The Abandoned Husband Dominates

Chapter 853 - The Mantis Stalks The Cicada, Unaware Of The Oriole Behind!  

Chapter 853: The Mantis Stalks The Cicada, Unaware Of The Oriole Behind!

Lota was very jealous of Jordan’s relationship with Geng Anli.

Why could Geng Anli have Jordan but not Lota?

Lota was clearly younger and loved Jordan more.

When they were on the plane just now, Lota had asked Jordan this question. Jordan told her that he wasn’t the one who initiated it at all.

It was Shaun’s doing when he possessed Jordan.

When Lota heard this, her first thought was not to blame Shaun. Instead, she was thinking about why Shaun didn’t choose to seduce her?

Geng Anli knew that Lota liked Jordan. She smiled.

“Lota, don’t worry. I won’t harass your man again.”




At this moment, several new artillery shells were suddenly fired into the sky in all directions.

After these were launched into the sky, they would form a terrifying weather weapon!

“Oh no, Rong Bailun has launched his weather weapon. Everyone, get on the plane and get out of here!” Jordan shouted.

Everyone knew that the Rong family’s weather weapon was no small matter. No one dared to stand there anymore. They all returned to the plane.

“Jamie, get on the plane!”

Jordan urged Jamie before he left.

Jamie waved his hand. “Got it! Hehe, we’ll call it a day.”

Although Jamie’s laser cannons did not hit Rong Bailun, he felt very satisfied to be able to blast to his heart’s content here. He just loved the feeling of participating in a battle.

Seeing that the situation was not good, he hurriedly boarded the plane and prepared to escape.

After boarding the plane, Jordan quickly started a video chat with Geng Anli and Jamie.

Jordan suggested, “I can’t predict too far ahead for the time being. I suggest that everyone move in the same direction. It’s best for us to fly side by side or one after another. This way, we can take care of each other.”

Geng Anli said, “Why don’t we fly west again? Follow me to Suzhou. That’s my base.”

Jordan said, “No, Suzhou is too close to here. The Rong family’s weather weapon will definitely affect that area.”

Hearing this, Geng Anli continued, “Then let’s go to Hainan Island. I have a base camp there, too, with all kinds of defense systems for intercepting missiles.”

Jordan nodded. “Alright, let’s head there now!”

With that, Jordan and the others headed to Hainan Island at full speed.

“F*ck, why is there another plane following me?!”

Jamie suddenly noticed that there was another plane behind them.

Geng Anli looked around and said, “It’s Dieter. It looks like he’s prepared to follow us and escape with us.”

Jamie sneered. “That coward. But now that he has made the right decision to stand on our side.”

Dieter had no choice. He knew that Rong Bailun was enraged now and might kill him at any moment. Therefore, he could only choose to follow the Geng family.

However, less than five minutes into their flight, the weather suddenly took an ominous front.



The sky turned dark, and it started to rain heavily.

If it was just rain and clouds, it wouldn’t stop them from flying. However, a powerful tornado appeared out of thin air!



The tornado resulted in heavy turbulence for all four planes!

Everyone in the planes kept bumping into each other.

Beep beep beep beep…

Alarms kept going off.

“Activate Bad Weather Flight Mode!”

“Activate Bad Weather Flight Mode!”

The planes of the secret families all had more powerful functions than ordinary planes. They could fly normally even in extreme weather.


However, at this moment, a bolt of lightning struck the Geng family’s plane.


Geng Anli screamed and fell to the ground. She cried out.

“Sh*t, my plane was struck by lightning. I’m worried that I won’t be able to make it to Hainan Island. You guys go first!”


Another bolt of lightning struck Jamie’s plane.

“F*ck! I was struck by lightning too! The quality of my plane is not as good. There is smoke coming out of the tail. Jordan, I think I’d better board your plane.”


As he spoke, another bolt of lightning struck from the sky.

However, Jordan’s plane was not hit.

Jamie felt that it was very unfair. “F*ck, why did lightning hit my plane and Madam Geng’s, but not yours? Is it because you’re handsome?”

Jordan snorted coldly. He said confidently, “I’m a Deity! Would lightning dare to strike me?!”

Deities were chosen by the heavens. Lightning also descended from the heavens. They were all from the same side!

Why would you hit someone from the same side?

“You are a what?”

Jamie still didn’t know that Jordan was a Deity.


Before he could finish speaking, another bolt of lightning struck Jordan’s plane.

Jamie laughed. “Haha, Jordan, stop bragging. The heavens also don’t like you.”

Jordan felt embarrassed. The heavens had really made a fool out of him!

“Everyone, stop flying. Land nearby,” Jordan ordered.

If they continued to fly under such circumstances, their planes would be destroyed by lightning sooner or later.

Therefore, the four planes were all forced to land near a forest.

Meanwhile, in the western China secret base.

Acid rain was falling from the sky. Rong Bailun and his subordinates wore special raincoats to prevent their bodies from being corroded.

Ban Luming walked over and reported. “Master Rong, The planes of the Gengs and the others have all landed near the Tianshan Xueling Spruce Forest. It looks like they plan to hide there.”

Rong Bailun said fiercely, “Alright, send all our men to the Tianshan Xueling Spruce Forest. Kill everyone, including Geng Anli. Leave no one alive!”

Ban Luming hesitated for a moment. “Do we really have to do that? The heads of the Geng, Schmid and Haus families, as well as the two descendants of the Steele family, are all there! If we kill them, the eight secret families will no longer exist. Will there be that so-called curse that you were worried about?”

Rong Bailun waved his hand. “What nonsense curse! There is only one true curse of the eight great families, and that is that no one from a secret family will live beyond 80 years old! There’s no need to keep the eight great families intact!

“Didn’t Jordan kill Park Sang-jun and Miyamoto Chujiro previously? Do as I say. I will spare one descendant from each of those families. I won’t kill them all.”

Ban Luming quickly replied, “Yes, sir!”

With that, Ban Luming led everyone to the forest.

Ten minutes after Ban Luming left, a nearby figure suddenly moved.

‘Hehe, Rong Bailun, all your subordinates seem to have left. They all went to kill Jordan, Geng Anli and the others, right? Hehe, there’s no one left to protect you but your strongest enemy is still here. What can you do now?’

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