The Abandoned Husband Dominates

Chapter 1060

Chapter 1060: Randall Is Not Dead!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The moment he heard this voice, Jordan felt a long-lost sense of familiarity, stimulating his entire body!

He had definitely heard this voice before, many, many times!

In the car.

Yumi reported, “Chief, I have something to report to you. Jordan isn’t dead. Sora and I saw him just now. He’s fine and not injured. However, Lauren doesn’t seem to be with him.”

The Chief on the other end of the line was very calm as if he was not surprised by this piece of news.


“Got it.”

Yumi asked, “Okay well, Chief, where should Sora and I go now?”

The Chief said, “Come to Mount Denali. Shaun has already led his troops to attack this place. Soon, he will find our secret. We will have a big battle with him.”

“Yes, Chief!”

The Chief continued, “Yes, don’t forget to change your clothes.”

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

After ending the call, Yumi started the automatic driving mode. Thereafter, she and Park Sora took off their clothes and threw them out of the car. If other men saw this erotic scene in the car, they would probably have a nosebleed.

They were doing this as they were worried that someone would place some high-tech and undetectable listening device on their clothes.

This organization was more cautious. Every time they came into contact with outsiders, they had to change their clothes before setting off for another location.

Otherwise, outsiders could easily follow them.

After Yumi and Park Sora changed their clothes, the signal on Jordan’s side cut off.

Even so, Jordan did not show any reaction.

He was completely stunned.

He had heard the voice of the Chief.

If this was his real voice, Jordan would cry tears of joy.

In fact, he had already done so.

“Uncle… it’s Uncle!”

Jordan couldn’t believe it. He was about to cry!

At 9 PM, in a luxurious house somewhere in North America.

Victoria and the mysterious man who had saved her were in a room there.

The decor of the room was very stylish. This particular area was relatively poor, so it was really surprising to see such a luxurious and stylish place here. The room was filled with a pleasant fragrance. All the furniture was spotless.

When she first arrived, Victoria even worried that her clothes and shoes would dirty the place. She washed them in the courtyard before entering.

Now, Victoria was barefooted as she stepped on the comfortable wooden floor. Wearing black silk, she walked slowly towards the mysterious man with elegance and sexiness.

Victoria couldn’t tell the mysterious man’s true age. His body was different from ordinary people. He could jump down from more than 10 stories with ease, so it wouldn’t be surprising if he had undergone youth-enhancing procedures.

He looked to be in his 30s, not old at all, but he had the composure of a middle-aged man.

However, Victoria was a CEO and had met countless men. Although this man was handsome and did not look old, his real age was definitely above 40.

Victoria knew very well the difference between a 30-year-old man and a 40-year-old man. Their posture and the way they spoke were completely different.

After spending a few hours together, Victoria was certain that he was not young.

Victoria walked forward and asked, “Sir, thank you for saving me today. May I know your name?”

The mysterious man did not answer. Instead, he continued his task. He was preparing some flowers and a place to hang a photo.

“What are you doing?” Victoria asked again.

The mysterious man said, “Your husband is dead. I’m making an altar for him.”

Victoria was both touched and sad. Tears welled up in her eyes. “Jordan is really dead?”

The mysterious man said, “I have known Shaun for decades and understand him very well. If he said that Jordan is dead, then Jordan is really dead. Shaun has always been careful with his words. If Jordan wasn’t dead, he wouldn’t dare to say such things, much less mess with Jordan’s woman.

“Victoria, accept the truth. My condolences.”

“How can this be…”

Victoria sobbed. She wanted to hug her head and cry. She wanted to cry here for a few hours.

However, seeing that the man who had saved her was here and paying his respects to her late husband, it didn’t seem right for her to sit on the ground and cry.

Victoria had always been a woman with a strong heart. She could suppress her sadness for the time being.

Wiping her tears, Victoria said, “Thank you. Thank you for being willing to do this for my husband. Do you need a photo? I have his photos on my phone. What’s your number? I’ll send it to you. Then, you can help print it out.”

However, before Victoria could send him a photo, this man took out a photo of Jordan.

It was a high-definition and artistic photo in black and white.

When Victoria saw it, she was shocked. She immediately snatched the photo over and asked, “Why do you have my husband’s photo? I don’t think I have this photo… Who are you?! What’s your relationship with my husband?!”

Victoria realized that this man might know Jordan.

The man said indifferently, “I’m Jordan’s uncle. Of course I have his photo.”

Victoria covered her mouth in surprise.

“What? You’re Jordan’s uncle? You’re Uncle Randall?”

Victoria knew that Jordan had an uncle called Randall Steele. But she heard that he had been dead for many years. Only now did she know that Randall wasn’t dead at all!

No wonder Victoria felt that this man looked a little similar to members of the Steele family when she saw him.

He exuded the aura of a noble upper-class man!

Randall looked at Victoria and nodded. “I’m sorry, Victoria. You’re the wife of my beloved nephew, but I didn’t let you know about me until today.”


In her excitement, Victoria threw herself into Randall’s arms and cried.

It turned out that the person who had sacrificed himself to save her was not an outsider, but her husband’s uncle!

Unfortunately, Jordan was already dead. He couldn’t see his uncle alive and well with his own eyes!

When Victoria thought of this, she became even sadder.

Randall patted Victoria’s shoulder. “Child, don’t be sad. Jordan has already left, but you’re the daughter-in-law of our Steele family. In the future, I’ll take care of you on his behalf. Don’t worry, with me around, no one will dare to bully you.”

“Uncle Randall…”

Victoria looked at Randall with tears in her eyes. Weighed down by the immense pain in her heart, she finally felt a sliver of comfort!

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