Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 288 - No exceptions

Shui Junzhuo never expected that their trip to Minnan Province would end in such haste. After seeing Su Tao making a move first to take the flight back to Huainan Province, Shui Junzhuo subconsciously balled her fists together. Even if they hadn't met for long, her mind was completely filled with the events of the past few days.

"You can return to Qiongjin City first. The chief has already asked leave for you, and there's no need for you to return to Beijing in such a hurry." Ah Jun said with a soft voice. Although Ah Jun was unsophisticated when it came to relationships, he could tell that his Missy was reluctant to part with Su Tao.

"No need!" Taking a deep breath, Shui Junzhuo continued, "Our separation would happen sooner or later, and we have our own lives. I also have to get into mine."

Nodding his head, Ah Jun smiled. "Su Tao is a pretty good man, but he's just a little too fickle when it comes to relationships."

Shui Junzhuo was briefly absent-minded before she smiled. "Which man isn't fickle? It's not a flaw, but a common characteristic."

Briefly shocked, Ah Jun never expected that Shui Junzhuo would be so open-minded. "In this matter, Sire Shui and you share a common mindset."

"Oh? What else did my grandpa say?" Shui Junzhuo smiled.

"He said that you should take more of an initiative when it comes to such an outstanding man like Su Tao and seize him!" Ah Jun replied without any reservations.

"More of an initiative?" When the plane flew into the air, Shui Junzhuo's eyes flickered with bewilderment as she followed the trajectory of the aircraft.

Any innocent woman would have ambitions when it came to relationships. It was innate, and no woman was an exception!

There were many times when physicians couldn't blatantly reveal the pathology. Take the academician, Tu Aoao, for example. He had no idea that the TCM herb, artemisia, was effective in treating malaria when he extracted Artemisinin.

The water in Golden Chicken Mountain's hot springs was rich in minerals, and before it was taken for analysis, no one knew what composition was in it that made treating Big-Foot Disease effective. After using the water, Miao Doudou's condition had swiftly improved.

The reason why TCM was identified as metaphysics was due to it being experience-based.

In the eyes of western medicine, there were many reasons behind a cold caused by a viral infection. At the same time, different viruses require different antibiotics. As for TCM, they would select a traditional prescription from the various symptoms shown by the patient. Thus, physicians required experience to provide treatment without any backing of science like western medicine. Hence, this became the most significant obstruction to the development of TCM.

After Su Tao used the water from the hot springs to clean Miao Doudou's wounds, he then used Fire Needle Acupuncture.

Fire Needle Acupuncture was effective when it came to exterminating parasites, and Miao Doudou only felt a burning sensation in her legs that covered her in sweat.

Watching the whole treatment from the side, Xiao Jingjing's heart was filled with both astonishment and admiration. Fire Needle Acupuncture wasn't just inserting hot needles during acupuncture, but it required the use of Qi to bring a burning sensation after the needles were inserted.

In many places, Fire Needle Acupuncture and Cold Needle Acupuncture were called Burning Mountain and Heart Freezing Chill. It actually wasn't that magical or profound, and any acupuncture physician that knew how to utilise Qi could use it. On the other hand, if their Qi wasn't strong enough, the result would be affected.

Aside from Fire Needle Acupuncture and Cold Needle Acupuncture, there was also Sword, Stone, and Warm Needle Acupunctures, which represented the five elements; fire, water, metal, earth, and wood.

Amongst his disciples, Zhao Jian had the most potential when it comes to acupuncture, and he has formed a foundation with the five elements acupuncture. As for Xiao Jingjing, she was proficient with the Stone and Warm Needle Acupunctures, the two that were beneficial in nurturing the body.

Although this wasn't the first time he displayed the five elements acupuncture to Xiao Jingjing, Su Tao's technique still gave her new insight.

When Su Tao removed the needles from Miao Doudou's acupoints, he gently comforted the acupoints with his hands and dead skin fell from her legs, revealing new fair skin beneath it.

Compared to his first encounter with Miao Doudou, her legs looked akin to an ordinary person's now. It was so much so that because of being malnourished for a long time, she only had dead skin in certain spots that still hadn't fallen and changed into new skin.

Letting out a breath, Su Tao took the towel from Xiao Jingjing to wipe the beads of sweat on his forehead and smiled. "From today onward, Doudou, you have to work hard. After all, it has been a long time since you've walked normally, so you will require practice. But don't be too anxious and have some patience. You will recover completely."

With her eyes flickering in tears, Miao Doudou was touched, "Physician Su, thank you."

In Su Tao's eyes, Miao Doudou was just a young girl who was fifteen or sixteen. Thus, he stretched his finger and scraped Doudou's nose. "When you've recovered, I will you register for a ballet class. I haven't forgotten my promise to you."

Ballet had a strict requirement on the body's flexibility, and it had to be practiced from young, which Miao Doudou had already passed the age. However, Su Tao was only doing this to boost her confidence. After all, Fan Lihua was an employee of the Three Flavour Hall, and Miao Doudou was also now a family of his.

When Su Tao walked out of the room, Xiao Jingjing skillfully arranged his medical box. She was meticulous, and memorised the placement for all of Su Tao's tools.

Shortly after Su Tao came to the living room, he was briefly stunned before he went up with pleasant surprise. "Old Song, why are you here?"

Song Sichen was wearing a black coat and a hat that made him look mild. With a smile hanging on his face, he replied, "It's been a long time, so I wanted to pay you a visit."

