Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 487 - Endless Hell

Chapter 487 Endless Hell

If they wished to give Fanggu and Min’er a proper burial, they might very well alarm those people who were watching them.

Lin Mengya was given no other choice but to temporarily keep the bodies of these two pitiful ladies in the ice chamber in the Crown Prince’s Mansion.

Throughout the entire time, Lin Mengya’s composure had not only made Long Tianyu worried, but even Zuo Qiuyu and Yu An also found it bizarre,

By the time everything was settled, Lin Mengya returned to her study and went straight into analyzing the situations of the remaining families.

At this moment, Long Tianyu was in the courtyard outside the study, looking towards the window where there was a stationary shadow. The worried look in his eyes deepened.

“Are you also worried about her?”

A crispy voice sounded and Long Tianyu could tell immediately that it was Zuo Qiuyu, who was just as worried.

Long Tianyu turned around but did not answer, but the expression on his handsome was the best answer to Zuo Qiuyu.

“I’m ashamed of myself. I used to think that all illnesses in the world can be cured by medication. However, I’m totally helpless when it comes to a broken heart.”

There was just hint of guilt on Zuo Qiuyu’s handsome face.

Perhaps he felt bad about he and his emperor brother dragging Lin Mengya into this whirlpool and implicating her.

“She, she will eventually come round.”

Somehow, Long Tianyu had an indescribable confidence in Lin Mengya.

She was an extremely intelligent woman. Sooner or later, she would be able to walk out of this emotional entanglement.

“Hopefully. Oh yes, how is that matter which you and the emperor were discussing coming along?”

Zuo Qiuyu always appeared to be somewhat dim-witted in front of Lin Mengya.

Not to mention the countless times he was made fun of by Lin Mengya, he had even taken the role of keeping her entertained.

It would be impossible for Zuo Qiuyu, who had grown up in the palace, to survive today if he were a simple and naive man.

A brilliant, penetrating light flashed across his calm eyes that reflected vaguely of Zuo Qiuchen.

“Things are going as planned. The day you become the First Elder of the Pavilion of Herbs will be the day to gather in the net.”

Keeping his romantic emotions at bay, Long Tianyu, clad in a suit of black was standing tall and straight and looking cool and indifferent on his handsome face.

He was like the Asura in the dark of the night. No one would be able to escape the tight encirclement he laid down.

The cruel scent of blood had stirred up the dormant brutish nature of the wild beast.

Precisely, Long Tianyu was the king of all beasts!

The killing would officially begin now!

Lin Mengya exited from the Sheng Nung system and breathed out gently.

She had finished organizing all the information and tomorrow would be the preliminary rounds of the medical skills competition.

Although being a member of the royal family, Zuo Qiuyu was given the privilege to go straight into the semi-finals, as the emperor’s relative, he still had to be present for tomorrow’s competition.

Then, a battle of words was unavoidable.

Moreover, Lin Mengya did not want to shy away from this. After all, what happened to Master Zhu had already alarmed many people.

If they did not make any move to warn the people concerned, they would be seen as a pushover and a target of bullying.

Under the light of a burning candle, Yu An secretly yawned from the busy day’s work.

However, his line of vision did not leave Princess Anle for even a moment.

Not long after, there was the sound of commotion that echoed from afar.

Both Lin Mengya and Yu An was alarmed by they heard. After exchanging looks, they went for the door and followed after the noise.

A number of torches had lit up the entire middle courtyard.

Before Lin Mengya entered, she saw a group of men in black surrounding the middle of courtyard, but Long Tianyu and Zuo Qiuyu were nowhere to be found.

“Please wait here for a moment, Your Highness. Let me go forward to inquire.”

Yu An put himself in front of Lin Mengya to protect her, then he found an inconspicuous corner in the shadows and had Lin Mengya hide there.

He carried the lantern and went forward.

After listening for a while, he already could get the entire picture of what was happening. However, when he turned around to go to Lin Mengya to inform her, the situation had changed.

The men in black surrounding the center of the courtyard leaped into the air suddenly. In the next moment, all their sharp swords were directed at Yu An’s back.

The young and thin Yu An seemed to have grown eyes at his back. In the flash of an eye, he had dodged the attacks by those men in black.

Thereafter, the guards in black realized what was going on, they charged forward in one accord. After a moment, they managed to seize the spy among them.

At this moment, however, Lin Mengya, who was hiding at the dark corner had become another’s target.

A few men in black who had been in ambush around her pounced on Lin Mengya in that instant.

Anxiety overwhelmed Yu An. It was too late even if he wanted to defend her.

To their surprise, the four dark figures who had just blocked Lin Mengya’s leeway heard a cry of alarm. Thereafter, the four figures simply fell silent and fell to the ground never to get up again.

“How dare you came near me!”

A voice sounded that was firm and cold sent shuddered up their spines.

