Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 675 - Sufficient Qi can prevent the invasion of pathogenic factors

Chapter 675 – Sufficient Qi can prevent the invasion of pathogenic factors

“Your words make some sense, and I can roughly understand it. So how can it be treated?” From the moment Su Tao had guessed that Shinin’s nanny had mysophobia, Yuko had already trusted Su Tao’s words.

As for Kiko, she was simply amazed by Su Tao’s ability. She realised that Su Tao was practically like her favorite anime character, Detective Conan, with superhuman wisdom.

From western medicine, Shinin’s condition was due to his incomplete immune system, similar to suboptimal health status. He wouldn’t be any different from an ordinary person, but the moment he receives any interference from the outside world, he would suddenly collapse.

Due to the fact that Shinin often fell ill, he used many medications, and most of them were western medicine with antibiotics. Hence, it formed into a loop, causing his immune system to become weaker and affect his entire body.

It might seem to be an accident for Shinin to suffer a fracture when he fell down, but it was inevitable.

The human body was a complete system, and when the immune system was weak, it would stop the body from functioning normally.

From TCM’s angle, the reason why Shinin would often fall ill was because he had insufficient Qi.

The Qi in TCM was equivalent to western medicine’s immune system. In the book, the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, it was mentioned that sufficient Qi could prevent the invasion of pathogenic factors. It meant that if a person has adequate Qi, he wouldn’t easily fall ill.

If the Qi was strong, the immune system would be robust and vice-versa.

This could explain why a portion of people won’t easily catch diseases in an infected area, it’s because they have sufficient Qi in their bodies.

There were many factors behind the Qi being strong or weak, like their natural endowment, mental state, living environment, exercises, and age. It was utterly different from Mu Jingchen, since Shinin’s condition was due to his living environment.

This was also the reason why, despite their luxurious lifestyle, ancient rulers did not have a longer lifespan than ordinary people in modern days. It’s mainly because they’ve been living in a favorable living environment that caused the Qi in their body to gradually weaken. They were more vulnerable than common folks in catching illnesses.

Then again, it wasn’t hard to resolve this condition, they just had to readjust their living environment. By living a commoner’s lifestyle for half a year, their body would gradually start to adapt, and they would no longer fall ill so easily.

But this suggestion was clearly not suitable for Shinin; it was just like how ancient rulers would live in seclusion after abdicating their thrones.

After a brief pondering, Su Tao wrote down a prescription and replied, “Follow this prescription. He can only eat meat twice a week, and his nanny needs to be changed. Do take note that he cannot have one with mysophobia, and remember to bring him out of this place once a week to interact with the outside world. This way, his body will slowly adapt and become the same as an ordinary person’s.”

The prescription was mainly to treat the insufficiency of Yin energy in the spleen. From his appearance, Shinin’s tongue and lips were rosy, and his eyebags were pretty big.

Spleen starts at the mouth, and the essence lies in the lips. The moment there’s an issue with the spleen, it would start to show symptoms on the lips’ colour or oral cavity. The spleen was corresponding to the five senses, so if there's insufficient Yin energy, the eye bags would swell.

The prescription contained Pearl Barley, Dendrobium Nobile Lindl, Ladybell Root, Dwarf Lilyturf, Dioscorea Polystachya, and Lotus Seed. There’s a meaning behind these ingredients, since the medicine would be sweet, and children wouldn’t come to dislike it.

Then again, Su Tao had also considered the fact that the inner palace might get someone to test the medicine, and if the medicine was bitter, they would definitely abandon using it. If that’s the case, wouldn’t all of his effort go down the drain?

The reason why Su Tao helped Shinin wasn’t because of his family, but the impression that Shinin left in Su Tao. On the other hand, Yuko was no different from an ordinary mother, and she was naturally worried about her child falling sick. Judging from her appearance, this mistress of the Seto Clan had serious insomnia and often took sleeping pills. It was her motherly love that touched him.

Su Tao did not take the initiative to prescribe her with any medication to treat her insomnia since he knew that the cause was her heart. The moment Shinin no longer fell ill so often, her condition would naturally recover.

After Su Tao finished his explanation, he stood up and bade farewell to Yuko. According to his analysis of Yuko, she would definitely try his prescription. After all, no one had any better suggestions for the problem with Shinin’s immune system, and since there’s a chance, she would definitely take it.

Everyone has a similar mental state when they’re ill. As long as it’s a suggestion from a doctor, they would definitely give it a try.

Yuko arranged the Toyota Century Royal to send Su Tao and Ni Jingqiu off before she instructed the Imperial Physicians to study the prescription.

Soon after, the Imperial Physicians came out with a conclusion. The medicine was mainly used to nourish the body without any toxicity. An hour later, the maid came out with some soup and Kiko smiled. “Why is it so fragrant? Is that really medicine? Even I want to take a sip of it!”

