Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 421 - So she’s not married

Although it was early in the morning, there were many people here in the park. Not only were there elderly, but there were also quite a few around the age of Su Tao and Gu Rushan.

The one who called for help was a woman in her late twenties, and her appearance could be rated at an eight out of ten. She was wearing an exercising attire that wrapped around her voluptuous figure.

Lying on the ground was a man with a pale complexion and was spitting white foam from his mouth; his eyes were painfully shut and his limbs were twitching.

Waving his hand around to disperse the people crowded, Su Tao solemnly said, "Please don't crowd around!"

The victim was unconscious and having so many people crowding around him would pose a breathing difficulty for him.

Gu Rushan immediately helped disperse the crowd before she turned around to look at Su Tao in astonishment.

Su Tao's hands were rapidly pressing on the man's chest, which Gu Rushan was shocked by the fact that Su Tao wasn't afraid of getting himself into trouble. It was fine if he managed to save the man, but if he failed, then wouldn't he have to bear the responsibility?

However, Gu Rushan had no idea that Su Tao was a physician and thought that he liked to poke his business into other people's matters. But looking at his expression, Su Tao didn't seem to be pretending, which her favorable opinion of him instantly rose; finding someone at this age with the courage to render assistance wasn't common.

The woman standing beside the man was at a loss.

However, Su Tao's voice jolted her awake as he instructed, "Immediately call for an ambulance!"

The woman took out her phone. Despite her hands incessantly trembling, she still managed to make the call.

The ambulance soon arrived, and Su Tao had also stabilised the man's condition by the time the man was carried into the vehicle.

Su Tao wiped the sweat on his forehead. That man was pretty lucky by encountering him. If it wasn't for his immediate assistance, the man's life would have been at risk, even if he made it to the hospital.

Although exercising could strengthen the physique, excessive exercise could put a strain on the organs. The man was having a chronic heart arrest, and the fatality rate of it has reached as high as half a million annually.

This condition abruptly appeared, and if medical help wasn't rendered in time, the victim would have died within an hour.

The ambulance soon arrived at the hospital, and it's early in the morning, which morning shift doctors still haven't come to work. When the man was sent into the emergency room, the woman anxiously waited outside.

Roughly half an hour later, the doctor came out. The woman immediately rushed up and asked, "Doctor, how is my boyfriend? You have to save him!"

The doctor wore a bitter smile as he shook his head. But just when he wanted to speak, the woman retreated half a step and nearly fainted.

The doctor instantly realised that the woman had interpreted his actions wrongly and immediately explained, "Don't worry about him, your boyfriend is fine. He has woken up immediately after being sent to the emergency room. We've given him an examination, and all his vital signs are normal."

"How is that possible?" The woman was astonished as she replied, "But, he was spitting white foam earlier in the park, and his body was twitching while he was unconscious!"

The doctor briefly pondered before asking, "From his condition, he should have suffered a Cardiac Heart Arrest. Did he take any medication or did he receive any help earlier?"

The woman's eyes lit up as she replied, "There was a young man pressing against his chest in the park, is that the reason why?"

"Then you have to thank that young man! If it wasn't for him rendering emergency treatment, the patient would have been in a dire condition." The doctor analysed.

The woman sighed. She forgot to ask that young man for his name due to the urgent situation earlier.

Her mind was on her boyfriend, and she only thought of thanking that person after her boyfriend's situation has been stabilised.

Perhaps she was infected my Su Tao's courageous action, Gu Rushan wanted to treat Su Tao to breakfast as a commendation.

Su Tao did not refuse her offer, so they came to an ordinary breakfast stall. Although the place was humble, the table was decorated with cucumber, eight-treasure vegetables, and assorted vegetable soup.

"Boss, two bowls of soybean milk!" Gu Rushan called out with a smile.

When the soybean milk was served, Gu Rushan smiled when she saw that Su Tao wasn't moving. "Not going to try the taste of Beijing?"

Su Tao bitterly smiled as he looked at the green soup. He knew the might of this soup. Don't judge a book by its cover, the appearance wasn't scary, but the smell was horrible. Thus, Su Tao bulked up his courage and took a big gulp.

It tasted like swill that lingered in his mouth. But when he took the second mouthful, he was already used to the taste.

"What are you doing in Beijing?" Gu Rushan curiously asked, realizing that she had been the one doing the talking, and she knew nothing about Su Tao.

"To handle some business!" Su Tao replied with a smile plastered on his face.

"You should have just finished High School at your age, right?" Gu Rushan smiled as she continued, "It's the same as me when I was young. I felt that wandering in Beijing would grant me a bigger stage, and I would make a name for myself. But I never expected that even after so many years, I've accomplished nothing. My family has been constantly urging me to return, and I also know that returning home will be free of worries with a stable job. But I feel that I should try while I'm still young."

