Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 555 - Chapter 555: A Try Visit

Chapter 555: A Try Visit

Translator: Henyee Translations    Editor: Henyee Translations

Qiao Xuan had been busy with her work and when she came back home, it was still very late at night. Yang Xiaoni could not wait to share the gossip with her after seeing her coming home. They had also completed their job at the flower field.

Ding Jiahuai’s daughter who was Old Master Zhao’s concubine was back home…

It was not very strange that someone was a concubine. She was born to a concubine but she had never lived a life as a concubine’s daughter. Nor had she seen anyone who was a concubine of someone.

But hearing this news… she more or less felt a little surprised. She also found it a little strange.

But she did not dwell on it for much longer. She just exchanged a few words with Yang Xiaoni, Ms. Yan and Ms. Xu.

This concubine had never been home for years, but now she was at home in an extraordinary manner. It was said that the Zhao Family even gave her a wagon to come home, and the Zhao Family gave her many presents to her parents. She even had maids with her… that was strange.

The tea tree seedlings grew fast and soon, the rest should be done after the transplantation.

Qiao Xuan decided to use her superpower to promote growth. In this way, the transplantation was definitely going to work out well.

Everyone was very busy. They had a lot of work to do every single day and were all very hungry by the end of the day.

Qiao Xuan was in charge of cooking.

Today she steamed the sausage, washed the smoked duck with warm water, chopped it into pieces, added garlic sprouts, shredded ginger, garlic cloves, and dried chili. Finally, she stir-fried it all together.

Then, she braised two big crucian carps.

There were still a lot of small river prawns that were dried the day before yesterday, and she cooked them all tonight. She fried the river prawns with fresh and tender leeks. The green and red colors were distinct, and they gave off a very nice smell.

She made another stir-fried dish of wolfberry sprouts, cold shepherd’s purse, and that was it.

Dinner was the meal that the whole family looked forward to most every day.

The dishes were tasty, and they contained a lot of oil. So, even if they worked the whole day without stopping, they could still feel relaxed after having been served such delicious food.

Everyone took a warm bath at the end of the day and relaxed. After resting for one night, the energy returned.

The following morning, Qiao Xuan, Qi, Liqiu and Lixia went to pull out the seedlings and tied them into a bunch. After breakfast, they asked Qi to deliver one batch to the Zhang Village.

Qi left the house while Qiao Xuan and the others continued to pull the seedlings. They should be done today, and after one more delivery in the afternoon, they could start to plant at the Zhang Village the following day. No more deliveries would be needed.

The seedbed for raising seedlings was turned over and tidied up. Well, it was almost time to plant watermelons.

Moreover, peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, beans, pumpkins, wax gourds, chayotes could all be planted.

Qiao Xuan would not plant so many vegetables in the garden. Only watermelons and tomatoes would do. The others would be planted in the garden later.

There would not be any more fruits to add this year. The current ones would be enough.

The peaches, apricots, plums, and pears had all bloomed and born small, green bean-like fruits. The loquats had also bloomed and bore fruit. The fruits were becoming bigger and riper. The hanging ones were growing very well. In two more months, the tree would be full of golden yellow color and the fruits should be sweet.

In the yard, Ms. Fang was cleaning the yard whilst her grandchildren were playing on the ground next to the flower parterre when someone knocked at the door. Ms. Fang got up, dusted her clothes and went to open the door.

“Ms. Fang, hello!” It was a woman in her 20s, wearing pink silk embroidered clothes and her hair held in a bun, looking very beautiful.

She had a maid next to her..

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