The Abandoned Husband Dominates

Chapter 1014 - Witness Your Love!

The last time he traveled back in time, Jordan had disguised himself as the handsome Irishman “William” who had a crush on Victoria. He got close to her and gained her trust.

This time, Jordan met Victoria once again as “William”.

To Jordan, it had not been that long ago, but to Victoria, it had been a year.

She had not seen “William” for a long time. She had not even managed to reach him by phone.

Jordan looked at Victoria. “Victoria, let’s talk in the car.”

Victoria had a good impression of William and trusted him. She even mistook him for her father and slept beside him for the entire night.

Often, when such an intimate incident happened between a man and woman, the woman would trust the man even if he wasn’t her boyfriend.

Hence, Victoria willingly sat in the front passenger seat of Jordan’s car.

Jordan did not want to remain near the wedding venue. After all, his other self was inside. He quickly drove away.

As he drove, Jordan asked Victoria with concern, “Are you alright? You look like you’ve been crying.”

Of course, Victoria was very sad. The man she loved was getting married to another woman. How could she not cry?

Victoria’s eyes were a little moist. Like a little girl, she said sadly, “William, Jordan is getting married and I’m not the bride…”

Victoria started sobbing.

Jordan’s heart ached. Jordan had also been very upset when he received that wedding gift from Victoria. He had even cried in front of hundreds of guests.

However, Jordan could only comfort her as an outsider. “Victoria, don’t be too sad. Let’s find a place to sit and talk.”

Victoria held back her tears and nodded. She needed someone to talk to at this moment and William was the most suitable candidate.

Victoria had met William and Jordan for the first time on the very same day. Moreover, at that time, William had already predicted that Jordan and Victoria would be together. He even encouraged Victoria to chase after Jordan and implanted the idea that she would only be with him forever.

It could be said that William played a huge role in Victoria’s love for Jordan.

At this moment, the radio in the car happened to be playing a song called “Guest” that had become even more popular because of TikTok. This song happened to be about a person’s ex-lover getting married, while he attended the wedding as a guest.

[Thank you for your special invitation to witness your love.]

[I keep reminding myself not to run away.]

[You looked exceptionally beautiful today. This beauty was in my arms before.]

[Unfortunately, this is your wedding with him, and I’m just a guest.]

Victoria had wanted to hold back her sadness, but when she heard this song, especially the lyrics that completely suited her state of mind, she burst out crying.


The feelings overwhelmed her and she cried like a little girl.

Seeing this, Jordan cursed at the radio station. Of all the songs to play, why did it have to be this one?

Jordan hurriedly changed the channel.

[He will be your groom. From now on, he will be your companion for life.]

“Damn it, it’s ‘For You’!”

The song playing on the other radio channel was also about attending an ex’s wedding.

Jordan hurriedly switched channels again.

The radio host: “Hello, everyone. Next is the theme song of the television drama “The Miracle Doctor’s Happiness”. I believe those who have watched this television drama will definitely remember this song.”

The Miracle Doctor’s Happiness?

Jordan remembered that this television drama seemed to center around the medical industry. There was no problem with this song. It had nothing to do with love or marriage.

Jordan glanced at Victoria, who was in the front passenger seat, and her mood improved a little.

The host continued, “I’m very impressed by this song because of a scene in the movie. The lead actress got married but the groom was not her most beloved man. The saddest part was that her most beloved attended her wedding and got drunk. Wow, that feeling of unattainable love, and seeing his loved one wearing a wedding dress and being happy with someone else, while he suffers from intense pain. It feels like my heart is missing a piece…”


Victoria started crying again.

Jordan was exasperated. There was no way he could listen to this lousy radio anymore. Were they all in cahoots? Why were they all playing this type of song?!

Jordan wanted to mute the radio, but he was not familiar with the buttons of this car. He ended up increasing the volume instead.

In the end, he just couldn’t turn it off.

Seeing that Victoria was crying harder and harder, Jordan stopped the car and pulled her out. “Victoria, let’s change cars. I’ll steal another one.”

Victoria’s tears instantly stopped. “Steal another one?”

Victoria saw with her own eyes as Jordan “borrowed” another car. This time, it was a Mercedes-Benz S65 AMG which Jordan was familiar with. He could finally control the volume and not cause any trouble.

Jordan had already saved the capital twice. The first time was when he prevented the Geng family’s paper bombs from detonating in the capital. The second time was when Rong Bingshao released the poisonous gas and Jordan neutralized the effects with his weather weapon.

Going by the fact that he had saved the citizens of the capital so many times, Jordan felt quite entitled to the rows of cars parked along the streets. He had the right to use any of them.

Jordan brought Victoria to a five-star hotel in the suburbs of the capital.

“Sir, do you want to book a room?” The receptionist asked.

“Two rooms.”

Soon after, Jordan took the room cards and brought Victoria to her room. After entering the room, Victoria sat on the sofa in a daze.

Jordan poured a cup of water for her. She accepted it but then just held it in her hand in a daze.

As Jordan couldn’t pretend to know everything, he feigned ignorance and asked, “Victoria, weren’t you and Jordan together? Why did you break up?”

Victoria paused for a moment before replying, “Yes, we finally got together after many twists and turns. However, some time ago, Jordan’s second brother, Jamie, suddenly came to find me. He told me that Jordan will be hunted down by their eldest brother, and that their eldest brother is not a good person. He will definitely plot against Jordan for the sake of obtaining the position of the Steele family’s successor.

“By then, there will only be one person in the US who can save him, and that is Lauren’s grandfather. Jamie told me that if I didn’t leave Jordan, he would be killed by their eldest brother in the future. Therefore, I could only leave without even saying goodbye…”

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