Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 433 - Unexpected Situation

Chapter 433 Unexpected Situation


Lin Mengya was anxious and shouted at Long Tianyu in a low voice.

“Let him go first, and I will stay with you.”

Long Tianyu looked at Lin Mengya resolutely.

Those dark eyes had always been filled with calmness and sanity. But today Lin Mengya saw the persistence in his eyes for the first time.

He held her small hand on the rope with his big hand.

The temperature of his palm warmed her heart.

Lin Mengya shook her head and smiled gently with a different kind of tenderness on her face.

“No, the lives of countless people depend on you. Besides, they won’t hurt me.”

She couldn’t be too selfish. Moreover, only when Long Tianyu and Qiu Yu were safe, her safety could be guaranteed.

“Prince Yu, feel free to come over. Since I’ve promised Princess Yu, of course I won’t go back on my word.”

Ghost Face had apparently sensed Long Tianyu’s concern and reassured him.

With his heart in his mouth, Long Tianyu still reached out to firmly tie the rope around his waist with the rope shot by a black-clad man.

“Feel free to go over there. I’ll be there later.”

Qiu Yu guarded Lin Mengya with his body and assured Long Tianyu solemnly.

After glancing at Lin Mengya with complicated emotions, Long Tianyu still grasped the rope firmly and took the first step.

Just as he walked out of the area sheltered by the horse, he was suddenly struck by wild wind.

Fortunately, Long Tianyu had been prepared. He carried out his flying skill, and his feet were firmly stuck to the ground.

Qiu Yu and Lin Mengya were also a little nervous. They also held the rope in their hands firmly. If the black-clad men played any tricks, they could pull Long Tianyu back at any time.

One step, two steps, three steps… The opposite cliff was only a few meters away, but it took Long Tianyu five minutes to get there.

“Step aside!”

With his face darkening, Long Tianyu, who was in rage, showed overwhelming dignity.

The people around immediately made a small space for him silently.

Long Tianyu took a look at them and finally stepped on the ground.

He pointed the long sword in his hand at everyone, and Ghost Face became displeased at once.

“You’d better withdraw your long sword. We don’t intend to kill you, otherwise we wouldn’t have stopped just now.”

Long Tianyu was an extraordinary master of martial arts. If they didn’t have to get the music score for green stringed instrument back, Ghost Face didn’t want to confront Long Tianyu.

However, Long Tianyu wouldn’t be deceived by him.

When they shot at them just now, if it were not for the extraordinary martial arts of Qiu Yu and him, now they would have been pricked by numerous arrows.

He held the sword with one hand and grasped the rope firmly with the other hand, staring coldly at the enemies around him, leaving them no chance to attack him.


Lin Mengya switched places with Qiu Yu and pushed him to the front.

Like Long Tianyu, Qiu Yu was also worried. But Lin Mengya glared at him and insisted that he should go over there before her.

“Mengya, keep it in mind, if the music score for green stringed instrument is really in your hands, never give it to anyone!”

He whispered to Lin Mengya. She was stunned, because she didn’t expect that even Qiu Yu knew about the music score for green stringed instrument.

But now she had no time to follow up on this matter.

Qiu Yu also walked to the other side cautiously.

Now only Lin Mengya and the horse were left on the Immortal Road.

She patted the horse’s neck, and the intelligent horse moved with her.

Fortunately, with the horse as her shelter, despite the strong wind, she didn’t fall down.

Walking step by step with fright, Lin Mengya was thinking hard. The black-clad men must be determined to get the music score for green stringed instrument.

She couldn’t hand it in now anyway. If the black-clad men got angry, they couldn’t run away easily.

She walked toward the opposite side step by step. When she was only one step away from the opposite side, Qiu Yu and Long Tianyu, who kept watching her, suddenly showed terror in their eyes!

“Watch your back!”

The two of them shouted together. Lin Mengya immediately intended to squat down. However, she was slightly slow and felt a sharp pain coming from her right shoulder.

An arrow shot from behind had penetrated her right shoulder.

The sharp arrow came out from her spealbone. In an instant, she felt as if her right shoulder were separated from her body.

The great pain overwhelmed Lin Mengya for a while.

The bright red blood stained her sleeve instantly.

“Who? Who did it?”

Ghost Face was even more anxious than Long Tianyu and Qiu Yu. The arrows were obviously brought by them.

But now someone dared to risk his life to hurt Lin Mengya in secret!

Angry roars echoed across the cliff.

All the black-clad men did not expect that someone among them would dare to do this.

Lin Mengya was only two steps away, but she felt her body gradually became stiff.

She clenched her teeth, and her cold sweat instantly fell. She could only bear the sharp pain and walked to the opposite side.


Long Tianyu dashed forward and held Lin Mengya’s crumbling body.

Watching her small face instantly become extremely pale, Long Tianyu only felt that the whole world was about to collapse.

