Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 285 - Wealth, power, and fame

"You're required to coordinate with our marketing program this year!" Rangure placed a pile of documents beside Wang Guofeng and said, "It's mainly because you will be taking part in a few medical consultations in several countries in Europe. All of your activities are already planned out, so you just have to display your medical skills at that time for us to market. I believe that in a short period of time, we will be able to package you as a mysterious divine physician from China."

"Package?" Wang Guofeng took a sip of wine and continued, "I want to obtain the acknowledgment of the western community with my strength."

"Don't misunderstand me. I naturally believe in your ability, but in the eyes of foreigners, it's hard for them to believe in TCM since they've been using western medicine for a long time. So if we want to change their stubborn mindset, we will have to use some tactics." Rangure smiled.

Furrowing his brows, Wang Guofeng faintly smiled as well. "Alright. I accept your marketing program, and I will take some time out this year to travel to Europe."

Listening to the conversation from the side, Bai Fan smiled. "Rangure, you've helped us greatly. Every physician dreamt of walking out of the country to promote and contribute to the TCM culture." His impression of Rangure was that of a woman that's proficient in analysing, since she managed to instantly see through Wang Guofeng's soft spot.

Out of wealth, power, and fame, Wang Guofeng would undoubtedly pick the last one if he only had one choice.

Raising her glass again, Rangure smiled. "This is just the starting point of our cooperation."

Wang Guofeng has fallen for her first bait. As long as he's willing to travel to Europe, she would be able to brainwash him and make him fall.

"Oh right, with Guofeng's medical skills, when can you become a national physician?" Rangure probed as she continued, "It will be more effective in our marketing if you become a national physician."

Waving his hand, Bai Fan replied, "Miss Rangure, it's not easy to become a national physician, especially those practicing TCM. You require experience, auditing, tests, and various other procedures. For Brother Guofeng, it's just a matter of time before he becomes a national physician. After all, both his grandfather and father are national physicians, and his family is literally a family of imperial physicians."

With a grave expression, Wang Guofeng sighed, "Actually, I have no confidence in becoming a national physician. Even my father only managed to pass the test at the age of forty."

However, Bai Fan continued to flatter, "But your medical skills are better than your father's. I'm certain that you can become a national physician within ten years."

Ten years? Wang Guofeng smiled. He was still confident with that time frame.

Although ten years might be a long time, Rangure and the organisation behind her could afford the wait.

Although Hans was disabled as a chess piece, the Iron Chariot managed to obtain a sturdy footing in China due to his work over the years. It was especially so with the military side, since they even formed secret cooperation.

Nurturing Hans took seven to eight years, and now, they're going to nurture Wang Guofeng. Although it would take them ten years, the organisation could obtain more benefits.

Rangure could hold her alcohol well, so she kept pushing alcohol towards Wang Guofeng. This wasn't the first time they've met, and the moment the alcohol takes effect, Wang Guofeng's actions also became more unrestrained.

Seeing Wang Guofeng placing his hand on Rangure's thigh, a smile appeared on the corner of Bai Fan's lips.

"I've already got a room prepared for the two of you. Have a great time!" Bai Fan placed a room card on the table.

Looking at the intoxicated Wang Guofeng, Rangure gave a sweet smile towards Bai Fan. "Thank you for understanding."

Compared to Wang Guofeng, Bai Fan was harder to control, since this was a man with scheming and deep thoughts. Thus, this action of his gave her a more profound judgment of him.

He was greedy, selfish, and cruel. It was also precisely why Bai Fan was dangerous, and he was suitable to be wielded as a weapon.

Although Wang Guofeng was smart, he had his bottom line. Thus, she only needed to make some maneuvers to make him fall for her trap and grasp him like a puppet.

After Bai Fan left, Wang Guofeng was sent to the booked room with the help of waiters.

Lying on the bed, Wang Guofeng constantly pulled at his collar. It was an action by instinct after he was intoxicated.

Rangure made a call and a foreign woman who shared a great resemblance to her walked in ten-odd minutes later.

"Serve him well and give him an unforgettable night." Rangure pinched the face of that woman as she instructed with a smile.

"Roger that. Please believe in my skills." That woman winked towards Rangure as she walked towards the bed.

Seeing the woman approaching Wang Guofeng, Rangure smiled before she closed the door and left.

