The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2161

Chapter 2161: Chapter 2155: draw a large pie as bait

Translator: 549690339

“I heard that the resistance has recently produced a super battleship. Do you have any news?”Jiang Fei asked Eamon despite knowing the answer.

“According to the information we have, it is a titan that the holy messenger has obtained,”said Eamon.

“Oh, so that’s the case. Doesn’t Sarnaga have any reinforcement plans?”Jiang Fei asked.

“Our Titan should be arriving soon,”said Eamon.

“That’s Good!”Jiang Fei nodded. From Eamon’s words, he could tell that Eamon and the others were almost done with their mission. It was only a matter of time before they had a titan.

“General, you did not come to me just to ask that, right?”Eamon asked.

“Yes! I am prepared to deploy all my forces to fight the Vasari people in the Dominic Galaxy. Therefore, I need you to defend Salhu Corridor,”said Jiang Fei.

“This…”Eamon pondered for a moment. The Titan of the Resistance Army was in Salhu corridor. Although he could increase his firepower with the interstellar base in the gravity well, he was not sure if he could defend against the Titan’s attack, this was still unknown.

“Why? Is there a problem?”Jiang Fei asked.

“HMM… the enemy’s Titan is too powerful. Although we have temporarily stabilized the defense line with the firepower of the interstellar base, if the enemy attacks at all costs, it will be difficult for us to defend ourselves,”Eamon said after thinking for a moment.

“This battle concerns the safety of the empire. Please defend Salhu Cloister. If the empire falls into a situation where it is attacked from both sides, the empire will be finished!”Jiang Fei deliberately made the situation more serious.

“But…”Eamon was still a little hesitant. However, at that moment, Jiang Fei suddenly increased the stakes!

“General Eamon, as the Grand Marshal of the Empire, please defend the Salmarsh Cloister. At least, the enemy will not be able to break through this place for at least ten months. As long as you do it, I Promise You, you will get this!” A gigantic battleship was projected in his hand.

“Ding! The Grand Marshal of the Empire Jiang Fei has issued an SSS grade hidden quest to you: defend the Sarhu Cloister! Quest reward: Twilight Titan of the gods! Do you accept?”

“What? !”Eamon heard the quest notification, he almost jumped up from his chair. Titan was a super battleship with only one attribute. Whether it was the “Players”from the resistance camp or the “Players”from the imperial army camp, each side could only have one battleship, this was the system’s setting. There was no way to change it.

However, the quest that Jiang Fei had given him could break the system’s setting. This was because the quest reward was not obtained from the system, but from the NPC, although Eamon did not know why the NPC had a Titan, how could he not accept such a rich quest?

Eamon could not help but become excited when he thought about how he would crush brother Snow with two Titans.

“Great Marshal, I will do my best to defend Sarhu Cloister. As long as my fleet still has a spaceship, the resistance will not be able to break through this place!”Eamon promised Jiang Fei confidently.

“Alright!”Jiang Fei nodded while secretly laughing in his heart. Would he give up a titan to a “Player”? Of course, that was impossible. After the quest was accepted, as long as the “Player”completed the quest, the Titan would automatically belong to the “Player”. However, in Jiang Fei’s plan.., it was impossible for Eamon to defend for ten months.

In Jiang Fei’s plan, he would build a super fleet within a month and set off for Dominitz. He was expected to engage the Vassari Empire’s fleet in the middle of the second month, as the Titan of the resistance was located in Salhu corridor, with the speed of the Titan, it was impossible to transfer to the Dominitz Galaxy in a short period of time. Therefore, after the left wing suffered a devastating blow.., in order to prevent the core core of the rebel army from falling, the only thing they could do was to put pressure on the right wing and use the strategy of besieging Wei to save Zhao. They would attack the Salhu corridor ferociously.

If the imperial army returned, the Titan of both sides would be on the same battlefield. Then, everything would be easier. The “Player”Titan only cost money to repair. Once Jiang Fei’s Titan was damaged, it would be very troublesome to repair it, after a few battles of attrition, the Resistance Army would soon have the upper hand.

If the imperial army did not return, there would be only one other path left for the Resistance Army. That was to compete with each other in terms of speed. Both sides would risk their lives to attack each other’s hinterland and see who could not hold on first.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Fei did not believe that Eamon could hold on for seven to eight months under the desperate attacks of the Resistance Army. Although the interstellar base was tough and had high attack power, it could not be compared to the Titans, eamon was destined to be breached. When the quest failed, Jiang Fei naturally did not need to redeem the quest reward.

Moreover, in order to obtain the second Titan, Eamon would definitely go all out to resist the attacks of the resistance. This way, he would be able to attract enough enemy firepower for Jiang Fei to attack the left wing.

However, there was a hidden danger in this. Eamon had suddenly obtained his Titan. This way, the possibility of him defending the left wing would be greatly increased. However, when it really came down to it, Jiang Fei also had a backup plan, when the time came, he would not mind helping the resistance. It was not like Jiang Fei would not be able to do something like scamming an ally. This was especially so for Eamon, who was an ally. Jiang Fei had never been on the same side as him.

There was a saying that money could make the world go round. However, Jiang Fei felt that as long as he had enough money, it would not be a problem even if he wanted to make the world go round. As expected, under the temptation of the Titan, Eamon easily fell into the trap. For the sake of the Titan, he was willing to take a gamble!

Due to the unequal information, Eamon did not discover Jiang Fei’s conspiracy at all. As a “Player”, he would never have dreamed that a friendly NPC who gave him a quest would set a trap for him, therefore, even though Eamon saw the risk, he felt that he was able to complete the quest quickly enough to obtain the Titan before Sarhu cloister fell. By then, the resistance “Players”would have lost their advantage, it would be easy for him to defend Sarhu cloister.

“General Eamon, I believe that you can do it!”Before Jiang Fei left, he did not forget to put on a high hat for Eamon.

“General, I will do my best to ensure that the resistance does not step out of Salhu!”Eamon promised.

After Jiang Fei exchanged a few more pleasantries with Eamon, he left Salhu’s front line. After all, the bait had already been thrown out. This place would become a dog-eat-dog battlefield between “Players”. Jiang Fei believed that under the temptation of the Titan, he would definitely be able to hold out for a long period of time. It would be enough for him to complete his plan.

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