The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2144

Chapter 2144: Chapter 2138: getting rid of the players

Translator: 549690339

Jiang Fei used the dragon race’s ability to create a white fog. The white fog blocked the “Players”‘line of sight. At the same time, it also interfered with their radar, preventing them from locking onto the giant beasts.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Fei wanted to bring the giant beasts into the asteroid belt next to them. Once they entered the asteroid belt, the delicate battleship would not be able to move at high speed. The directional energy weapons would also be blocked by the asteroid belt, this gave Jiang Fei and the others time to retreat.

Jiang Fei’s plan was indeed good and very feasible. However, it could not stop his teammates from not cooperating. The few cosmic giant beasts were determined to fight the enemy to the death. They hesitated because these cosmic giant beasts were not very intelligent, moreover, they were stubborn. Therefore, Jiang Fei could not convince them at all. Moreover, he did not have the time to convince these giant beasts.

“Old friend, let’s Go!”Jiang Fei gritted his teeth. At this time, he could not care less. He could only save as many as he could. As for those who were courting death, he had no way to deal with them.

“But…”the giant steel scorpion was a little hesitant. As giant beasts, although they were not very intelligent, they valued their companions very much.

“There’s no time for buts! Do you want everyone to die here?”Jiang Fei roared.

“Sigh!”The giant steel scorpion sighed. Then, it called out to the other giant beasts and followed Jiang Fei to the asteroid belt.

“You cowards! You’re really embarrassing the cosmic giant beasts!”The remaining five cosmic giant beasts cursed loudly, especially the cosmic giant squid. Although he no longer had any fighting strength, he was still determined to fight to the death.


“Boom, Boom, Boom, boom…”

The roar of spiritual power came from behind Jiang Fei and the others. There was also the roar of the main cannon of the battleship. Although the remaining five cosmic behemoths fought bravely, they were already outnumbered. With the existence of the Titan.., therefore, their demise was only a matter of time.

However, these cosmic behemoths were not stupid. They knew that they could not break through the Titan’s defense. Therefore, they targeted the small battleships. Under the attack of the cosmic behemoths, unless it was a battleship of the main ship level or above.., otherwise, they would not be able to withstand their attacks at all. Therefore, one heavy patrol or frigate after another was sunk, and the “Players”no longer suffered zero casualties.

However, to the “Players”, losing a small ship was nothing at all. To the Guild leader, Brother Snow, this small amount of money was just a drizzle. But to the ordinary “Players”.., if a battleship dropped, it would drop. Anyway, the guild would replenish it, so they would not feel bad about it.

Although the five giant beasts did not listen to Jiang Fei’s advice and insisted on staying behind to fight to the death, their obstruction had indeed bought Jiang Fei and the others time to retreat. In a sense.., these giant beasts could also be considered heroes who sacrificed their lives to cover the rear.

At this moment, Jiang Fei and the others had successfully retreated into the asteroid belt. Although there were some battleships chasing after them, because of the white fog, these battleships were unable to lock onto the coordinates of the giant beasts. Therefore, they opened fire blindly, the hit rate was extremely low. Judging from the thick skin and flesh of the cosmic giant beasts, it would not be a big deal if they were hit once in a while.

About half an hour later, the five cosmic behemoths that were left behind were all torn into pieces by the “Players”. If they were the local forces in this universe, after killing the cosmic behemoths.., they would definitely not let go of the corpses of the cosmic behemoths because these were all treasures.

Back then, Jiang Fei had killed some cosmic behemoths. The meat jerky that he obtained had greatly increased the strength of his subordinates. Moreover, the meat jerky had not been used up until now, the experts of the five directions were now enjoying these benefits.

These were cosmic behemoths. They were more than one level higher than the cosmic behemoths. Their flesh and blood were more valuable. To cultivators, it was a great tonic. However, these “Players”actually did not care about it, after they killed the cosmic behemoths, they did not stop firing. Instead, they used artillery fire to blow up the corpses of the cosmic behemoths in a playful manner. If Jiang Fei saw this scene.., he would definitely think that these “Players”were wasting God’s gifts.

“Brother Snow, stop playing. The monsters have run away!”One of the “Player”underlings shouted.

“Don’t worry. I have already sent people to follow them. They Can’t run away!”Brother Snow said confidently.

“Then what do we do now?”Another underling asked.

“Chase after them!”Brother Snow gave the order. The “Player”fleet adjusted their course and followed the periphery of the asteroid belt. They chased after Jiang Fei and the rest.

After all, battleships and cosmic behemoths were different. The asteroid belt was filled with all kinds of small and messy celestial bodies. When traveling at high speed, it was impossible to completely avoid them. The cosmic behemoths had tough skin and thick flesh. If they encountered a small celestial body.., even if it was an asteroid with a diameter of more than ten kilometers, they would only bump into it. At most, it would only hurt a little. It would not be a big deal.

However, it was different for battleships. Even the main fleet would not dare to be hit by a celestial body with a diameter of more than ten meters while traveling at high speed, let alone ten kilometers. If they really hit it.., the only outcome would be the destruction of the ship and the death of the people.

Therefore, the “Player”fleet only sent some scout ships to bite the tail of Jiang Fei and the others and lock onto their position. They did not dare to directly chase into the asteroid belt.

“Little Fei, what should we do next?”After entering the asteroid belt, the giant steel scorpion asked.

“Don’t worry. I will kill these annoying flies first.”Jiang Fei had already returned to his human form. After all, after transforming into a dragon, his entire body felt very uncomfortable.

Moreover, as Jiang Fei returned to his human form, the white fog also disappeared. After all, in his human form, Jiang Fei was unable to use the dragon race’s secret technique.

“Whoosh!”After returning to his human form, Jiang Fei teleported to a scout ship. Then, he shot out his chengying sword from between Jiang Fei’s eyebrows. After a flash of Sword Light, the scout ship was destroyed in midair.

After a few flashes, Jiang Fei raised his sword and killed all the scout ships behind them. He did not give the “Players”any chance to react.

After Jiang Fei returned to the back of the giant steel scorpion, his old friend asked, “Little Fei, what did you transform into just now? Are You also a Cosmic Beast?”

“Uh…”Jiang Fei could not help but admire the slow reflexes of the Cosmic Beast. It had been almost an hour since he had transformed into a dragon, and the giant steel scorpion had only just remembered to ask.

“That is my dragon form. I am now considered to be between a human and a cosmic beast…”Jiang Fei said awkwardly. After all, it would be awkward for a human to suddenly admit that he was half a beast.

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