The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2531

Chapter 2531: Chapter 2522 luring Philip to his death

Translator: 549690339

“Thank you, teacher!”Jiang Fei bowed deeply to Yue Ting.

“When do we leave?”Yue Ting asked.

“The sooner the better!”Jiang Fei said. Although there was a 12 times time flow gap between the five directions and the outer universe, Jiang Fei was still worried about leaving Philip outside.

“Alright, I’ll pack up and we’ll leave.”After Yue Ting said that, his body flashed and he disappeared.

Jiang Fei took the opportunity to find Phoenix Spirit. This time, he did not plan to bring Phoenix Spirit out. He wanted Phoenix Spirit to stay in the five directions world to nurture her fetus.

“Has teacher Yue Ting decided to help you?”Seeing Jiang Fei come in with a happy expression, he guessed the result.

“That’s right! We’re going to go outside now,”Jiang Fei said.

“Alright, I’ll pack my things now,”Phoenix Spirit said.

“Phoenix Spirit, don’t be anxious. I plan to let you stay here to raise the baby,”Jiang Fei said.

“Ah?”Phoenix spirit was a little reluctant.

“No, Phoenix Spirit, think about it. You and I are both extraordinary people. I don’t know how long it will take for your baby to be born. If you go outside now, who knows when the baby will be born. The flow of time here is faster. The baby can be born as soon as possible, right?”Jiang Fei explained.

“HMPH! You’re really thinking well.”Phoenix spirit pouted, although what Jiang Fei said was true, that was only true for him. To Phoenix Spirit, the time and guilt of giving birth had not escaped her at all. Moreover, there was no one to accompany her in this world, it could only make her feel even more lonely.

“Uh…”Jiang Fei did not think too much about it just now. The reason why he came up with this stupid idea was because he was afraid that if Phoenix Spirit brought the baby back, Bella and the others would definitely not forgive him. That was why he wanted Phoenix Spirit to cook the raw rice into rice, he might as well bring the baby out.

However, Jiang Fei ignored Phoenix Spirit’s feelings. After all, his relationship with Phoenix Spirit was not as deep as that with Bella and the others. Back then, he was forcefully taken in by Phoenix Spirit after she drugged him, the reason why he was putting in so much effort was to invite Yue ting out of the mountain. It was definitely not that there was no relationship between the two of them. However, it was not necessarily how deep the relationship was.

“Forget it. I know your difficulties. I will stay here. However, you have to come and see me more often!”Phoenix Spirit said.

“Don’t worry. Now That Little Jiu is here, I can come and see you anytime!”Jiang Fei promised.

“Okay! Then, you can go.”Phoenix spirit nodded. She did not expect Jiang Fei to treat her the way he treated Bella. Now that she was the first to be pregnant with Jiang Fei’s child, she was already very satisfied.

“I will come and visit you very soon.”Jiang Fei kissed Phoenix Spirit’s forehead lightly and then left in a hurry.

“Very soon… I hope so…”Phoenix spirit sighed. Because the flow of time was different, no matter how often Jiang Fei came, the time between each visit was very long. If he encountered any trouble outside.., the time interval would be even longer.


When Jiang Fei returned to the main hall, Yue Ting was already waiting for him. In fact, Yue Ting did not have anything to pack. The reason he said that was to give Jiang Fei some time to say goodbye to the Phoenix Spirit.

Jiang Fei was also aware of this. Therefore, he hurriedly explained a few things to the Phoenix Spirit before rushing back.

“Is everything settled?”Yue Ting asked with a smile.

“Yes!”Jiang Fei nodded.

“Then, let’s go,”Yue Ting said with a smile.

“Thank you, teacher!”Jiang Fei bowed from Yue Ting and called little nine out.

“Brother, are we going out?”Little Nine asked.

“Yes! Send me and teacher out,”Jiang Fei said.

“Okay!”Little nine nodded and said to Yue Ting, “Old man, don’t resist!”

“Yes! Okay!”Yue Ting smiled and nodded.

“Swoosh!”As a white light flashed, little nine activated her ability and sent Jiang Fei and Yue Ting out of the five directions.

When the white light disappeared, Jiang Fei and Yue Ting appeared on Skoda Star.

“Hehe, your business is not small!”Yue Ting sighed. As he could freely enter and leave the world, he was not unfamiliar with the technology world.

“Hehe, it’s alright.”Jiang Fei smiled modestly. This time, he was in a hurry. He did not bring Yue Ting to meet Bella and the others. He went straight to the airport.

“Aurelia, I’m going to take care of that imposter now. Tell Bella and the others that I’m leaving first.”Before Jiang Fei left, he contacted Aurelia.

“Okay! I understand!”Aurelia nodded.

After that, Jiang Fei’s yacht left Skoda star and headed straight for the imperial capital star, Pisernes.

Through his communication with Aurelia, Jiang Fei knew that the imposter Philip was still on capital star and was commanding the entire army in his name.

However, Jiang Fei’s main fleet was under Aurelia’s control. This female general now had real power over the Imperial Army’s elite fleet. Without her orders, even Jiang Fei could not mobilize these fleets.

Therefore, the imposter only mobilized some second and third tier fleets. Now, these fleets were all gathered near the capital star. No one knew what this guy was trying to do.

After a few days of sailing, Jiang Fei’s yacht was only one more warp away from reaching the gravity well of Pisernes.

“Teacher, please hide your aura,”Jiang Fei said to Yue Ting.

“Alright!”Yue Ting nodded. Then, his aura disappeared into thin air. If Jiang Fei closed his eyes, it would be as if Yue Ting did not exist.

“Teacher, how did you do that?”Jiang Fei was stunned. Although he was already very strong, he could not do that.

“This is a very simple trick,”Yue Ting said as he tried to hide his aura for Jiang Fei.

“You can even hide your aura in the inheritance space?”Jiang Fei suddenly understood. He had never thought of using the inheritance space.


A few hours later, the spaceship arrived at the gravity well on Planet Pisernes.

“Teacher, you should hide in the dark first. I will lure that guy out!”Jiang Fei said.

“Do we have to ambush him?”Yue Ting frowned. He was the former Dragon Sage. It was too shameful for him to ambush others.

“Teacher, when dealing with extraordinary people, we should use extraordinary methods!”Jiang Fei advised.

“Alright!”Yue Ting nodded. If that Philip could really copy the power of others at will, he could not afford to let his guard down. If the other party were to copy him, it would not end well.

On the other hand, Yue Ting was invisible in the vast void while Jiang Fei teleported to the surface of planet Pisnes.

“Philip! Come out!”Jiang Fei shouted from outside the palace.

“D * MN! Didn’t we have an agreement? I’m a man of my word. I did not cross the border to disturb you. Why are you here again?”Philip said with a speechless expression.

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