Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 612 - Warrior in the Media Industry

Not every reporter was comparable to Chen Guang. Since they dared to take bribes, that meant that they didn't have any backbone. So after the scare from Xia Yu, they were instantly terrified. There was even one of them who replied to Xia Yu's email, "I will do something to remove the article tomorrow. Please have mercy!"

As for the other two, they did not reply even after a long time, which Xia Yu gave a call to them. However, no one answered his call. When he gave another call, the call failed to go through. This was a natural reaction of someone guilty since they're afraid of their call being recorded. As for the other one, he did not pick up, nor did he hang up the call. He must have probably turned a blind eye to this matter.

However, Xia Yu wasn't in a rush to deal with them. He'd wait till tomorrow and see how they react.

After finishing it all, Xia Yu gave a call to Su Tao and reported his conclusion. After Su Tao remained silent for a long time, he replied, "Jianwei is currently in Nanyue Province, so get him to protect Chen Guang."

"It can't be that complicated, right? Once the article is published, Jiang Mingxuan will be finished." Xia Yu smiled after a brief stun.

Inwardly sighing, Su Tao bitterly smiled. "It's not as simple as you think. Why do you think that the Love Representative Charity Funds can stand strong for over a decade? Do you think that it's the first time that they've faced an opponent like us? Since they can remain fine, it means that there's definitely a power standing behind them, and that power might be beyond our imagination."

Hearing Su Tao's words, Xia Yu gently nodded his head and sighed, "What you said sounds reasonable. I got to know from other sources that Jiang Mingxuan is only the person in charge of the Love Representative Charity Funds on the surface, but the shareholders are a few formidable figures. All of them have a deep foundation in Beijing. Putting it in a nutshell, they're all third-generation officials from Hutong Institution. They made use of their family's backing to control a bunch of celebrities and endorse them for Love Representative Charity Funds. But in reality, it's just a bunch of dirty transactions."

Nodding his head, Su Tao replied, "Since we're determined to go into the charity industry, then we must do something to change the industry. This might seem to be a crisis for the Qihuang Charity Funds, but it's also an opportunity for us to set things right. Since they dare to provoke us, then we can't be afraid and reveal it all. Although the public might be influenced by the controversy, they have their own ability to judge. They will know who's genuinely doing charity, and who's making use of it to bring benefits for themselves." Su Tao nodded.

Hearing Su Tao's words, Xia Yu felt his blood boiling and replied, "I will immediately inform Old Liu to get him to protect Chen Guang. Since those people are so cold-blooded to kill He Yu, then there's a possibility that they might do something to Chen Guang."

"Someone like Chen Guang is a tough person. He has undergone so much tribulation, so he's definitely not afraid of being threatened. At the same time, he has a great reputation, so the other party might be daring, but they won't blatantly do anything to Chen Guang. So we'll focus on protecting his family."

Decades ago, when China was invaded, warlords appeared amongst the military, and the politics were in a complete mess. But even when the country wasn't stable, the officials also did not dare to blatantly make a move against those famous reporters.

On Chen Guang's social media, he had even more fans than Su Tao. The fans were something that Chen Guang built after relying on his own capability. If he left a message stating that he's being threatened, the outcome would be dire.

Hence, Su Tao analysed that if the other party wanted to deal with Chen Guang, they could only deal with his family to get him to bow down.

Chen Guang worked overtime till 3 a.m. in the company. When the editor approved his article, he personally made a trip to the printing factory to see it being printed before he felt relieved.

Roughly 5 a.m., the newspaper would be released to the streets, and after 8 a.m., the news would be available online. He estimated the story would then be making waves in the nation about two hours from there.

It was already 5 a.m. when he returned home, which he even made a detour to get breakfast. Reaching home, his wife still wasn't awake so he first took a glance at his daughter's room. His daughter shared an uncanny resemblance to her mother. Not only did she get good results, but she also had a delicate appearance. Due to the warm weather, half of her arm was exposed out of the quilt. When Chen Guang wanted to fix the quilt for her, he refrained from doing so after a brief pondering since his daughter was a light sleeper, so he's worried that he might wake his daughter up.

Although Chen Guang was somewhat exhausted, he still persevered and made congee with the rice cooker. Setting the timer, his wife and daughter would be awake by the time it's done. Hence, he briefly washed up and climbed in the bed. However, his wife was disturbed by the commotion and she muttered, "Why are you so late?"

"It's already morning, so it's inappropriate to call it late." Chen Guang smiled with guilt in his heart.

Embracing his wife's somewhat flabby waist, he gave a kiss before he fell asleep not long after.

