The Almighty Ring

Chapter 1783 - ’s new appointment  

Chapter 1783: Chapter 1783’s new appointment

As there was no beacon left behind, neither Aurelia nor Jiang Fei knew the outcome of the plan. The reason why they did this was because they did not have much hope, it did not matter if they failed.

Therefore, Jiang Fei was not concerned about how the “Player”party would wail and how they would make up for their losses. At this moment, he was communicating with luster.

When Jiang Fei’s fifth mixed fleet had just arrived at the Fordley star system, Luste received a report. He immediately sent out a dedicated communication ship to establish a dedicated communication channel with Jiang Fei.

“General Luste, long time no see!”Jiang Fei smiled at Luste through the big screen.

“Yeah, you’re really elusive!”Luste sighed. He also knew that Jiang Fei had learned from the Great Bandit Tirion. Therefore, he thought that Jiang Fei had gone to someone’s treasure house during this period of time.

“Hehe, not at all, general Lu site. I’m afraid that’s not why you’re in such a hurry to see me, right?”Jiang Fei asked with a smile.

“Yes! That’s right. I’ve recently received some information. Those guys that you mentioned have suddenly become very aggressive. Moreover, their combat power has increased very quickly!”Lu site said.

During the time that Jiang Fei had been away, the various major forces in the universe had tried their best to contact the “Players”who were hiding in the light membrane. However, the effect was not very good. Of course.., perhaps someone had established a good relationship with the “Players”, but they did not tell anyone about it.

Looking at the situation outside, many forces had some friction with the “Players”. Small-scale battles were even more frequent. However, as the battle escalated, Lu site and the others realized that.., these mysterious guys were too strange. At first, they were driving very old spaceships. The battle was almost one-sided. However, after defeating them, there were not many corpses found in the wreckage.

What did this mean? This meant that although these mysterious fellows’combat strength was not good, their integration was very high, and they could actually pilot a single ship!

Then, gradually, the various factions discovered that these outsiders’spaceships had changed. Although they were still weak, they were a little more powerful than the armed merchant ships from before. Originally, this was not much. Suddenly, one day, a fleet suddenly charged out from within the light membrane. That fleet’s strength was extremely powerful, and they actually forcefully destroyed a small fleet under the Vassali Legion!

Following the destruction of the small fleet, Luste and the others realized that the speed at which the Outsiders grew was too fast. With almost every battle, their fleet would grow larger and stronger, although these guys were still nothing to be afraid of now, the consequences would be terrifying as time went on.

People like Luste who held high positions usually had a long-term vision, so they quickly noticed the problem. However, because of the light membrane.., it was impossible for them to nip these outsiders in the bud.

With that, people in high positions like Luste began to advocate withdrawing their troops. Since they could not destroy the other party and knew that the other party was using war to support the war, the best way was not to fight them, they did not give them the chance to grow stronger.

Of course, other than people like Luste, there were also people who wanted to fight. They felt that as long as these outsiders came out of the light membrane, they would be wiped out. Then, the other party would not be able to recover the resources, so they could kill them at the source.

There were also a small number of people who were determined to communicate peacefully with the other party. Although there were not many of them, there were still some of them.

“I have already heard this information from Aurelia. Sir, what do you want me to do?”Jiang Fei asked.

“Although I suggest to avoid fighting, that is because I do not want the enemy to fight to maintain the war. However, that would be no different from a slow suicide. Therefore, I want to build a powerful fleet to specifically kill those outsiders!”Luste said.

“Sir, you think the same as me!”Jiang Fei nodded. He actually thought the same. Those random fleets would only allow the “Players”to gain experience points. It was better to stay away from them.

“That would be for the best. Since you also think so, I hope that you can be the commander of this fleet!”Lu site said.

“Me? Why Me?”Jiang Fei was stunned. An elite fleet like this could only be controlled by the direct descendants of the Merchant Alliance. Jiang Fei had only joined the Merchant Alliance for a few days. How could they hand over such a fleet to him?

“Hehe, I made this decision based on many factors.”Lu site sighed. The Merchant Alliance was actually very competitive for the position of fleet commander, those rich young masters all wanted to get the position.

However, could those people fight? They just wanted to be gilded. Therefore, Luste and the other smart upper echelons firmly disagreed. However, the various parties could not agree on who should lead the fleet.

At this time, Jiang Fei’s sudden return made Luste’s eyes light up. Jiang Fei did not know much about ability. However, Aurelia’s name was not to be underestimated. This genius commander had recently beaten her teacher until she surrendered, therefore, there was no doubt about his strength.

If there was no problem with his strength, then let’s talk about his identity. Although Tirion’s public identity was a little stinky, the reputation of a great thief was what businessmen feared the most. Therefore, his disciples were able to control the situation, after all, although these rich young masters did not get the position of commander, most of them had become captains. Without a strong commander, it was not easy to suppress them.

When Luste explained these reasons to Jiang Fei, Jiang Fei really felt that no one else was more suitable to be the commander.

In the merchant alliance, everyone had dealings with each other because they were doing business. Their relationships were complicated. It was impossible to find someone who everyone was convinced of, especially these rich young masters, everyone had similar family backgrounds and abilities. No one respected anyone.

Only Jiang Fei was a hothead. He was not familiar with anyone and he did not give anyone face. Most importantly, this guy had a master that he could not afford to offend. Almost all the big businessmen had to give him face. This way.., he was the most suitable person to be in charge of this new fleet.

Actually, there was another reason why Luste made this decision in the end. The survival rate of Jiang Fei’s fleet was too high. Even a small ship would not lose much, this was also the reason why he dared to hand over the second-generation young masters to Jiang Fei.

“Alright! I’ll take the job!”Jiang Fei did not decline at all.

“Yes! Your appointment letter will be issued soon!”Luste immediately nodded.

“Wait! I still have conditions!”Jiang Fei waved his hand. The reason why he agreed so quickly was because he had a purpose. Otherwise, with his strength, he would not have had to follow the Merchant Alliance!

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