Her mature mindset also shocked Su Tao, but it must have been tempered from being in society for so many years, so he smiled. "The soup of the mind is better than this soybean milk!"

"Really?" Gu Rushan's eyes flickered as she shared. "But many people find me laughable!"

Shaking his head, Su Tao disagreed, "All those who find you laughable are fools!"

Gu Rushan sighed as she bitterly smiled. "You know what I want to do? I want to be an actress; I want to be a celebrity. But working as a dance instructor now is just the reality of life."

As Su Tao examined Gu Rushan, he replied, "I'll definitely sign you up without hesitation if I was the management company."

Teased by Su Tao's words, Gu Rushan chuckled, "Really? Although it's fake, I still believe you."

Su Tao shook his head and smiled. "Because you're a woman who makes others want to break the rules."

Su Tao had high taste. He might be a little too flirty, but all the women around him were outstanding in their own ways.

Women who makes him want to break the rules were generally those charming ones like Gu Rushan.

The complement made Gu Rushan's face blush as she sourly glared at Su Tao. "I never expected that you're so flippant. I'm already married, so how could I allow someone to break the rules?"

However, Su Tao gave a serious glance at Gu Rushan and exposed, "You don't have to lie to me. You're not married."

Gu Rushan was briefly stunned as she looked at Su Tao in astonishment and insisted, "I'm really married. My husband will return next week, so I'll introduce him to you."

Shaking his finger, Su Tao smiled. "Although you're pretty good at cooking up stories, you already exposed yourself through the various signs. Firstly, there's no such coincidence that your husband is also from Hanzhou City like me, and this is a stereotypical plot; secondly, aside from the marriage photo framed on the wall, you're giving off the aura of a single woman, such as the feminine shoes in your cabinet. Then again, I can understand the reason for it, since you're worried that someone might have intentions about you."

Gu Rushan fell into silence for a long time before she looked at Su Tao with a complicated glance. In the end, she raised her thumbs up and confessed, "You've guessed it correctly! That wedding photo was something I took when I was helping my friend as a model, and I kept it at home because I liked it. I'm not trying to lie to you on purpose, but just as you've said, I'm a single woman and I have to learn how to protect myself."

Shaking his head, Su Tao smiled. "Of course, I can understand your reasons! Furthermore, I even admire you."

This woman before him was one with wit and knew how to protect herself well in such a complicated environment. Hence, he felt admiration for her.

After they finished their breakfast, they returned to their rental apartment. Before they parted, Gu Rushan invited Su Tao to run together again tomorrow morning, which Su Tao gladly agreed.

In Gu Rushan's eyes, Su Tao was someone who wants to find his opportunity in Beijing. Hence, she felt close to him, and she probably thought of giving him some guidance. After all, Gu Rushan could see herself in Su Tao when she first came to Beijing ⁠— filled with motivation and ideas.

When Su Tao opened the door, he noticed that there was something wrong with the lock, since there should be two clicks. However, he managed to open it with just one.

Seeing a pair of women's shoes, a smile rose on his lips as he walked in and saw Shui Junzhuo in the living room.

"Why are you here so early in the morning?" Su Tao asked.

Letting out a sigh, Shui Junzhuo helplessly replied, "I initially wanted to exercise together with you, but I never expected that I'm late."

A smile was plastered on Su Tao's face as he looked at Shui Junzhuo. For some reason, he felt that Shui Junzhuo was giving off the aura of a mistress of this apartment. Shaking his head, he exposed, "You're lying. You're dressed so formally, so how are you here to run?"

Shui Junzhuo was currently wearing a black suit and her hair was neatly bundled. Her face was moist with her clothes outlining her graceful curves. Looking at her, she gave off the feeling of a professional white-collared worker.

"Alright, I'll stop joking around with you. I'll not beat around the bush either; I'm here to bring you to meet someone." Shui Junzhuo smiled.

Letting out a sigh, Su Tao wryly smiled. "Is it another patient of unusual illness again?"

Nodding her head, Shui Junzhuo replied, "If she's simple, why would I need a divine physician such as yourself to make a move?"

Her praises made Su Tao feel great, so he stood up. "Let me change my clothes, first!"

Roughly ten minutes later, Su Tao wore his iconic robes and grabbed his medical box before he left the apartment with Shui Junzhuo.

When the two of them entered the lift, Gu Rushan was leaving her apartment. She's going to participate in an audition for a drama, which she gave effort into dressing herself.

Seeing Su Tao and Shui Junzhuo leaving together, she inwardly sighed and felt somewhat disappointed.

Although Su Tao claimed that he and Shui Junzhuo were ordinary friends, she did not believe it.

At this moment, she felt complicated in her heart. She initially thought that she had finally found someone whom she could have social interaction with, but she realised that Su Tao wasn't single, unlike her. Hence, she felt and ineffable disappointment.

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