Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 769 - Shocking Demands

Chapter 769 – Shocking Demands

Joanna’s face changed since she did not expect that Su Tao would refuse. Right now, he had placed all his focus on his medicine factory, and their intention to enter the international market was clear to compete with other countries’ Chinese medicine.

However, Su Tao had rejected her without any hesitation.

The reason why Su Tao had rejected the offer wasn’t because there wasn’t any temptation in Joanna’s offer, but since it’s a negotiation, he should get more benefits for himself.

Cooperating with Joanna might be a choice, but Su Tao still couldn’t get over the fact of what they did.

Although it might not be directly connected to Joanna, Su Tao still had to be cautious against them.

Since it’s a cooperation, then the other party should pay a great price.

“Firstly, I would like to thank you for looking into me, and at the same time, I’m also looking into Tosca Pharmaceutical Conglomerate as well as your competitors as well. I believe that Tosca Pharmaceutical Conglomerate isn’t the only one interested in my Chinese medicine factory, and I believe the other international conglomerates are also interested. Your offer is too superficial, and it’s not attractive at all.” Su Tao patiently replied.

When Joanna heard Su Tao’s words, she felt relieved. After all, Su Tao did not refuse the offer to cooperate outright, he just wanted more benefits.

Indeed, he’s a cunning fox.

However, it was also within Joanna’s expectations.

“What do you think about 500,000,000 EUROs?” Joanna suggested.

Upon hearing that, Su Tao was shocked since Tosca Pharmaceutical Conglomerate was truly generous. It was equivalent to ¥5,000,000,000, and if such a huge sum was invested into Hanzhou City, Du Ping would definitely go insane from the joy. At the same time, it’s also sufficient for Zhang Ping to rely on this achievement alone.

However, Su Tao would not be moved by money. Money was only a bunch of numbers to him. He’s not a professional investor, so it’s impossible for him to imagine how much profits it could bring.

“Since it’s cooperation, then I hope that you can be in me, while I can be in you.” Su Tao replied calmly as he dropped the bomb, “Aside from 500,000,000 EUROs, I also want shares in Tosca.”

When Joanna heard those words, her face slightly changed. She never expected that Su Tao’s ambition and appetite would be so huge.

If he wanted to get Tosca Pharmaceutical Conglomerate’s shares, it’s no longer a simple investment.

“Your request is a little too much!” Joanna said with a solemn expression. According to her authority in the conglomerate, she could take out that 500,000,000 EUROs, but a board member of the board was something that had to go through the discussion of the board members.

Tosca Pharmaceutical Conglomerate had many changes in their board members over the years, but there had never been a Chinese.

Is Su Tao trying to become Tosca Pharmaceutical Conglomerate’s first Chinese board member?

In the medicine industry, this was definitely a shocking matter.

However, Su Tao had spoken about it so casually.

Su Tao wasn’t in a hurry, so he patiently explained, “I believe we know how much China’s market means to your conglomerate. Not only does China have a huge population, but our investment in the medical industry will also exceed other countries once society stabilises. Furthermore, not only can Tosca Pharmaceutical Conglomerate get rid of all the previous negative news by cooperating with Three Flavour Medicine, it can also allow your stock to go back up.”

Due to the epidemic influence, several stocks under Tosca Pharmaceutical Conglomerate have been constantly falling, and the shrink was more than 500,000,000 EUROs.

Joanna had a meticulous mind. She wasn’t even bothered about the 500,000,000 EUROs, but as long as the stock price goes back up, the money she paid would be worth it.

Tosca Pharmaceutical Conglomerate was colossal, and at the same time, the profit would be shocking if Su Tao could obtain a certain share. Most importantly, as the stock price goes back up, he would also gain even more benefits.

“Your analysis makes sense.” Joanna had to look at Su Tao in a new light, but it wasn’t particularly shocking. If Su Tao was a complete idiot when it comes to business, how could he forge his TCM-related enterprises in just one year?

“The decision lies in your hands. As long as you agree to my request, I can toss aside all the past prejudice and cooperate with Tosca Pharmaceutical Conglomerate. After all, there are no eternal enemies in the world, but only eternal benefits. Then again, I believe you guys should kick out that organisation that created the virus for you guys, if you guys would like to display your sincerity in working with us.”

When Su Tao finished, he stood up and did not continue any further; he had to give the other party some time to consider.

After coming to the garden, Su Tao saw Silvia, who was currently enjoying her tea. Out of her curiosity, Silvia asked, “How’s Joanna?”

