The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2084

Chapter 2084: Chapter 2080 brother was not in jianghu, but jianghu still had the legend of brother

Translator: 549690339

“Eh?”The three families present were confused. Since their losses were all within the acceptable range, how could the Yuan family be wiped out?

“I’m very curious why all the members of the Yuan family are dead, right?”Jiang Fei asked.

“Yes! Mr. Jiang, please don’t keep me in suspense.”Wang Shifang had a bad premonition.

“Because they betrayed us, they were surrounded and killed by my people and your three families. In the end, they were all killed!”Jiang Fei said.

“What? !”Although the people from the three families had already vaguely guessed this possibility, no one really thought about it.

“Moreover, the disciples that you lost were also killed by the Yuan family,”Jiang Fei added.

“This is too much!”Xiao Changyun said angrily as he swung his sleeves.

“Mr. Jiang, can you explain in detail what happened?”Yue Wuheng asked slowly.

“Of course!”Jiang Fei did not hide anything, he said directly, “I have enemies in the outside world. I have mentioned it to you before. Fifteen years ago, I brought your young disciples out of the world of the five directions and came to my territory. After that, my people warmly welcomed your disciples. When your people return, you can ask them about this.”

“However, the Yuan family seemed to think that I was easy to bully. They wanted to take my territory as their own. Naturally, I could not agree to that. However, since we were acquaintances, I did not make things difficult for them. I sent them out of my territory and lost contact with them.”Jiang Fei paused for a moment, then, he continued, “However, when I was fighting with the enemy, the Yuan family had already surrendered to my enemy. Therefore, they ambushed your disciples and caused some losses. However, with the help of my men, the elite disciples that you sent out finally won and all of them were annihilated.”

“I see…”Yue wuhen nodded. Although Jiang Fei’s words were short, he could roughly guess what had happened. Other than Jiang Fei’s subjective opinion, the Yuan family members were not willing to become Jiang Fei’s fighters, instead, they had submitted to others. Therefore, it was reasonable for them to fight against the disciples of the other three families.

It was common for the disciples of large families to go out to gain experience. It was common for them to fight against each other. This was common in the world of the five directions. Generally speaking, this was considered as an individual act. It would not cause a war between families, however, Yue wuhen noticed another meaning in Jiang Fei’s words and actions.

“This Yuan family is too outrageous. Since we have left the world of the five directions, we are fellow countrymen. How can we help outsiders fight against our own people?”Yue wuhen rolled his eyes and put on a righteous and indignant expression.

“Huh? !”Wang Shifang stared at Yue Wuheng for two seconds and then looked at Jiang Fei.

“Brother Shifang, what do you think?”Xiao Changyun asked.

“I think…”Wang Shifang said as he pondered. He began to weigh the pros and cons in his heart. As the head of a family, what he had to consider was definitely not the morality and etiquette, but the interests of the family.

“Changyun, this Yuan family is too much of a bully. I think we should talk about this properly,”Xiao Tingxu said from the side.

“Grandfather, what do you mean?”Xiao Changyun was stunned. As the head of the Xiao family, he was usually the one who made the decisions in the family matters. Although Xiao Tingxu was his grandfather, he rarely meddled in government affairs, but today, the old man actually spoke.

“Fight!”Xiao Tingxu’s eyes closed slightly, but his tone was completely unquestionable.

“Yes!”Since the old man spoke, Xiao Changyun naturally did not dare to disobey.

“Our Wang family will also join!”At this moment, the cunning Wang Shifang also nodded and said.

The situation was very clear. Jiang Fei was also punishing the Yuan family. Meanwhile, the Heart Moon sect had long wanted to expand their strength. However, they had always had no excuse. If they attacked other forces, it might cause a righteous group to retaliate, however, things were better now. Jiang Fei had provided them with the perfect excuse. The Yuan family had betrayed the world. This was no longer a fight between the good and evil. Instead, it was to eliminate the rebels. Therefore, it was justified for them to use force this time.

The Xiao family practiced water-type martial arts while the Yuan family practiced fire-type martial arts. Water and fire were incompatible. The two families were already at loggerheads. One of Xiao Tingxu’s sons had died at the hands of the Yuan family. Therefore, this was a rare opportunity, how could he not want to take revenge?

On the other hand, the Wang family’s thoughts were much simpler. Although they did not have any grudges with the Yuan family, everyone would push them down. If they were to stay out of it, they would only become estranged from the Xiao family and the moon goddess sect, moreover, those two forces were enough to destroy the weakest of the four families, the Yuan family. If the Wang family did not participate, they would not have a share in the spoils of war.

“Mr. Jiang, what do you think?”Yue wuhen looked at Jiang Fei.

“I am an outsider. I will not participate in the affairs of the five directions.”Jiang Fei waved his hand. His goal had been achieved. Since the three families were willing to contribute to the crusade against the Yuan family.., then, he would not share the spoils of war with them. After all, if he wanted the horses to run, he had to feed the horses.

There was always a faint sense of unease in his heart. Jiang Fei knew that something big was about to happen. Therefore, he would not allow any problems to arise within his own faction. Even though the Yuan family was not a threat to him.., however, their young elites had all died at the hands of Jiang Fei and the other three factions. It was difficult to guarantee that they would not betray him at the critical moment. Therefore, Jiang Fei had to cut off any future trouble in advance just in case.

The Xiao and Wang families and the Moon Goddess sect had formed an alliance. Jiang Fei did not have to worry about how they were going to attack the Yuan family. If the three forces joined forces, their strength could completely crush the Yuan family. Victory was only a matter of time.

Therefore, after giving a few more instructions to these people, Jiang Fei left the sacred mountain of Wuji and headed to the Valiant Martial Hall. It had been a long time since he last came. It was time for him to go back and visit his two masters and the disciple of the Saintess.

After traveling for a day, Jiang Fei arrived outside the Valiant Martial Hall. After activating his guardian token, two disciples on duty appeared from the teleportation door.

“HMM? ! May I know who you are?”The two disciples were stunned when they saw Jiang Fei. The Guardian token was real, but Jiang Fei and the others did not know him.

After all, Jiang Fei had left the five directions world for more than ten years. Moreover, he had not been staying in the Valiant Martial Hall for long. Therefore, it was normal for many of the new disciples not to know him.

“My name is Jiang Fei,”Jiang Fei introduced himself.

“Revered Jiang Fei!”The two disciples looked at each other. Although they did not know Jiang Fei, the legend of Jiang Fei had always been circulating in the Valiant Martial Hall.

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