The Almighty Ring

Chapter 1551 - time acceleration  

Chapter 1551: Chapter 1551, time acceleration

“HMPH!”! The motive was not simple. It must be that you guys wanted to take the opportunity to get close to his majesty. Obviously, Mengsk was not willing to step down. He wanted to borrow your hands to regain his majesty’s favor,”said Torian as he looked at Jiang Fei from the corner of his eyes.

“Hehe, for his majesty’s sake, I’ll spare your dog life today. Otherwise, based on your attitude when you talk to me, I’ll smack you to death on the spot!”Jiang Fei laughed coldly. At that moment, what kind of strength did Jiang Fei have? Even the strongest powerhouse on this planet would not dare to speak to him like that, let alone a level 2 or 3 scum like Torian.

“You…”Torian was so angry that his entire body was trembling. He wanted to say something else, but he suddenly felt a pressure that was as heavy as a mountain from Jiang Fei’s body. It was only at this moment that Torian remembered, the person standing in front of him was not an ordinary person. He was a level 5 super powerhouse. Even the Tsar had to show some respect to them. At this moment, his attitude could easily lead to his own death!

Torian was so frightened by Jiang Fei that he did not dare to say anything more. Jiang Fei glanced at the Tsar Nicholas and slowly said, “Since his majesty suspects that we have ulterior motives, it’s fine if we don’t go to the palace.”

Then, Jiang Fei looked up at the sky, then, he continued, “Your Majesty, it’s fate that we met today. I originally planned to help you get rid of the disaster and forget about this fate. However, since you don’t trust me, it’s fine. I will come back to Sarcuras in a month’s time. When that time comes, I will personally cross over the souls of the dead for you.”After saying that, Jiang Fei turned around and was about to leave.

“Wait! Master Jiang Fei, what do you mean by that?”Nikolay was so scared that he broke out in cold sweat. He thought that Jiang Fei was planning to take his life in a month.

“You are already beyond cure. You will definitely die within a month. When that time comes, I will help you cross over the souls of the dead. That is all. There is no need to thank me.”Jiang Fei waved his hand and left with the girls.

“Hold on… Sir Jiang Fei, I have already regained my youth. How can I say that I am beyond cure?”Nikola was anxious. How could an emperor not be afraid of death?

“Your Majesty, you are not young anymore. You should understand that there is a limit to life!”Jiang Fei sighed and said.

“That is indeed the case. However, a few days ago, I took the divine medicine that a few friends sent me. I am now in the prime of my life. How can I only have one month to live?”Nikola asked.

“Hehe, Your Majesty, I’m afraid that you have fallen for it.”Jiang Fei smiled faintly. Then, he did not explain further and walked into the distance.

“Wait! Sir Jiang Fei, please speak clearly!”Nicholas ran to Jiang Fei in a few steps, because Jiang Fei had saved his life, Nicholas had always had a good impression of Jiang Fei. Although Rodermo and Torian had said that Jiang Fei had saved him by design, when he heard Jiang Fei’s words now.., he could not help but chase after Jiang Fei.

“Your Majesty, what you have consumed is just a low-grade potion that overdraws your lifespan to stimulate your vitality. At this time, your lifespan has been depleted by more than half. I’m afraid that you won’t be able to live for long!”Jiang Fei said as he looked at the Tsar Nicholas with pity.

“Nonsense! You Naughty people, all of you are talking nonsense here!”At this time, the “Players”could not sit still anymore, jiang Fei had already revealed their true colors. If they did not stop him, once the Tsar turned against them, the number of people they had would be gone.

“That’s right! Men, take down these hoodlums!”When the “Players”came forward, torian instantly had confidence because he knew that these mysterious guys also had level 5 strength. Moreover, their numbers were not less than Jiang Fei’s. With these people coming forward, the other party would not be able to use their strength to suppress him.

“What? Are you angry because I have exposed your conspiracy?”Jiang Fei laughed coldly.

“HMPH! Who Are You? Are you trying to cause trouble for us?”The leader of the “Players”said with a gloomy face.

“Hehe! If the road is not fair, someone will take care of it. If the matter is not fair, someone will take care of it. Since you have done such a wicked thing, you must be prepared to expose yourself,”Jiang Fei said righteously.

“What? Do you want to fight?”The leader of the players looked very gloomy, although he had said it quite harshly, he really did not want to fight. Because they had participated in this dungeon quest, their individual strength had been temporarily adjusted to around 11,000. Although they were already at the top of this primitive planet.., however, compared to the local experts here, there was no absolute suppression. Once they started fighting, he was not confident that they would win. If they lost, their image in front of the Tsar would be ruined, when that happened, it would be difficult to deal with the population.

“Interesting? If you want to get beaten up, I’m happy to play along.”Jiang Fei smiled, he was just like these players. They were all bluffing. Although he could easily crush these players, in this quest, Vinylon had specifically instructed that it was best not to fight with “Players”directly, this was to avoid attracting the attention of the “Development team”.

“Everyone, please wait! Please wait! For my sake, please don’t fight!”Seeing that Jiang Fei and the “Players”were about to start fighting.., tsar Nicholas quickly smoothed things over. At the same time, Jiang Fei and the “Players”were also relieved.

“Mr. Jiang Fei, it’s not that I don’t trust you, but what you said is too unbelievable. Do you have any way to prove it?”In fact, Tsar Nicholas had already begun to believe in Jiang Fei, however, these people who called themselves “Wandering vagabonds”were also very powerful, so it was not easy for him to choose.

“That’s Easy! Sylvie, come and help his majesty experience it.”Jiang Fei turned around and called Sylvie over.

“Okay!”Sylvie nodded and then came in front of the Tsar Nicholas.

“Your Majesty, don’t be afraid later!”Sylvie smiled playfully at the Tsar.

“What are you going to do?”Nicholas was a little confused by Sylvie’s smile.

“Your Majesty, you’ll know it when you see it!”Jiang Fei smiled.

When he arrived in front of the Tsar Nicholas, Sylvie pointed with his finger and shouted, “Time! Speed Up!”

Then, the Tsar Nicholas’body began to age at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just an instant, he had already aged beyond recognition. From the looks of it, he could die at any moment.

Because Sylvie had fused with the time core, although it was only the initial stage of fusion, he could only accelerate or decelerate the time of the enemy in battle. Most of the time, he would use this ability on himself, however, Tsar Nicholas did not even have the strength of a level five, so Sylvie did not have much trouble using this ability on his entire body.

“Your Majesty, my ability is time acceleration. Take a look at your watch. How much time has passed?”Sylvie asked with a smile.

“How is that possible? !”Tsar Nikolai was stunned, that was because his watch showed that more than 20 days had passed in the blink of an eye. Moreover, based on his current situation, his body would not be able to last for more than a month!

Needless to say, Jiang Fei was not lying! He had been deceived by those guys!

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