The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2096

Chapter 2096: Chapter 2092

Translator: 549690339

After Jiang Fei brought Python Slayer back to the Valiant Martial Temple, he stayed in GE Chunhong’s Cave. Two days later, the Valiant Martial Temple Master returned. However, he did not mention anything about Jiang Fei disobeying his orders.

At this moment, in the Valiant Martial Temple Master’s heart, Jiang Fei and the other revered elders were all people who were about to die. As long as they went to ambush the dragon race, no matter what the outcome was, these people would die without a doubt, therefore, the valiant martial temple master did not want to cause any more trouble at this time.

Because once he wanted to deal with Jiang Fei, it was very likely that GE Chunhong would retaliate. If this chief high-ranking official refused to fight, then the other high-ranking officials would definitely respond accordingly, by then, the Valiant Martial Temple Master’s plans would all be ruined.

Therefore, for the sake of the overall situation, the Valiant Martial Temple Master gave up on the idea of dealing with Jiang Fei.

After another two days, the troops from the myriad beast mountain arrived.

Once the troops from the myriad beast mountain arrived, the Valiant Martial Hall master sounded the war drums and gathered all the sinecures to head to the main hall to prepare for the expedition.

On the other hand, GE Chunhong and Jiang Fei had also brought Python Slayer to the main hall. Logically speaking, Python Slayer did not have a position in the Valiant Martial Hall, so he was not qualified to go to the main hall. However, the Valiant Martial Hall Master could not wait for Jiang Fei and the others to send themselves to their deaths, therefore, he did not care about these details anymore.

“Everyone, the Great Army of the Myriad Beast Mountain has arrived. This time, we will join forces. We will definitely be able to achieve victory and defeat the Dragon Race!”The Valiant Martial Hall master passionately encouraged the morale of the troops. However, the consecrators below were a little listless.

Facing the powerful dragon race, these consecrators were all uncertain. Each and every one of them felt like the wind was blowing and the water was freezing. Therefore, they were naturally not in high spirits.

The hall master of Valiant Martial Hall spoke with confidence in the high hall. Since he was not the one who was going to die, what he said only gave people the feeling that it was easy for him to speak, although this hall master also felt the dissatisfaction in the hearts of those consecrators, he did not care at all.

After the hall master of Valiant Martial Hall finished his speech, this army of consecrators of Valiant Martial Hall was handed over to GE Chunhong. After all, he was the one who commanded every expedition.

“Junior brother Ge, I wish you victory and success!”The Valiant Martial Hall master said hypocritically.

“Don’t worry, Hall Master. I will definitely bring these junior brothers back alive!”GE Chunhong’s words were true. With Jiang Fei watching from the side, the dragon race would definitely not do anything to these consecrators.

“UH…”when the Valiant Martial Hall master heard GE Chunhong’s words, he felt a little disgusted. However, he could not say anything. Could it be that he could say to GE chunhong, “No, all of you must die in battle. Don’t come back alive?”?

“Alright, junior brother Ge, there’s no time to lose. All of you should set off as soon as possible!”Having nothing else to say, the Valiant Martial Hall Master could only urge GE Chunhong and the others to set off.

“Alright! We’ll set off immediately!”GE Chunhong couldn’t be bothered to waste his breath on this hypocritical fellow, he directly turned around and said to the consecrators in front of him, “Junior brothers, I, Ge, will still say the same thing. As long as I’m still alive, I will bring all of you back safely!”

“Senior brother Ge, your words are enough!”The sinecures gritted their teeth. As the saying goes, a sad soldier will always win. They were already prepared to die, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

“Let’s Go!”With GE Chunhong’s order, more than a hundred sinecures from the Valiant Martial Hall swarmed out. The morale of these people was extremely low before, but after they were prepared to die.., the morale of the people who were prepared to face death began to rebound.

After coming out of the Valiant Martial Hall, GE Chunhong led his people to meet up with the people from the Thousand Beast Mountain. This time, among the people from the Thousand Beast Mountain, the leader was a guy that Jiang Fei did not know. When he was in his human form, he was a bald, strong man, he was about 2.5 meters tall and had a big waist. Jiang Fei did not know what his real body was.

After seeing the experts of the Thousand Beast Mountain, Jiang Fei quietly took a few steps back and hid himself among the experts of the Valiant Martial Hall. Since he was powerful, as long as he hid his aura.., it would be difficult for others to find him in the crowd.

The reason why Jiang Fei wanted to hide his whereabouts was that he was afraid that there were people from the Shenshui apes among the experts of the Thousand Beast Mountain. After all, these people had seen him before. If they were to recognize him.., wouldn’t this scene be exposed in advance?

“I am GE Chunhong, the chief guardian of the Valiant Martial Hall. May I know who you are?”GE Chunhong stepped forward and cupped his fists at the burly man.

“Oh, it is Mr. GE Chunhong. I have heard a lot about you. I am the commander of the Imperial Guards under the Empress of the mountain of beasts. My name is Bao Wei,”the burly man replied politely.

“Didn’t you say that the three families are allied? Where are the members of the Yuan Family?”GE Chunhong looked around. There were only over a million experts of the mountain of beasts here, but there was no sign of the members of the Yuan family.

“They said that they would arrive soon. I think they will arrive soon,”Bao Wei said.

“I hope so…”GE Chunhong nodded. He actually did not really want the members of the Yuan family to rush over. Previously, Jiang Fei had told him that he wanted to get rid of the Yuan family. Although GE Chunhong did not have much of a relationship with the Yuan family.., after all, they were a big family that had been passed down for ten thousand years in the five directions. It would be really sad if they were wiped out just like that.

However, things did not go as planned. The members of the Yuan family seemed to be overconfident. Not only did they want to fight against the combined forces of the Wang and Xiao families and the moon goddess sect on their own in the outer universe, but they also wanted to challenge the Dragon Race’s authority, moreover, the members of the Yuan family in the five directions were even more exaggerated. They even wanted to challenge the Dragon Race’s authority.

Therefore, after the time it took for a meal, a stream of light appeared in the distance. Soon after, the auras of those powerhouses rushed toward them.

“Hehe, they really went all out!”Jiang Fei counted to himself. This time, the Yuan family had sent over thirty true immortal level powerhouses. After all, the Yuan family could not be compared to behemoths like the myriad beast mountain or the Valiant Martial Hall, they probably had thirty to forty true immortal level powerhouses. From the looks of it, the Yuan family was going all out.

A moment later, the Yuan family’s powerhouses arrived in front of everyone.

“Sorry to keep you waiting!”This time, the Yuan family was personally led by the Grand Elder, Yuan Shikui. This old man was the ancestor of the Yuan family, the final decision maker of the Yuan family.

“Hehe, senior Yuan is too polite. We have just arrived,”GE Chunhong said with a smile. Although he was stronger than Yuan Shikui, he was much younger than this old man, it was not common for humans to live like Yuan Shikui.

“Since everyone is here, let’s set off!”Bao Wei was not a human. As a fierce beast, he only recognized strength. Moreover, in terms of age, he had lived much longer than Yuan Shikui. Therefore, Bao Wei was very polite to the powerful GE Chunhong, however, he did not say anything to the slightly older Yuan Shikui.

“En! Alright!”GE Chunhong and Yuan Shikui nodded one after another. Then, the three groups of people rushed towards the teleportation array together.

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