“Doctor! Qiu Yu, come and treat her!”

Fortunately, Qiu Yu was an excellent doctor.

However, before he examined Lin Mengya’s wound, the situation suddenly changed.

The black-clad men, who had united just now, began to kill each other at once.

Ghost Face, who had issued orders just now, was hacked to death.

Looking around alertly, even Long Tianyu and Qiu Yu couldn’t figure out what was going on.

“Let’s, let’s run away… from this mess…”

In sharp pain, Lin Mengya insisted on staying sober. Nevertheless, at the sight of her lips, which became extremely pale because of her bearing the pain, Long Tianyu was particularly distressed.

“Fortunately, the arrow just penetrated her right shoulder and did not hurt her bones and internal organs. Let’s find a safe place hurriedly and stop her bleeding.”

Qiu Yu said anxiously. Nonetheless, Long Tianyu still felt as if a knife were being twisted in his heart.

Long Tianyu picked Lin Mengya up, and the three of them intended to run away from the mess.

However, as they just took a few steps, their intention was discovered.

“Kill them! Master will grant a great reward!”

Someone issued an order, and some of the black-clad men in an internal conflict immediately turned to hack them.

Qiu Yu and Long Tianyu protected Lin Mengya and withdrew as fighting.

The arrow rain had slightly injured them a moment ago.

Moreover, Lin Mengya had been so seriously injured now. The two of them were concerned about it, so they were unable to stay calm as before.

“I’ll cover you! Take her away!”

After they temporarily repelled a round of offense, Qiu Yu said immediately.

However, Long Tianyu frowned and looked at Lin Mengya reluctantly.

“You should take her away. You are a doctor!”

As he said, he intended to entrust Lin Mengya to Qiu Yu.

No matter who stayed today, the one would probably have a slim chance of surviving.

“Put me down…”

In Long Tianyu’s arms, Lin Mengya only felt everything went black in front of her.

Although she couldn’t see the figures clearly, she knew that all three of them would die if they kept arguing.

“What do you intend to do?”

Looking at Lin Mengya who was even too weak to struggle in his arms, Long Tianyu protected her from others’ swords, while asking in a low voice.

“I… I’m your burden… Put me down… With your martial arts, you two can definitely escape…”

Her vital part was not injured.

Nevertheless, massive blood loss had made her gradually lose her consciousness.

Her perception also became numb. She believed that it wouldn’t take long for her to fall into shock because of blood loss.

She would rather ask Long Tianyu and Qiu Yu to leave her here and run away than be a burden on them.

However, Long Tianyu held her tightly with unprecedented solemnness on his handsome face.

“As husband and wife, we must live and die together.”

His impressive promise made a burst of strength to persevere gradually rise in Lin Mengya’s body.

Although now they had been surrounded by enemies and the situation couldn’t be worse, she couldn’t help smiling.

“Go ahead! They are about to collapse!”

After several rounds of attack, Long Tianyu and Qiu Yu had been exhausted in strength.

However, the black-clad men kept coming to this side to reinforce from the other side of the Immortal Road.

The black-clad men, who intended to get the music score for green stringed instrument from her a moment ago, had been wiped out by this gang of black-clad men outnumbering them.

Lin Mengya bit her lip. Long Tianyu didn’t consider her a burden.

In that case, she would never make any noise to distract Long Tianyu.

The fight was fierce. Both Long Tianyu and Qiu Yu had employed all their skills.

In Long Tianyu’s arms, Lin Mengya could feel numerous scarlet hot blood spattered on her face.

But the black-clad men outnumbered them greatly.

After killing dozens of people with all their might, Long Tianyu and Qiu Yu had exhausted their physical strength.

Finally, as Long Tianyu staggered, Lin Mengya fell to the ground from his arms.

Meanwhile, the black-clad men eager to kill them found a flaw.

An extraordinarily glossy steel knife flew towards Lin Mengya. Long Tianyu pounced on Lin Mengya without thinking.

‘Clang’, the steel knife somehow flew up and was finally inserted into the trunk of a big tree.

Long Tianyu didn’t feel the pain he expected, but the blood spattered on his face.

He turned around to have a look, and Qiu Yu’s slightly ferocious face came into his view.

Qiu Yu risked his life to protect the side of Lin Mengya’s body, but his back was badly mutilated.

It turned out that at this critical moment, Qiu Yu protected Lin Mengya with his body!

“Why did you…”

Long Tianyu was really puzzled. Although Qiu Yu was Mengya’s good friend, he didn’t need to risk his life to save her.

“Go! Walk east for 15 kilometers from here, and you will find a city. You can order the guards with my jade pendant!”

Clenching his teeth, Qiu Yu pulled a dragon-shaped jade pendant from his waist and thrust it into Long Tianyu’s hand.

After that, he was exhaust and passed out!

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