“I’m a divine physician, and Joanna has completely recovered after my treatment. You can ask her if you don’t believe me.” Su Tao turned around as he winked at Joanna.

“That’s right. Physician Su’s medical skills are truly shocking, and I’m fine now.” Joanna knew that she could only cooperate with Su Tao’s lie, but thinking about it again, Su Tao was also cooperating with her lie.

“That’s great!” Silvia was happy as she continued, “That means that we did not make a trip over in vain!”

“It’s not that smooth. Her condition will still relapse, so it will depend on whether Joanna is willing to take my suggestion.” Su Tao tactfully said.

“I will consider it seriously!” Joanna gave a deep glance towards Su Tao and continued, “It’s also getting late, so why don’t you guys stay behind today? I’ll bring you guys around Rome tomorrow.”

“It’s fine!” Silvia helplessly shrugged her shoulders and continued, “Physician Su came for his company’s product launch, and he has to rush back for preparation work.”

“What a pity!” Joanna gave a smile to Su Tao and asked, “Oh, can I have the time and location for your product launch? Who knows, I might attend it.”

“Sure!” Su Tao took out a Chinese-styled invitation from his medical box and handed it over to Joanna.

After he came out with Silvia and boarded the vehicle, they started their journey back to Milan.

When Joanna returned to her office, she started to discuss Su Tao’s suggestion with her trusted aide. She’s a cautious person, and she needed to know if there might be any negative effects on the conglomerate from Su Tao’s request.

“Through our calculation, we can only give Su Tao roughly 2-2.3% of the shares. Anymore than this amount might shake our control over the conglomerate.” Her advisor patiently said and continued, “According to your request, this can be taken from you and your brother’s shares. It might not be much, but it might be troublesome if he gets close to those ambitious people in the conglomerate.”

There were also many families in Tosca Pharmaceutical Conglomerate, it’s just that Joanna’s family owned the largest share with more allies as well. Hence, they accumulated over 50% of the shares, and obtained control over the entire conglomerate. If she gives shares to Su Tao, then it might cause the shares under her family’s control to fall below 50%. If Su Tao was dragged to the other side, then her family might lose control over Tosca Pharmaceutical Conglomerate.

“He has really given me a tough problem.” Joanna tapped her finger on the desk.

All of a sudden, her door was barged open and her mother, Monica, appeared before her with a grave expression. Joanna could tell that she’s here to criticise her, so she waved her hand at her advisor. “You can leave first!”

After that advisor left, Monica’s temper completely exploded, “Are you really going to go against me?”

Monica intended to use mercenaries to capture Su Tao as a hostage to swap for Tony. However, her daughter had invited Su Tao home and even planned on cooperating with him.

Letting out a sigh, Joanna bitterly smiled. “Have some tea and let me explain it to you!”

Waving her hand in annoyance, Monica roared, “I wish to hear your excuses. I know that you don’t want to save Tony, but please don’t ruin my plan!”

Helplessly shrugging her shoulders, Joanna replied, “Is there only one way to save Tony? The reason why Tony was captured in the beginning was due to him being rash, using the wrong method to achieve his goal.”

“Do you have any better method, then?” Monica sneered.

“Mom, you don’t understand Chinese well. Their philosophy when it comes to dealing with things emphasises on balance. Hence, they will consider two sides of a single problem. Tony damaged their country’s interest, and if we can compensate them with more benefits, Tony will naturally be released.” Joanna patiently explained.

With ridiculement on her face, Monica replied, “You’re too naïve! Compensation? How much money do you think is enough to stuff their greedy ambitions?”

Joanna never expected that her mother would have such prejudice for Chinese, but it wasn’t surprising since her son was currently imprisoned. So it’s hard for her to walk out of this trail of thoughts.

“Compensation doesn’t mean blindly giving. Due to the previous commotion, Tosca Pharmaceutical Conglomerate is currently in a difficult position with our financial market depressing. If we can change this situation through compensation and fix our relationship with China, it will be more beneficial.” As Joanna explained, she realised that it’s impossible for her to converse with Monica anymore.

“Since I can’t change your mind, then we’ll go according to our own plans. Furthermore, I have to warn you not to try and touch Tony’s shares. I will definitely not agree to it.” Monica coldly replied.

Once she finished, Monica furiously left the room.

Joanna weakly sighed upon seeing this, but it did not shake her plan. Time can change everything, and once she saved Tony and gets the conglomerate through this crisis, she believed that her mother would understand her effort.

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