The Almighty Ring

Chapter 1572 - Keha’s journey    

Chapter 1572: Chapter 1572: Keha’s journey


“Let’s go in.”Jiang Fei nodded at the girls beside him. Then, he was the first to walk through the stone door.

The moment he walked through the stone door, Jiang Fei felt as if he was surrounded by a powerful energy turbulence. In the next moment, the scene in front of him instantly changed.

At that moment, what appeared in front of Jiang Fei was no longer the primitive earth-like planet that was filled with green trees and the sea. Instead, it was a sci-fi city filled with tall buildings!

After a few white lights, Bella and the other girls were teleported over one after another.

“It seems like this is a one-way teleportation formation. We have to complete the quest before we can get the way back,”Nina analyzed.

“Okay!”Jiang Fei looked around. Behind them was a dead end. Moreover, there was no way back.

“Let’s understand the situation here first.”Bella took a deep breath and said. Previously, Jiang Fei had received very little information from Vinylon. They did not even know the number of players who had arrived here, they did not know their specific abilities, nor did they know what kind of quest the players were going to complete.

As for where the quest rewards were hidden, Jiang Fei and the others had no way of knowing.

“This is too unfair. We don’t know anything. How are we going to destroy the ‘player’s’Quest?”Sylvie complained.

“It’s not like we don’t have anything. At least we have this!”Jiang Fei laughed as he took out his identification device.

“Beep Beep Beep…”as soon as the pocket watch-shaped identification device was taken out, Jiang Fei and the rest immediately heard a faint alarm sound.

“This is…”Jiang Fei quickly opened the cover of the watch to check. As expected, three small red dots appeared about ten kilometers ahead of Jiang Fei and the others.

“Follow them!”Jiang Fei saw that the small red dots were moving quickly. Judging from the way they were moving, they would soon be out of the detection area of the identification device. Therefore, he did not dare to delay any longer, he immediately led the girls and ran in the direction of the “Players”.

Jiang Fei and the others were extremely fast. However, the three little red dots were not slow either. Although they were only about ten kilometers away from each other, Jiang Fei and the others had been tracking them for nearly five hours, only then did they catch up to the other party’s footsteps.

After discovering the other party’s tracks from afar, Jiang Fei did not dare to get too close. He did not want to alert the enemy so early.

After following the three “Players”, Jiang Fei and the rest continued forward. After about three hours, the players stopped and entered a large manor.

“Captain, stop chasing! There are surveillance cameras ahead. If you continue to chase, you will be exposed!”Just as Jiang Fei and the rest were about to enter the manor, 0541 stopped them.

“What are these guys doing here?”Jiang Fei raised his eyebrows and took out his identification device again. From the identification device, Jiang Fei found that in this manor, other than the three red dots that they had been following previously, there were two more red dots, there were two more red dots.

“There are a total of five ‘players’…”Jiang Fei muttered to himself.

“The distance is too far. There is no way to detect their combat strength…”Salila said with some disappointment.

“HMM, we have to think of a way to enter this manor. Only when we enter the manor will we be able to find out the purpose of these ‘players’. At the same time, we can also figure out the strength of the other party,”said Bella as she nodded.

“Don’t act rashly. Vinylon has told us before that it’s best not to fight with ‘players’, especially not to kill ‘players’randomly!”Jiang Fei reminded her.

“Sigh! This is so annoying! This kind of quest without any information is the most annoying!”Sylvie said impatiently.

“Alright, everyone, let’s split up and find out more information about this manor. We will meet up here in two hours!”Finally, Jiang Fei made a decision. He needed to find out more information about this manor first, only then could he decide whether or not to sneak into the manor tonight.

Very soon, the girls set off in groups of three and two. Jiang Fei brought along Bella and Sylvie, the two troublemakers, to prevent them from causing any trouble.

Not far from the manor, there was a small village. On the other side of the manor was a city. Jiang Fei gave the task of going to the village to find out more information to Nina and the others while he brought a few other groups of people to the city.

This was a large modern city. To Earth, it could even be called a science fiction!

The city was filled with hover cars. Occasionally, there were super tall buildings that connected directly to the galaxy. Above them, there was a starport that was connected to the kneeling space.

“Husband, do you think that Vinylon will be here too?”Bella guessed.

“I don’t think so. That Kid said that this dungeon is specially opened for ‘players’temporarily. It does not belong to our universe at all. It is an additional reward level. Therefore, he does not have the authority to enter this place,”Jiang Fei said as he shook his head, he could not get Vinylon’s help here. He could only rely on his own strength to obtain information.

“That’s troublesome. We are unfamiliar with this place. We don’t even know how to communicate with the natives here,”said Sylvie with a sigh.

“Let’s not bother about it for now. There is a place that looks like a bar up ahead. Let’s go in and take a look. We might be able to find something unexpected!”Said Jiang Fei as he pointed at a brightly lit building in front of him.

Regardless of whether it was an ancient pub or a modern pub, once there was alcohol in a place, there would most likely be a mix of good and bad people. Moreover, after a few drinks, people would often tell the truth after drinking. There were many things that would be kept strictly confidential during normal times, after drinking, they would also show off. Therefore, this place was often a good place to obtain information. In fact, there were people like Jiang Fei who did not know where to start. It was definitely the best choice to come to the bar to try their luck.

After entering the bar, Jiang Fei realized that although he had never seen the currency here, the advanced civilization’s psionic crystal was still a hard currency here!

With money, everything would be easy. Not only did Jiang Fei and the others easily sneak into the bar, but they also chatted enthusiastically with the bartender.

Bartenders were usually good conversationalists. Moreover, if the customers in front of them were generous and did not mind tipping, they were even more friendly and could chat with you for a few days.

“You don’t look like locals, do you?”The bartenders chatted with Jiang Fei and the others. As they were advanced civilizations that had entered the interstellar era, although the bartenders’appearance was different from that of Jiang Fei and the others, he did not find it strange.

“Yes, our spaceship has just arrived here,”Jiang Fei said casually.

“Hehe, then you have come to the right place. This is definitely the best bar in the entire planet Keha. Here, as long as you can afford it, there is nothing that you can not get!”The bar said proudly to its own bar.

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