However, at that moment, her maternal instincts had triumphed over the wild nature of the pirates, she comforted her child in a low voice. It allowed Jiang Fei to see a little humanity in these heinous pirates.

“These pirates who live by killing and plundering still have a trace of humanity. Are the people in the gamma space all heinous?”Jiang Fei asked himself.

Due to the development team and the actions of most of the “Players”, Jiang Fei had sworn on more than one occasion that he would slaughter all the lives in the gamma dimension once he entered it, however, at that moment, Jiang Fei was hesitating.

If he really entered the gamma dimension one day and slaughtered all the lives there, then what was the difference between him and the development team? was he not just as inhumane?

Actually, since his rise to power, Jiang Fei had been taught by many people not to kill too many people. This included Tirion, Yue Ting, and others. They had all warned Jiang Fei to keep his heart and not be influenced by power, hatred, or other emotions, or thoughts that were influenced by other emotions.

However, everyone could understand the reason. However, not everyone could do it. They had witnessed countless civilians being destroyed by the attacks of “Players”. They had also seen the apostles killing their own family members, seeing Nina die in front of him was enough to make Jiang Fei lose his mind.

Even before this, when Jiang Fei went to look for Liwei, he had always harbored a desire for revenge. At that time, he did not think too much about it. He only wanted to kill as many of the apostles as possible so that he could survive, he wanted to see if he could survive until the special time that Natasha had mentioned.

Now that he had been influenced by the gaze of the Little Boy and his mother, although Jiang Fei’s heart was still filled with hatred, he had become more rational. He knew that other than seeking revenge, he had to protect his family, then, he took the initiative to think of a way to solve the problem in front of him.

“Boom, Boom, boom…”the sound of explosions outside grew louder and louder. Jiang Fei did not need to ask to know that it was Emon and the others who had charged in.

“I’ll go out and take a look.”After Jiang Fei got rid of the old man, he walked out of the bomb shelter.

“Kid, do you want to die?”The old man shouted.

“I’m fine,”Jiang Fei said calmly. Then, he kept walking out of the bomb shelter. Jiang Fei did not care about the pirates who looked at him as if he was an idiot.

When he returned to the ground, Jiang Fei found that the closest explosion location was two blocks away.

“It doesn’t look like an attack from an expert. It looks more like a bomb explosion…”Jiang Fei frowned. He knew that Eamon’s carrier was very powerful. It would not be difficult to destroy a pirate city, however, it was obvious that this method was not based on the carrier.

“Could it be the means of a sharp guard?”Jiang Fei guessed as he hid his tracks and quietly moved forward.

The sound of the explosion was getting closer and closer. There was even a bomb that was detonated right next to Jiang Fei. However, the power of the bomb was not enough to break through Jiang Fei’s protective true qi, therefore, it did not affect Jiang Fei at all.

At this time, Jiang Fei had already sensed the opponent’s aura. There were six people in total. Other than Eamon and Liwei, there were four other “Players”. They were probably Eamon’s underlings.

Moreover, what surprised Jiang Fei was that not only Eamon and Liwei, but the other four people were also at true immortal level and above. It seemed that they had also obtained extraordinary carriers!

“Whoosh!”Jiang Fei leaped up and jumped onto a building. Then, he leaned on the top of the building and looked down.

At that moment, Eamon and the others were passing through the intersection.

“Brother, your ability is pretty good! What item did you get?”Edmund was talking at that moment.

“Hehe, a quest item,”Levi said vaguely. At the same time, he pointed his finger and a few cluster bombs appeared out of thin air in the distance!

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