There were many ways to control a man, which Rangure was experienced, and she knew how to control someone like Wang Guofeng to work wholeheartedly for her. Even if Wang Guofeng hid it well by pretending to be noble and disregarded money, Rangure could tell that he was just pretending.

As for Wang Guofeng, he already knew that he had boarded this ship, and since he couldn't get down, then why not just release himself and enjoy everything?

Wang Guofeng was someone with principles, but he realised that they weren't that important.

Since he had decided to fall, then make it thorough.

The feeling was satisfying to Rangure. She was like a demon watching a genius in TCM gradually falling to the dark side.

Furthermore, it seemed like Wang Guofeng was enjoying this with no refusal.

That woman was one of the special agents placed beside Rangure.

Rangure might be an important figure in Iron Chariot, but she wouldn't go to the point of offering her body for a seed. Although Wang Guofeng was outstanding, it wasn't enough to warm her cold-blooded heart. As someone that has undergone tough training, looking bewitching was only a façade and tool. In the eyes of those in the organization, she was a relentless machine.

When she sat in the car, her phone rang and Hans' haggard voice resounded from the other side.

"Rangure, what should I do? I have had enough of this! I'm hungry and cold in a mountain with wolves howling around me!" Hans roared with indignance.

"Why didn't you follow the arrangements that the organisation made and reach the western borders within the time frame?" Rangure sighed. There were hidden powers that could assist Hans in leaving.

"Rangure, is it really finished?" Hans still felt that it was unbelievable, since everything occurred too swiftly. Just a moment ago, he was still someone of the upper circle. But he lost everything in the blink of an eye. "This is all because of Su Tao! I must kill him!"

"Don't lose your rationale. If you're able to leave China, there will be opportunities in the future for you to take revenge. If you're caught, then you will face an interrogation worse than death." Rangure felt that Hans had walked into a dead end, so she continued, "You've already missed the best opportunity to leave China, so I can only wish you good luck."

"You can't abandon me!" Hans protested.

"I'm not abandoning you, but you've forsaken the path for the vengeance in your heart." Rangure hung up the call.

Hans grabbed onto his hair in anger. Rangure was right, he had an opportunity to leave China. However, he was reluctant and wanted to take revenge on Su Tao. Thus, he did not leave Sichuan Province for the western borders.

However, he soon realised that China has mobilised an enormous army to seal the important exits to capture him. Right now, he was no different from an encaged beast. He didn't dare to stretch his head out, or he would be discovered. Hans knew the consequences of being captured, and it was too late for him to regret it.

He was also trying his luck by calling Rangure, to see if there was still a chance. But just as he had expected, Rangure abandoned him.

Hans turned off his phone and removed the battery, since he didn't know if anyone could track him through his mobile signal. After that, he came out of the cave and wanted to try his luck at finding food.

But ten minutes later, he felt his head spinning and immediately took out a piece of dried fish and took a few bites. Although there was a foul stench from the dried fish going bad, it could replenish his energy. Taking two mouthfuls of water, he continued his journey.

Suddenly, the rumbling sounds of a vehicle echoed and he panicked, before hiding behind a mound. Shortly after, six soldiers in camouflage clothing appeared in his sight, so he immediately lowered his head and cowered like a hedgehog.

There weren't many things that could conceal him, and it wasn't difficult to find him. Thus, two soldiers headed in the direction of Hans while the remaining four went in a fan formation to cover their comrades.

"Raise your hands!" When the soldiers were roughly three meters away, one of them issued an order.

Hence, Hans could only raise his hands and slowly turn around before pouncing towards a soldier.

However, a gunshot was fired, and Hans fell to the ground with his eyes widened.

At this moment, he realised that he couldn't leave China alive. His organisation had abandoned him, and he would be ruthlessly executed if anyone found him. He knew too many secrets, and not only was he a threat to China, but he was also a threat to the Iron Chariot.

The mistake he made was giving a call to Rangure.

Rangure, who was at Huaibei Province's He City, soon received the news of Hans' death. However, there wasn't any fluctuation in her emotions. In her system of values, Hans was just a chess piece, just like her. Since Hans' existence posed a threat to the organisation, then he had to be removed. Killing him herself was better than having him arrested by China and go through interrogation to reveal anything.

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