Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 649 - An Otaku meets a Goddess

Chapter 649 – An Otaku meets a Goddess

There’s a difference between Japan and South Korea’s culture, since they’ve been heavily influenced by the western countries since the last century. Although some of their cultural traditions were still influenced by their previous suzerain state, China, their education, medical development, and finance have been developing more in the direction of western countries. This was also the reason why they could develop so swiftly after the war, recovering from their battle to become the second-biggest economy entity in the world.

Although South Korea has also succeeded, they’re still respectful of China’s culture, especially with how they’ve been relying on China’s consumer market in recent years. They might seem to be developing products leaning towards the Chinese culture, but they’re actually making adjustments to their products to fit China’s consumer market. This was an interlinked connection, in which they could earn more money and grow stronger.

After Su Tao finished his acupuncture on Keisuke Sakamoto, Yu Omuri came over with a bowl of medicine. Due to the heavy medicinal scent and bitterness, Su Tao reminded Keisuke Sakamoto to finish it in one mouthful. Truth be told, Keisuke Sakamoto was still holding doubts in his heart since he couldn’t completely trust this young man. But when he saw the trust that Yu Omuri and his daughter had for Su Tao, he ultimately pinched his nose and finished the medicine.

“Try and get up and walk.” Su Tao said, which Yu Omuri immediately translated.

When Keisuke Sakamoto tried to move his limbs, he had a trace of shock in his eyes. The exhaustion he was feeling from before had disappeared, and there’s a small current rising from his lower abdomen that filled him with power.

“I feel great!” Keisuke Sakamoto emotionally said, before he continued, “Am I completely recovered?”

“This is only the effect of the acupuncture, and you still have to take medicine to recover completely.” Yu Omuri immediately explained.

“Thank you!” Keisuke Sakamoto held onto Yu Omuri’s hands.

With an awkward chuckle, Yu Omuri immediately corrected, “Mr. Su is the one that treated you, and he’s the person you should thank. He’s a National Healer from China, and it’s your fortune to be treated by him.”

“Really?” Keisuke Sakamoto was perplexed as he looked at Su Tao’s youthful face. Despite the doubts in his heart, he still thanked Su Tao.

Although Su Tao couldn’t understand Keisuke Sakamoto’s words, he could tell from the latter’s expression that he’s feeling more grateful to Yu Omuri. This was a healthy psychology, to which Su Tao wasn’t too bothered as he discreetly observed Yu Omuri. This fellow might be a little short, fat, not handsome, and his hair was messy, which gave others a pretty good feel. He belonged to the category of an introverted person.

From some details, Su Tao noticed that Yu Omuri had some feelings for Natsuki Sakamoto. Whenever the two of them spoke, Yu Omuri’s face would uncontrollably blush with sweat gathering on his nose, and not to mention that he didn't even dare to look at her in the eyes.

As for Natsuki Sakamoto, her attention was focused on her father, and she did not notice Yu Omuri’s odd behaviour.

Then again, Natsuki Sakamoto was pretty grateful for Su Tao since he had helped her twice. The first was in the underground pub, in which he saved her from a demon’s grasp; and now, he treated her father.

At this moment, Natsuki Sakamoto’s heart throbbed. She felt that Su Tao was akin to a prince from fairy tales, sent by the heavens to save her.

Although Keisuke Sakamoto felt much better, he still had to stay in the hospital for checkups. As for Su Tao, he was instructing Yu Omuri on some details about Keisuke Sakamoto’s post-treatment care, to which Yu Omuri recorded down in his notebook.

“It’s afternoon now. Su Tao-kun, why don’t you have your lunch in our hospital’s canteen?” Yu Omuri took the initiative to throw out an invitation after seeing that Su Tao was intending on leaving.

Even Natsuki Sakamoto had noticed Su Tao’s intention to leave, in which she called out in Japanese, “Su Tao-kun, please stay for lunch.”

Seeing the sincerity in the two of them, and not to mention that Yu Omuri might even play a key role in his TCM medicine factory, Su Tao agreed with a smile.

In the canteen, the environment was much better than many hospitals in China. Aside from fast food, there were also individual rooms. Just when Natsuki Sakamoto was about to place her order, Yu Omuri took a step forth to stop her. In the end, Yu Omuri was the one who paid for the meal.

Not far away, many people were shocked when they saw Yu Omuri coming to the canteen with two people, since Yu Omuri did not have a good relationship with anyone in the hospital, and he practically had no friends.

Because of Yu Omuri’s introverted personality and his obsession with TCM, he was treated as an oddball by everyone.

But very quickly, someone noticed something amiss and a bald male doctor exclaimed, “Isn’t that Natsuki Sakamoto?”

“Yeah, it’s her!” A slightly fatter doctor exclaimed and continued, “I have been waiting for her new work, but the film company announced that she has retired from the industry. I never expected that I would be able to see the real person today!”

Shaking his head, the bald doctor smacked his lips. “I heard that Yu Omuri is the doctor of Natsuki Sakamoto’s father, and I never expected it to be real! But I have to say, Natsuki Sakamoto looks better in person!”

