Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 698 - Unfair Situation

Chapter 698 – Unfair Situation

“Amaki Hamasaki clearly wins this round. His answer was accurate, and it was the same as the model answer.” A judge who came from Iwata Chinese Research Facility spoke out for Amaki Hamasaki as he continued, “The patient has early-stage Addison’s disease and using medicines like Kidney Qi Powder and Eucommia & Rehmannia Formula is the right method.”

Addison’s disease is also known as adrenal insufficiency. With symptoms such as extreme fatigue, weight loss, hyperpigmentation, and low blood pressure. Aside from western medicine’s etiology treatment, there aren’t other better alternatives.

Due to the fact that it’s in an early stage, it’s difficult to detect. Even doctors would have great difficulty in identifying it, thus increasing the difficulty in combating the disease.

The first treatment of Addison’s disease with Chinese medicine was recorded in the 1950s, using licorice root immersed in ointment or licorice root ground into powder.

In reality, Addison's disease was long recorded in TCM. In the Synopsis of Golden Chamber's Prescription, it was known as a black knot with symptoms of the forehead turning black. Furthermore, it was also stated that it was caused by often sexual interaction with women that resulted in the weakness of the kidney.

“Do you know how to use Chinese medicine? In this round, it was Amaki Hamasaki who lost. Even if his answer was the same as your model answer, he was lacking in his consideration, and he wasn’t as comprehensive as Su Tao.” A South Korea judge spoke out and continued, “Using Kidney Qi Powder and Eucommia & Rehmannia Formula might be effective, but it’s not a permanent solution. On the other hand, Su Tao revealed that the patient is suffering from Addison's disease due to the weakness in his spleen and stomach, which led to the weakness in his kidney. Hence, using medicines to boost the Yang energy isn’t a permanent solution, but you have to work from the stomach and spleen. Naturally, there aren’t any medications that can be used to strengthen the stomach and remove the moisture in the spleen, so Su Tao provided two prescriptions.”

The face of the judge from the Iwata Chinese Research Facility had turned red, but he still insisted on his view, “We should follow the model answer and abide by the rules. This segment requests for the competitors to pick from the medicinal rack, and Su Tao had provided his own prescriptions. Evidently, this act alone has violated the rules.”

“Rules? A doctor’s duty is to save lives. This is not only a competition but also to treat the patient.” The South Korean judge rebuked and continued, “Since we’re in the judging panel, we must speak the truth. Amaki Hamasaki’s view was right, but it was insufficient. Compared to Su Tao, he was too inferior.”

“Are you being biased just because Su Tao had defeated Kim Jung-ho?” The judge from the Iwata Chinese Research Facility grew anxious.

Before the competition began, Kim Jung-ho had truly found the South Korea judge and requested the latter to help Su Tao.

Seeing that he was exposed, the South Korean judge mocked, “Speaking of selfish motives, I believe you’re the least qualified here to talk about it, right? You’re a colleague of Amaki Hamasaki, and you’re not qualified to be a judge, to begin with.”

The judge from the Iwata Chinese Research Facility grew furious as he nearly fainted from the rage.

Seeing that the two judges were fighting among themselves, a Chinese physician grandmaster from Singapore spoke out, “I feel that this round should end in a draw. Amaki Hamasaki might have written the right answer, but judging from Su Tao’s answer, Amaki Hamasaki’s answer was flawed. On the other hand, Su Tao pointed out that the patient needs to strengthen his stomach and remove the moisture in his spleen. He might not have followed the rules, but his answer was enlightenment.”

Judging from a TCM’s point of view, Su Tao’s method was better than Amaki Hamasaki.

However, this is Amaki Hamasaki’s home ground. If he lost two rounds in a row without the third round, it would be too humiliating.

The TCM Grandmaster from Singapore whispered in the ears of that South Korean judge. Listening to the persuasion, the South Korean judge no longer spoke. After all, the Iwata Chinese Medicine Research Facility is an overlord in the Chinese medicine industry, so it’s not worth offending them for someone unacquainted with him.

If someone had to blame, they could only blame that the competition was hosted in Japan.

The judge from the Iwata Chinese Research Facility might be an expert when it comes to Chinese medicine, and he has no knowledge about the theory behind TCM.

He couldn’t understand why a kidney disease would involve the stomach and spleen.

In TCM’s theory, the five viscera and six bowels cannot be separated. If one of them were damaged, the others would also be damaged.

Chinese medicines might be developed in Japan, but doctors won’t consider those theories when prescribing medication. They will only follow the labels stated on the medication, treating the symptoms. So to them, there’s no difference between western and Chinese medicine.

For those who are familiar with TCM, this sort of treatment method is completely ridiculous, and this is why the South Korean judge would go into an argument with the judge from the Iwata Chinese Research Facility.

But in the eyes of that judge from the Iwata Chinese Research Facility, there isn’t a problem in his view, nor was he trying to help Amaki Hamasaki.

It’s clearly a kidney disease, so it was ridiculous for him that the spleen and stomach were involved as well.