In the eyes of his fans, he's a warrior of light. He was often called the Conscience of the Media. However, he led a simple and ordinary life. At home, he's only an ordinary father and husband.

It was already 2 p.m. when Chen Guang woke up. Rubbing his eyes, he came to the living room and saw a note, "There are leftovers in the fridge, eat them yourself."

It was something left by his wife. Judging from her tone, she sounded somewhat moody, which Chen Guang smiled. This was the joy of married life. If she didn't care about him, why would she bother throwing a temper?

Opening the fridge, he saw the leftovers. There was a half-fish left along with his favorite, Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs. At this instant, he suddenly recalled that it was his wife's birthday yesterday and face-palmed.

Over the years, he and his wife didn't have a habit of celebrating birthdays since they're both busy with their career. However, Chen Guang always remembered his wife's birthday well, and he would always return home with a bouquet of roses. However, he was too busy last night and forgot about it. Hence, he placed the leftover dishes in the microwave before he took out his phone to contact his wife.

However, he never imagined that he would receive over a hundred messages and calls when he turned on his phone. He instantly felt his scalp tingling and knew that the article he wrote last night had successfully attracted the public's attention. After a brief pondering, he first sent a message to his wife before he checked those miscalls.

Most of the calls were from those in the same industry, trying to probe something from him. Even his superior of the department, Meng Ke, gave a call to him. Meng Ke entered the company a few years later than him, but he got promoted first due to his family background and flexibility when it came to working. However, Chen Guang still did not take Meng Ke seriously due to his seniority in the company.

Seeing that it was a call from Chen Guang, Meng Ke replied, fuming in anger, "Old Chen, why didn't you pick up my calls?"

"I was working overtime last night, and I only reached home in the morning. I was deeply asleep when you called me, sorry about that." Chen Guang replied with his brows locked.

"Do you know the trouble that you caused with your article? Right now, a few charity foundations have sent us official letters that we have to clarify this matter, and as the author, you have to apologise to them." Meng Ke snorted.

But when Chen Guang heard those words, he was teased and replied, "What I wrote is all the truth. If they feel that there's something wrong with my article, they can feel free to sue me."

Seeing how firm Chen Guang was, Meng Ke inwardly cursed. He knew that the former was stubborn. Otherwise, Chen Guang wouldn't have only become a chief reporter after so many years in the company. Hence, he changed his tone and persuaded, "The Provincial Committee gave a call to the director to apply pressure. You've provoked someone you shouldn't this time, so it's best for you to apologise."

Upon hearing Meng Ke's words, Chen Guang immediately became unhappy and retorted, "Mr. Meng, we're all reporters, and we must be responsible for our profession and conscience. You want me to apologise to those vile forces? Impossible! I will tell you about my mindset now. Aside from the newspaper article, I'm even prepared to write a few more continuity articles. I know that those charity foundations are registered in Nanyue Province, so to protect them and prevent the negative influences, the government has no choice but to step in. But even so, I will get my friends to distribute them in influential media of other provinces. If they sealed off all my platforms, then I will just take it to the internet."

Meng Ke was terribly angered by Chen Guang. This person had been relying on his seniority not to take him seriously. He had been thinking of kicking Chen Guang out a long time ago, but the public and even leaders of the province were all loyal readers of his article, so he was protected. Although Chen Guang did not get promoted, he still had the title of Chief Reporter, which left Meng Ke resentful.

"Since you're so stubborn, then there's nothing for me to say." Meng Ke tried his best to suppress the rage burning in his heart and continued, "Let me give you some last piece of advice. How can shoes not be wet if you often walk by the lakeside? Your character will just kill yourself sooner or later."

Chen Guang was furious with Meng Ke's words. Everyone's system of values were different, and Chen Guang felt that he must be someone that no one dared to be. Regardless of any difficulty, he would report the truth and return justice to society.

Not long after he ended his call with Meng Ke, he received a call from an unknown number, which he had an impression of from the long list of miscalls.

"Who are you?" Chen Guang asked in a solemn voice upon picking it up.

"Mr. Chen, you've finally picked up your phone." The other party was a woman. She chuckled, "I represent the Love Representative Charity Funds to negotiate with you!"

"Negotiate?" Chen Guang sneered and continued, "I don't think there's a need for that. If you think that I'm slandering the charity foundation, then you can go through the law to sue me!"

"Everyone says that the reporter, Chen Guang, is righteous. The rumors are indeed, true!" The woman coldly replied before she sighed, "I'm currently with your daughter, and she seems to have something to tell you!"

"Dad…" The yell of Chen Guang's daughter resounded before her mouth was covered.

"Mr. Chen, oh my brave warrior. Do you still think that I'm not qualified to negotiate with you now?" The woman sighed.

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