“I prefer her without any clothes.” The plump doctor revealed a wretched smile.

“Why don’t we go over and greet her? Who knows, we might even be able to get close to her!” The bald doctor smiled.

Immediately, the plump doctor placed his tableware down and replied, “This is a good idea. After all, we can’t possibly let Yu Omuri enjoy it all.”

The bald doctor’s name was Naoto Ohshima, while the name of the plump doctor was Shin Nomura. The two of them were famous doctors in the hospital, and they’re both considered the pillars of their respective departments. If nothing happened, there would definitely be a spot for them in the management of the hospital since their fathers were both experienced veterans in the hospital. Compared to Yu Omuri, who relied on his ability to enter the hospital, the two of them held more of an advantage.

Furthermore, the two of them did not have any good impression of Yu Omuri, since that fellow wasn’t sociable. The two of them had invited him for a gathering several times, but he had refused them every single time. Hence, both of them felt that with Yu Omuri’s personality, he’s destined to be a nobody.

However, Yu Omuri had great importance in the TCM research facility. The development of a few Chinese medicines that he partook brought annual profits in hundreds of millions to the hospital. Hence, some of the leaders in the hospital had their attention on him and intended to nurture him as the technological pillar. After all, no one was willing to lose a money-making machine.

Yu Omuri might be young, but he’s extremely familiar with the prescription of Chinese medicines. Moreover, he’s a hard-working person, so he had become an indispensable key in the TCM research facility. Truth be told, some leaders of the hospital felt that there’s no need for Yu Omuri to take up duties as a doctor, and he should focus on research. However, Yu Omuri still felt that he had to use his clinical skills, and this was the reason why he would participate in consultations and internal medicine a few days every week.

While Su Tao was seated in an exquisite room, the waitress came over a brief moment later and laid out the dishes on the table. It’s rare for Yu Omuri to pay the bill, and the previous time was when his master, Qian Honghu, had visited. Hence, he looked a little nervous at this moment.

Noticing how Yu Omuri would sneak peeks at Natsuki Sakamoto, Su Tao inwardly sighed since this could be considered the natural reaction of an otaku meeting a goddess.

While the three of them ate, the door was knocked and Naoto Ohshima entered with a burst of laughter. “Omuri-kun, how rare it is for you to have guests today. Are they your friends?”

Yu Omuri blushed since he wasn’t too good with words and stuttered, “T-this is Physician Su from China, and this is Ms. Natsuki Sakamoto, a relative of my patient.”

“So it’s Natsuki Sakamoto!” Shin Nomura said in excitement before he continued, “Omuri-kun, we’ll be frank with you. The two of us are actually here for Natsuki-san, and we’re both her fans. We would like to take a photo with her!”

Yu Omuri’s expression instantly turned grim as he gave a complicated glance to Natsuki Sakamoto. He was filled with rage in his heart since she had already retired from the film industry, and that meant that she wanted to live a normal life. If she took a photo with the two of them and it gets posted on social media, it would definitely start a heated controversy. To Natsuki Sakamoto, this was an act of disrespect.

“No way!” Yu Omuri straightforwardly rejected and continued, “She doesn’t like it!”

Naoto Ohshima instantly became unhappy and he said, “Omuri-kun, that’s where you’re in the wrong. Natsuki-san hasn’t given her answer, so how can you decide for her?”

Natsuki Sakamoto started to hesitate. Ever since she retired from the film industry, she rarely took photos with anyone, and most of them who wanted to take a photo with her was because of her previous identity, a memory that she wanted to forget. Yu Omuri might be an introverted person, but he could read the thoughts of Natsuki Sakamoto, and this was the reason why he spoke out for her.

“She’s my guest, and I don’t like how you guys are forcing her to do something she’s not willing. Please leave immediately.” Yu Omuri hissed.

Sitting to the side, Su Tao inwardly sighed. Although he couldn’t tap into their conversation, he could tell that the atmosphere was intense from Yu Omuri’s tone. The latter had directly stood against Naoto Ohshima and Shin Nomura.

If he was the one handling this matter, he had tons of ways to resolve this awkward atmosphere, such as using a tactful reply by saying that Natsuki Sakamoto wasn’t suitable to take a photo right now.

Shin Nomura glanced at Yu Omuri in disdain before he said, “Omuri-kun, you’re too ridiculous. Natsuki-san, I know some authoritative specialists compared to him. If you’re willing to take a photo with us, I’m willing to make a recommendation for you. What do you think about that?”

Taking a deep breath, Natsuki Sakamoto smiled and rejected, “Thank you for your kind intentions, but I have my trust in Omuri-san. As for the photo, I’m afraid that I would have to reject it. I have already retired, and I don’t take photos anymore. Please forgive me for that!”

“Then, we won’t disturb you guys any further!” Naoto Ohshima furiously waved his hand while feeling embarrassed.

As for Naoto Nomura, he glanced at Yu Omuri with hatred before he left and slammed the door behind him.

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