Starchild Escapes Arranged Marriage

Chapter 1007: The Most Terrifying Asura Arena

Chapter 1007: The Most Terrifying Asura Arena

With their power to create, they don't need to interfere with the Endless God's Domain. They just need to observe this vast world connected by the star bridge from their highest throne.

With the existence of the star bridge, even if they don'thing, the rulers of each God's Domain will strive to expand their territory and illuminate more star charts.

Ever since the star bridge system was completed, the territory of the entire Endless God's Domain has expanded hundreds or even thousands of times compared to the era of the Twilight of the Gods war, and this trend is still accelerating.

Initially, the star bridge was connected for a specific purpose, but it has now become the pillar that supports the civilization of Endless God's Domain.

Without the star bridge, the civilization of Endless God's Domain would probably regress to the time before the Twilight of the Gods, with scarce resources and excessive dependence on external supplies. There may even be a danger of civilization extinction.

The expansion of Endless God's Domain is absolutely advantageous for the Supreme Dragon God Asha of the Order Camp, the God of Gods Ionia, and the Nameless Lady of the Chaos Camp.

Perhaps only the Queen Mother of the West, who is neutral and indifferent to the outside world, lacks interest in the spread of the star bridge. The Eastern God's Domain is also the only God's Domain that never invades others.

In contrast, the lords of the Eastern God's Domain like to constantly evolve their own God's Domain. A medium-sized God's Domain like the Sky Sword God's Domain is a perfect example with its seventeen legendary Sky Swords.

However, all these rules are based on a certain "understanding".

Now, that understanding has been broken, and it was the Supreme Dragon God Asha, the lord of the Northern God's Domain, who broke it himself.

Just as a stone causes ripples, Asha's actions triggered an interception by the Lord of Kunlun, the Queen Mother of the West. Although she seems uninterested in expanding God's Domain's territory, the Queen Mother of the West is very protective of her own type of God's Domain, like a mother protecting her child.

Asha wanted to take away the White Lotus Sword Domain, but that was not acceptable.

The interference of the Queen Mother of the West attracted the attention of several leaders of the Seven Towers, who then discovered something.

Even though nobody could confirm the truth of this matter, even Dragon God Asha herself only had a vague feeling about it.

But that was enough.

Everything about "that person" was worth going to any lengths for.

Asha felt this way.

Ionia felt this way.

Naiya and the Nameless Lady felt the same way too.

Well, the Queen Mother of the West said, "This has nothing to do with me. I just want to protect my White Lotus Sword Domain, which is the only flower in the Eastern God's Domain."

In the middle of the White Lotus Sword Domain, there is a hidden treasure space.

The Chain of Star Dragon, with as many as thirteen rings, emitted a cracking sound under the unbearable weight.

First, a pitch-black giant claw ripped apart countless chains and forcefully entered this shrinking confinement space.

"Su... is here!" Standing on the shoulder of a gigantic black monster, Su appeared with bare feet and a smile on his face.

"Are there any naughty children who want to eat Su's candy?"

Following that, a sky-blue sword light also severed a large number of chains as the Chain of Star Dragon descended.

Yun Xi was overjoyed to see Lilibet, his first love and the Guardian of the Sky Tower in the most ancient Sky Sword God's Domain, wielding the Azure Excalibur.

Her words might be able to accomplish something.

Next, it was Zi Yuan, who Yun Xi had only encountered briefly.

She had a strange presence, her flowing robe transformed into a divine garment made of countless sharp blades. She appeared majestic and otherworldly, with black spider-like patterns on her forehead.

No, it's... with just one glance, Yun Xi felt his hairs stand on end.

This wasn't the Zi Yuan he knew, but something more terrifying, more ruthless.

Finally, appearing in a dazzling array of colors were the twin witches, known as the White Lotus Guardian of this sacred space, Red Lotus.

However, at this moment, both of them had their eyes closed, holding hands, their breath almost still.

In White Lotus' hand, a stone tablet appeared at some point. The tablet was inscribed with many names, each carrying the power of a deity.

It was a treasure that only the supreme gods of Western God's Domain could use, surpassing the concept of God Weapons.

"Five... this is truly... a delightful..." Astarot's breathing became incredibly rapid, not from nervousness, but from excitement, almost ecstatic.

The five primordial beings chose five different coordinates as their vessels and descended upon the White Lotus Sword Domain at the same time.

Just a small part of their will has already caused enormous changes in the entire White Lotus Sword Domain.

The entire White Lotus Sword Domain is transforming, except for the Water God Kingdom.

Five different powers of creation are modifying the world's laws in their own ways, occupying different regions of the White Lotus Sword Domain.

The most essential area of the sword, the blade, is claimed by the absolute home team, the Western Queen Mother. The White Lotus Sword Palace and the Sky Tower become her territory.

The section of the sword's body is divided between Naiya and the Nameless Lady, from the dark abyss of God's Domain.

The region of the sword's hilt becomes the domain of Asha and Ionia in God's Domain.

The Western Queen Mother's territory possesses the highest level of intelligent beings.

Naiya and the Nameless Lady's territory has the largest area.

Asha and Ionia's territory has the highest population.

Before the war began, the entire White Lotus Sword Domain was already divided up, except for Hydera the Water God's kingdom. There were no more private territories in the White Lotus Sword Domain.

Without a doubt, the five creators of the world all had their eyes on the White Lotus Sword Domain and expressed their intentions.

This is my land.

From this moment on, the White Lotus Sword Domain was no longer a small god's domain in the remote corner of Sky Sword God's Domain. It became a treasure that the five creators of the world would fight over.

The White Lotus Sword Domain, which was about to be taken to the Northern God's Domain by Asha, was now on the verge of collapse as it balanced amidst the power of the five creators, stopping in a certain star region in the center of Endless God's Domain.

"Master, we need to prepare to run away." Meier reminded Yun Xi, who still had fantasies about the situation. If he didn't escape now, there would be no chance.

The five creators of the world gathered together, and four of them were his ex-girlfriends. Yun Xi finally experienced what it meant to have a super Asura field that could shake the Endless God's Domain.

"One, two, three, four, five..." Astarot held Abyssal Condemnation with both hands, targeting all five enemies.

This Dark Mark would be more magnificent than ever before.

Be free, the power of endless desires!

"It's right now!"

Among the dark sword marks that span the heavens and earth, a flicker of starlight disappeared.

"Don't run!"

"Don't even think about it!"


"It's you, right?"

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