The South Korean judge glanced at the disdain in the eyes of the Iwata Chinese Research Facility judge; he felt as if he was playing the lute to a cow. Since the other party was stubborn, then he couldn’t be bothered.

“Then, let us announce the results!”

After twenty minutes of discussion, the judging panel finally had the result.

Receiving the results, the host went on the stage and announced with a smile, “The two competitors were evenly matched, and the two of them obtained a draw in the second round. So please wait briefly, and we will begin our third round soon!”

When she spoke, a commotion broke out among the audience. Although they did not know how the result was obtained, everyone was holding anticipation for the third and final round.

Then again, Su Tao was holding an advantage. Even if he lost the third round, the final result would be a draw, and Amaki Hamasaki will not be able to win the competition.

“I never expected that the judging panel would be so biased. You’re the one who clearly holds the upper hand, but the result was a draw.” Kim Jung-ho smiled bitterly.

“No. Instead, I find the result completely fair. The fact that I can obtain a draw meant that there must be someone among the judging panel has some knowledge of TCM. If no one among them knows about TCM, then I’m afraid that they would’ve announced my loss.” Su Tao smiled.

Recalling how Su Tao hesitated on the stage, Kim Jung-ho sighed. At that time, Su Tao probably knew the right answer, but the answer he provided wasn’t the model answer. He was taking a risk, and at the same time, testing the standard of the judges.

“Don’t worry about it. I have an elder among the judging panel. He’s a righteous person, and he will definitely fight for you.” Kim Jung-ho smiled.

Su Tao smiled on the surface as he sighed inwardly; this was an uncomfortable experience. The atmosphere in today’s competition was a little unusual. It was clearly a national study from China, but it was used by a bunch of foreigners to judge him.

At the same time, he was more determined to change the current situation and allow China to regain control of the TCM industry.

Amaki Hamasaki was initially confident in this round, but he never expected that he could only obtain a draw. The result made him feel indignant as he subconsciously wanted to look for the judging panel to reason.

When Amaki Hamasaki stomped his way over in rage, he suddenly saw a familiar figure coming in his direction. He was left briefly stunned before he immediately went up. His master, Mamoru Onizuka had actually come!

Mamoru Onizuka wasn’t tall, and instead, he was rather skinny. His hair was grey with a long beard. However, his skin was glossy as he did not look like an old man. Many years ago, he had retired from the medical industry and practically didn’t treat patients anymore. At the same time, he would often stay at home, seldom leaving.

In the previous Chinese Medicine Discussion, they had invited Mamoru Onizuka, but they were refused. Hence, no one had expected that he would turn up.

Mamoru Onizuka was the founder of the Chinese medicine manufacturing industry, and henceforth, he held an honourable position. Amaki Hamasaki wasn’t the only one who noticed his arrival. Even Tetsuto Kobashi couldn’t help sighing inwardly upon seeing Mamoru Onizuka. The appearance of Tomohito was shocking enough, but even Mamoru Onizuka had turned up as well. This Chinese Medicine Discussion had reached an entirely new scale because of the competition between Su Tao and Amaki Hamasaki.

“Master, why have you come?” Amaki Hamasaki bowed respectfully.

“I wish to see him.” Mamoru Onizuka’s voice was hoarse, yet amicable as he continued, “The person who was known as a rare TCM talent in China in a thousand years.”

As Amaki Hamasaki sighed inwardly, the jealousy he felt for Su Tao grew. Why could Su Tao receive such high evaluation from his master?

“I will definitely defeat him!” Amaki Hamasaki gnashed his teeth.

“Really?” Mamoru Onizuka smiled as he continued, “I’ll go chat with Kobashi. I’m looking forward to your performance.”

It has been a long time since Amaki Hamasaki saw Mamoru Onizuka, but he never expected that his master would still be as indifferent as before. However, hearing the encouragement for his master, he felt that his master turned up in this Chinese Medicine Discussion for him. Henceforth, he can’t afford to lose to Su Tao in the third round as it involves his honour.

Tetsuto Kobashi shook hands with Mamoru Onizuka and smiled, “Mr. Onizuka, it’s an honour that you could be here.”

“I have a request.” Mamoru Onizuka smiled.

“Please, go ahead!” Tetsuto Kobashi asked as he immediately wore a grave expression.

“I hope that for the third round, the scale will be larger. Not only will it revolve around Chinese medicine, but also to test their comprehensive ability. Chinese medicine isn’t the only method of TCM, and aside from that, there are also the four methods of diagnosis, acupuncture, massage, fire cupping, moxibustion, plum blossom needles, and blood releasing treatment. Since this is a medical competition, then we have to consider their comprehensive abilities.” Mamoru Onizuka spoke out calmly.

As this is the Chinese Medicine Discussion, the competition so far has revolved around TCM, and the scale is too narrowed.

“Since Mr. Onizuka has such requests, I will immediately discuss with the rest and prepare for the third round.” Tetsuto Kobashi smiled.

“I have already thought of the topic for you guys.” Mamoru Onizuka smiled.

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