The Almighty Ring

Chapter 1525 - Adams’decision    

Chapter 1525: Chapter 1525 Adams’decision


“What? Teacher surrendered?”Aurelia was also surprised when she received the surrender message. She never thought that her teacher would surrender voluntarily. She had tried so hard to capture Adams’flagship.

“Could it be a trick?”Aurelia immediately thought of this. In her heart, Adams was not a coward, so she could not understand why Adams surrendered so quickly.

“I don’t know, but sister, they have already shut down the weapon system and radar!”Larks said. At this time, Adams had already ordered the fleet to shut down the weapon system.

“Did they really surrender?”Aurelia still did not quite believe it. She then ordered, “Connect me to the enemy flagship. I want to ask in person. Could it be that teacher has been kidnapped?”

Aurelia did not believe that Adams would surrender. She subconsciously thought that Adams was being held hostage by the adjutant. The Adjutant had given the order on his behalf.

“Okay, Sister.”Lux immediately carried out Aurelia’s order. Soon, the communication was completed.

“Aurelia, Congratulations. You have completed your training.”Adams smiled and appeared on the big screen.

“Teacher, was it really you who gave the order to surrender?”Aurelia asked.

“Yes, there’s no need to continue fighting in this battle. I’ve lost, Child, your performance was too perfect.”Adams nodded.

“This has nothing to do with my command. The main thing is that this ship is too powerful. If it was your flagship, I’m afraid the entire universe would have been conquered by the Empire!”Aurelia saw the desolate expression on his teacher’s face, aurelia’s heart was filled with endless melancholy.

“Aurelia, I know that the Empire has let you down, but that is your country after all. Aren’t you going to consider bringing this ship home?”Adams asked excitedly.

“Teacher, I’m sorry, the Audra Empire is my country, but I’ve sacrificed enough for her, but what have I gained? “I can’t even make decisions about my own marriage and future. In the end, I’m just a commodity and plaything in the hands of others!”Speaking of motherland.., aurelia felt infinitely wronged in her heart.

“I’m sorry, child…”facing Aurelia who was covered in tears, Adams was also speechless. Although the education of the Audra Empire had always advocated that citizens should give up their small families for everyone and put the interests of their motherland first.., however, human beings were forged from flesh and blood. She was not a machine without emotions. She would always let a person give and never receive anything in return. At first, she could persevere, but after a long time, the human heart would turn cold.

“Teacher, are you really going to surrender?”Aurelia collected her emotions and asked in a serious manner.

“Yes, I don’t care about my old bones, but there are too many people in the fleet. I can’t drag millions of people to die with me…”Adams sighed. His reason made Aurelia unable to refute.

Indeed, the fleet in reality was not like the “Players”in gamma space. In reality, every ship needed a large number of crew members to operate. A cruiser could easily have hundreds of thousands of crew members, a fleet of millions of soldiers was even more ordinary.

At this time, Adams’fleet had no chance of winning. Rather than watching the ship being destroyed and the soldiers dying in space, surrendering now might really be the best choice.

“Alright, teacher, I accept your surrender. But after I stop attacking, please order your fleet to turn off the shields and power furnaces and stand by. I will ask the tugboat to bring you back to the spaceport!”Aurelia said.

“No Problem!”Adams agreed immediately.

But faced with Adams’straightforward answer, Aurelia’s heart was even more confused. Because if the warship turned off the shields, it was equivalent to completely giving up on defense, and turning off the power furnace was equivalent to giving up everything!

The shield could be turned on again after it was turned off, but if the power furnace was turned off, it would need to be warmed up. And this process took a long time. Before the power furnace was restarted, the entire ship could not do anything, and the shield could not be turned on.., the engine could not be turned on, and the weapons could not be used.

Turning off the power furnace was equivalent to putting his life in the hands of the other party. Adams actually agreed to such a condition. Could it be that he was really determined to surrender?

“Sister, should we stop the attack?”Lux asked.

“Yes! Order the fleet to stop the Attack!”Aurelia nodded, if Adams really surrendered, she would naturally be overjoyed. Although the Audra Empire had let her down, Aurelia could not bear to let millions of her motherland’s soldiers die in her hands.

Soon, under the orders of Aurelia, the drones of the Aurora and the Fifth Fleet stopped attacking. Adams kept his word. His fleet also turned off their shields and turned off their power furnaces.

“They really turned off the power furnaces!”Lux was shocked.

“Teacher… he has changed…”Aurelia muttered to himself. Adams was once a famous iron-blooded commander. His fleet had never retreated. Now, for the lives of his subordinates.., making the fleet surrender was something Aurelia could never have imagined before.

“Sir Marshal, are we really surrendering?”

“Sir! Let’s fight it out with them!”

“That’s right. Rather than letting others take advantage of us, we might as well fight to the death!”

“Fight my ass! Fight to the death with them? We can’t even touch their hair!”

“You Coward!”

“Bullsh * t, I’m a wise man who knows how to adapt to the situation. If you want to die, don’t drag me along!”

At this time, Adams’fleet was also constantly quarreling.

“Okay, everyone stop quarreling!”Adams stopped the quarrel among the captains in the fleet channel.

“Sir! We can still fight!”Some captains were still unwilling to accept it.

“Turn around and look around. If you are willing to fight, are your subordinates also willing to fight? What is the situation now? Even if we all die in battle, it is impossible to destroy even a single frigate of the enemy. What is the point of sending ourselves to our deaths at this time?”Adams was in great pain as he spoke, how could he not want to fight to the death with the enemy?

As the Grand Marshal of the Empire, no one had ever surrendered to the enemy. He, Adams, was the first grand marshal to surrender in the history of the Audra Empire. This was an indelible humiliation, this was an eternal humiliation that would be recorded in the annals of history!

However, for the sake of the Audra Empire, Adams knew that he had to accept this humiliation. He could only truly surrender. He even did not hesitate to kill his comrades and attack his own country, only in this way could he gain the trust of his enemies. Only in this way, he would have the opportunity to come into contact with the super battleship!

Only in this way, Adams would have the opportunity to obtain the blueprints of the super battleship. When the time came, he would hand the blueprints over to the Audra Empire and use his death to console his compatriots who had died in his hands.

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