The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2200

Chapter 2200: Chapter 2193

Translator: 549690339

“Damage Report!”Aurelia’s voice was very calm. She had experienced too many wars, and this level of battle was nothing to her.

“One brown bear was destroyed, 12 were heavily injured, 35 were slightly injured, and the damaged battleship is under repair!”The Adjutant reported.

“Yes!”Aurelia nodded. The damage of just one brown bear was completely acceptable. Although the brown bear had thousands of soldiers on it, how could there not be casualties in battle?

“Get the ogre-class torpedo cruiser to attack,”Aurelia ordered. After the first wave of attacks, the shields of the fleet that had been shut down due to warping had been restored, therefore, even if the second wave of attacks came, there would not be any more losses.

Now, Aurelia no longer had to worry about defense. She was more concerned about how to quickly destroy these orbital defense facilities.

“Yes, my Lord!”The adjutant immediately passed down Aurelia’s orders. Soon, the ogre-class torpedo cruisers entered the attack position.

These ogre-class torpedo cruisers were developed by Jiang Fei based on the glorious adjudicators under Eamon’s command. These cruisers had average speed and weak defense. However, they had extremely powerful firepower and extremely long range.

The ogre-class torpedo cruiser could fire blood-stained lance-class nuclear torpedoes. These super torpedoes had a very long range, even comparable to the range of the Titan’s main cannon. However, these torpedoes were very large and their speed was very slow, if it was a battleship, it could easily intercept or dodge them.

Therefore, these ogre-class torpedo cruisers had almost no combat power when they faced a battleship. However, when they faced a building, they had unparalleled lethality!

At this moment, there was no resistance fleet in Klein’s gravity well. The orbital defense weapons were all automatically executing defensive orders. Be it the missile platforms or the hangar platforms, they were all orbital buildings.., they couldn’t move at all. To an ogre-class torpedo cruiser, they were the best targets.

“Whoosh whoosh whoosh…”one by one, blood-stained lance-class nuclear torpedoes were fired. Their slow flying speed and obvious flight trajectory made people anxious, but no one could refute the destructive destructive power of their hit targets.

After about a minute or two of flight, these super torpedoes finally hit the target!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom… the hangar platforms were immediately blasted into space junk. The production lines of the fighter jets and the drones that had yet to go into battle were all buried along with them.

Boom! Boom! Boom… the missile platforms fell one after another, and the entire Klein planet quickly lost its ability to resist.

“Lord Aurelia, are we going to attack Klein Planet?”asked the adjutant.

At that moment, the defense of Klein planet’s orbit had been completely removed, but the planet was still loyal to the Vasari Legion. If they wanted to occupy the planet, they would have to send out ground troops.

“Target the sparsely populated areas and conduct a planetary bombing,”Aurelia ordered.

“Yes!”The adjutant immediately accepted the order. Although planetary bombing was inhumane, the soldiers had to carry out the order.

The main ships of the imperial fleet took aim at planet Klein and began to fire heavy missiles. These missiles were specially prepared for planetary bombardment.

This time, Jiang Fei’s fleet did not carry any starships. Therefore, the task of planetary bombardment could only be done by the main ships.

“Stop the Attack!”After launching only one round of planetary bombardment, Aurelia gave the order to stop.

“Yes!”The imperial fleet immediately stopped the planetary bombardment.

“Send a message to planet Klein. Either surrender and provide supplies, or accept the end of Destruction!”Aurelia ordered.

“Yes!”The adjutant quickly sent Aurelia’s message to the government of planet Klein.

“Lord Commander, they have surrendered and are willing to provide all supplies!”A few minutes later, the adjutant brought good news.

“Yes! Send a landing ship to transport the supplies!”Aurelia ordered, her years of war experience told her that it was useless to just speak if she wanted a planet to surrender. She had to shoot first before asking questions. It was much more efficient than asking questions.

As expected, planet Klein surrendered. After all, with the orbital defense facilities removed and the Army fleet withdrawn, a mere planet Klein was unable to withstand the super fleet under Aurelia’s command.

If planet Klein did not surrender, as long as the fleet targeted the densely populated cities and bombarded them, in just a few hours, the entire planet Klein would be scorched to the ground, and tens of millions of people would be buried in a sea of fire.

Therefore, Aurelia’s previous threats were very effective. It was much more efficient than sending a landing force to attack the entire planet. Although such an attack might not be a sincere surrender, Aurelia did not care.., all she needed was supplies.

A few hours later, the landing ships returned one after another. They brought back a large amount of energy and supplies, enough for the fleet to consume and carry out the next battle.

It was not the first time Aurelia used this tactic. Back then, she used this tactic to roam the Vassali Legion’s hinterland for an entire year.

After the supplies were completed, the imperial fleet set off again. Their next target was planet Zeka.

At this time, there were still five planets on planet Vasari that were blocking the imperial fleet’s path in the Dominican galaxy. Jiang Fei gave Aurelia the authority to command the battle while he went back to his room to cultivate.

Under Aurelia’s command, the imperial fleet used their powerful strength to sweep through the remaining five planets on planet Vasari in the Dominican galaxy. Those planets were similar to planet Klein, after the orbital defense facilities were destroyed, all of them surrendered obediently. One or two who wanted to resist obediently provided sufficient supplies to the imperial fleet after a round of planetary bombardment.

“Ah Fei, we are about to enter the territory of the Vassali Army!”Aurelia said to Jiang Fei in front of the Stargate. After all, the Dominican galaxy was just a buffer between the two major forces, therefore, the Vasari’s army did not invest too much manpower to defend. However, it was different after they entered Vasari’s territory. Since ancient times, it had been their territory. Therefore, every galaxy, every planet.., they would not give up easily. The following battle would not be so easy.

“HMM! Let the scout ship go and take a look.”At this time, Jiang Fei had become cautious, although his fleet was unprecedentedly powerful, it was still quite weak after passing through the Stargate. If they were ambushed by the enemy, they would suffer heavy losses.

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