Su Tao immediately welcomed Song Sichen in and arranged the latter to sit near the air conditioner, while Xiao Jingjing brought over a cup of tea.

"The Three Flavour Hall didn't look so spacious the last time I came here." Song Sichen commented after looking around.

"The shop underwent a renovation." After a brief pondering, Su Tao still decided to ask, "I'm afraid your purpose isn't as simple as coming over to take a look, right?"

Nodding his head, Song Sichen took out an invitation the size of an A4 paper from his bag and handed it over to Su Tao. "Take a look at this!"

When Su Tao received it, he showed a wry smile. It was an invitation to the International Medical Summit that would be hosted in South Korea. When he previously rejected Kim Jung-ho, he did not expect that the latter would make use of his relationship with Song Sichen to persuade him.

"You want me to participate?" Su Tao asked with a smile.

"Let me finish my explanation for this invitation's history, and I'm sure that you will participate in it." Song Sichen looked excited as he continued, "The international Medical Summit first looked to the TCM Association and requested for their participation. In the end, the TCM Association realised that you were ranked at the top of the invitation list. They chose to ignore it and sent a reply to the hosting committee. Do you know what happened next?"

"What?" Song Sichen's words also piqued Su Tao's curiosity.

"The committee sent their invitation over once more and said that if you're not participating in it, they will revoke the participants of everyone in the TCM Association." Song Sichen couldn't hold back his laughed and continued, "In the end, the TCM Association was forced to look for me and pass the invitation to me."

Su Tao could understand Song Sichen's thoughts, and this was probably Kim Jung-ho's doing. With Song Sichen personally making a trip over with the invitation, it would be too unreasonable for him to refuse. Hence, Su Tao could only accept it and thanked Song Sichen, "Thank you, Old Song, for making the delivery. Oh, right, since you're here, why don't you conduct a charity consultation as a specialist for the Three Flavour Hall?"

After giving a sour look at Su Tao, Song Sichen smiled. "You brat, always looking for benefits for yourself!"

Hearing his reply, Su Tao knew that Song Sichen had agreed, so he immediately turned to Xiao Jingjing. "Contact the media and inform them that the prestigious physician, Song Sichen, is going to provide free medical consultation for common folks. It's a rare opportunity!"

Although Song Sichen would occasionally participate in activities, the fees for his appearance would be at least ¥100,000, and he only took them on rare occasions. But since it was a request from Su Tao, he could only helplessly shake his head. "Alright. I'll do free marketing for you!"

Standing to the side, Xiao Jingjing was extremely excited. Song Sichen's status in TCM was akin to Lang Lang of the piano world, Yao Ming of the basketball world, Jackie Chan of the film industry, and Wang Jianlin of the business world. He held great influence in TCM, and it could cause a great commotion if any hospital invited him for an event.

Swiftly, the media in Hanzhou City was completely activated and started publicising this event. It was so much so that even Di Shiyuan got the province's press to do an advertisement for this event.

At the same time, the Three Flavour Cosmetics International naturally wouldn't give up this chance for publicity. Thus, they made use of the wave and created a public opinion to consolidate the orthodoxy of TCM.

When the President of Jianghuai Hospital, Wang Song, came to learn of this, he immediately called Di Shiyuan and complained, "Chief Di, why isn't Mr. Song's charity consultation hosted in Jianghuai Hospital?"

Di Shiyuan knew what Wang Song was thinking. He wanted to use Song Sichen's fame to boost Jianghuai Hospital's foundation, so he smiled. "Don't worry. Although he's not in Jianghuai Hospital, can't you use this matter to publicise as well?"

"How?" Wang Song was perplexed.

"The Three Flavour Hall and Jianghuai Hospital have a partnership relationship, and Su Tao is also the nominal Vice-President of Jianghuai Hospital. Isn't publicising the Three Flavour Hall and Su Tao the same as publicising Jianghuai Hospital?" Di Shiyuan patiently explained.

"That makes some sense…" For some reason, Wang Song still felt that something was awry.

With a smile plastered on his face, Di Shiyuan responded, "Remember, the development of the Three Flavour Hall does not clash with Jianghuai Hospital. If the Three Flavour Hall can attract more patients over, it will also benefit Jianghuai Hospital!"

Although Wang Song was depressed, he couldn't refute Di Shiyuan's words, so he helplessly smiled. "I understand."

Upon hanging the call with Wang Song, Di Shiyuan tapped on the document on his desk. The title was "People's Republic of China's TCM Proposal," with a sub-heading and two red underlines, "The country supports the TCM medical structure created by the society." This document would be implemented on the 1st of July. It was a policy for the Three Flavour Hall's branching project, and the Three Flavour Hall's development would soar with the support of the government.

With the rise of his post, Di Shiyuan's vision had also changed. His vision was no longer limited in Jianghuai Hospital, but he would think of the entire medical circumstances in Hanzhou City. When he was the President of Jianghuai Hospital, he only needed to consider how to make the hospital stronger. Right now, he had to think of perfecting the medical system in Hanzhou City.

He was someone with visions and dreams. The healthcare system affected the common folks, and every policy could change their lives. Since he had given up on medical practice to go into politics, then he had to fight for more people's benefits.

From the few recent meetings he participated in, the healthcare system of Hanzhou City was one of the focuses. It was due to the Russian businesswoman and SG Chaebol's heir's incident. It made people recognise the importance of the healthcare system. Thinking more in-depth into it, it was directly influenced by Su Tao.

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