All they could see in the dark was a flash of purple and green lights, then Lin Mengya inched out of the dark.

Her cheeks were pale and lips blood red.

Her jet black long hair had a few streaks of silver in it.

No one knew when her pomegranate-color dress turned a little more purplish.

The nails her pale slender fingers had turned into a bizarre red.

Her jet-black eyes had become so dark that they appeared chilling.

The scent of death and danger was making the hair of the enemies stand on their ends.

“Are you alright, Your Highness?”

Yu An at that moment had stopped pretending to look worried.

He walked up to Lin Mengya and stood respectfully in attendance to her.

In the middle courtyard, the guards on Lin Mengya’s side had not gained an upper hand.

However, those spies who had been immensely proud of their success suddenly trembled for no reason.

It was as if their lives could be taken by this beautiful woman who tripped along down in the dark of the night any minute.

Immediately, this brought about a chilling fear while they grappled with the guards.

Seizing the opportunity, the guards soon managed to suppress all the spies.

By then, the weapons were scattered all over the floor.

At this moment, the eight spies who were in ambush for a long time were unable to move because they were held at knifepoint by the guards.

Although Lin Mengya was all smiles as she looked at these eight men, her eyes were chilling cold.

“Who sent you?”

Her chilling voice sounded exceptionally crispy in the silence of the night.

With Lin Mengya’s dark eyes staring at them, these well-trained spies felt as if they had been sucked into the blackness of her eyes.

What they did not know was that Lin Mengya had mobilized the hypnotizing function of the Shen Nung system.

While it was unable to completely ensnare them, coupled with the fragrance from her body, Lin Mengya was able to somewhat deceive their mind.

“We’ve been… sent by Lord Li Yuan…”

One of the spies, whose will was wavering seemed to be under some kind of control.

Lin Mengya’s eyes turned to this man.


The man was in a daze as if he had completely come under her control.

Lin Mengya merely revealed a smile, reached out her hand and popped a red pill into the man’s mouth.

The man who appeared hypnotized just a moment ago seemed to wake up immediately.

He struggled to spit out the pill, but Lin Mengya had pushed the pill into his mouth with just the right amount of force that it had already entered his throat.

Lin Mengya knew the effect of this medicine well. It had been created by her teacher just before he went berserk.

As expected, the man appeared to have his soul being snatched away from him after a moment. His eyes lost focus and started to drool as if he had lost his mind.

Lin Mengya smiled, went up to the man, and stared into his eyes.

“A liar shall be thrown into the burning hell,” she muttered, but all the around could hear her clearly.

The man who appeared to have lost his mind suddenly gave a horrible shriek.

Fear was written all over his face and rolled on the ground while crying out loud in torment.

Although there did not seem to be hurt in any way, the expression on his face was terrifying.

He continued rolling around for a while more, finally, he seemed to be on the verge of death.

His face looked a horrifying sight, covered with tears and mucus. Although he had not died, it was clear from his expression that he had been completely disabled.

“Find a place to dispose of him. He is useless having become mad. Next, who’s turn is it?”

The smell of urine started to diffuse from the crippled spy on the ground.

At the sight, the remaining men were greatly shaken.

The man was normal just a moment ago but in the next moment, that blood-curdling shriek had them fear-stricken.

Although he was not a man forged in iron, there was no doubt the rest knew his background.

He was made into a moron by Princess Anle in an instant. In reality, it was more terrorizing than killing them.

“There is no faking whatsoever. If you don’t believe me, you may want to try it.”

Lin Mengya was no one bit worried that the man was in pretense in order to fool her. The pill that her teacher gave her was called the bewitching potion and it was able to force a man into a state of subconsciousness.

Usually, the effect was not immediate, but she had also the Mituo incense and the hypnotizing waves that complemented her efforts.

As a result, it was easy for her to hypnotize even a man with strong willpower.

When his teacher was studying the Shen Nung system, he once said that the human brain was the most complicated and precise organ in the human body.

In theory, humans could convey and receive brain waves between one another and arrive at a common understanding.

However, this was possible with the help of the Shen Nung system given today’s technology.

She had just made use of the extremely advanced technology of projecting her own imagery onto the retina of the other.

Put simply, she had formed an imagery and projected it onto the man’s retina by force.

In other words, the man had ‘seen’ the imagery in her eyes. On top of that, being in a hypnotized state, all the more he had believed that he was present on the scene.

That was a never-ending hell. Certainly, the spy could not withstand it and crumpled on the spot.

If he did not lie to Lin Mengya, he would not have to experience the unbearable punishment in his imagination.

Lin Mengya’s beautiful eyes scanned the rest of the spies and from what she was, she was confident that she would be able to get some truth out of them.

“Don’t you go seeking death? Even if you were to die, I’ll be able to dig out the truth from your dead bodies. Men, detain them in the storeroom for the logs.”

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