Rolling her eyes at Kiko, Yuko smiled. “If Su Tao was really able to treat Shinin, it could be considered your contribution.”

Kiko smiled since she knew the meaning of Yuko’s words. It was under her instigation that they went to Kinkakuji that ended in a disaster. Right now, the entire family had been blaming her for being rash.

Even her father had reprimanded her for it.

But if it could really treat her cousin’s condition, it could be considered a fortune after a misfortune, and that would give her a significant contribution.

Upon returning to the hotel, Ni Jingqiu blocked his path just when Su Tao was about to open the door and smiled. “Firstly, I have to congratulate you for having an ample harvest on this trip to Japan.”

“What do you mean?” Su Tao feigned ignorance.

“You’ve entered the Seto Clan and treated the future Crown Prince. Based on this fact alone, the Seto Clan owes you a huge favour. I believe that if you intend to open your branch here in the future, they will definitely use that opportunity to repay your favor.” Ni Jingqiu analysed with a smile.

“What makes you think that I will set up branches in Japan?” Su Tao asked.

“Because you want to use TCM to influence the entire country. The market is big here, and as long as you can build up a reputation, you can swiftly develop. Japan used to be an affiliated country to China, and many of their cultures are linked to China. As long as you throw down a spark, it will definitely, swiftly burn.” Ni Jingqiu replied before she continued, “This is the second branch that I will be working on with you. Still that same old style, you’re responsible for providing physicians, and I’ll provide the funds. What do you think about it?”

Su Tao sighed. Ni Jingqiu really knew him well.

“Do I have a reason to refuse?” Su Tao smiled.

“Furthermore, I would like to ask you about something!” Ni Jingqiu’s expression suddenly turned solemn as she asked, “What happened between you, Lin Kun, and Asaka Ochi last night?”

It was just as he feared. He would have to explain to Ni Jingqiu about this problem. They might be best friends, but he couldn’t possibly, frankly answer her since it involved privacy.

Hence, he could only cook up a white lie, “I couldn’t sleep last night and saw Lin Kun behaving suspiciously in the hallway, so I taught him a lesson. Kohei Koizumi had probably seen through Lin Kun’s vile character and withdrew his intention to invest in the hotel chains. As for investing in the medicine factory, Kohei Koizumi was only talking about it, and it cannot be treated seriously.”

“You’re really not lying to me?” Ni Jingqiu asked with a playful smile as she narrowed her eyes.

“Look at my eyes. My eyes are filled with so much innocence, so do I look like a liar to you?” Su Tao rebuked.

Letting out a sigh, Ni Jingqiu replied, “I can’t see through you anymore. Oh, right. I have something that I would like to tell you. If you want to obtain Yu Omuri, the key factor lies in Natsuki Sakamoto.”

“Why?” Su Tao was somewhat sensitive to Natsuki Sakamoto’s name.

“I got someone to check on Yu Omuri’s recent calls, and aside from his family, he only called a few other people. He has the most and longest call time with Natsuki Sakamoto.” Ni Jingqiu analysed.

“So, what conclusion did you come up with?” Actually, Su Tao had already noticed that Yu Omuri had some feelings for Natsuki Sakamoto.

“According to my analysis, Yu Omuri has a crush for Natsuki Sakamoto.” Ni Jingqiu briefly paused before she continued, “You helped Natsuki Sakamoto, and you’re her benefactor. If you persuaded her to develop in China, there’s a 90% chance that she might agree to it. After that, you only need her to convince Yu Omuri to follow you back to China.”

“You’re saying to matchmake Yu Omuri and Natsuki Sakamoto together?” Su Tao looked at Ni Jingqiu in shock.

Pursing her lips with a smile, Ni Jingqiu did not reply straightforwardly and continued, “If Natsuki Sakamoto goes to develop in China, I can introduce a few management companies for her. For a talent like her, I believe that many companies will want to groom her.”

There were many performing artists that had a decent reputation in China. However, Su Tao shook his head. “If Natsuki Sakamoto goes to China, I would rather she become an ordinary person. If she continues to be a public figure, it cannot be considered a new life for her.”

Ni Jingqiu was briefly stunned before she sighed, “I was the one who didn’t consider the matter well and overlooked her thoughts and standpoint.”

“But your idea is pretty good. I will try and communicate with her, but I’ll need your help as the translator.” Su Tao smiled.

Snapping her fingers, Ni Jingqiu smiled. “I’m more than willing to help you. But remember that I want to have a share in the medicine factory!”

“Why do you want to join everything?” Su Tao bitterly smiled.

Sourly glaring at Su Tao, Ni Jingqiu snapped, “Do you have a screw loose? You’re not happy to have investments?”

“Allow me to feel proud. Well, I can’t help to be a stock that has the potential to increase in value.” Su Tao wore a smug smile on his face.

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