So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 866 - Investigating Zheng Shaopeng (A)

Chapter 866: Investigating Zheng Shaopeng (A)

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

“The origin of this person seems to be fishy. I don’t know if he has any intentions on your casino, but his identity definitely is suspect.” Yang Ming didn’t make it too obvious because he didn’t know how to tell Huang Lele now. Things were too complicated. It couldn’t be cleared up in a few words.

“Ah!” Although Huang Lele did not participate in the management of the casino, she heard that the staff in her casino was fishy. Worse still, the person was also a consultant with authority!

In a casino operation, in addition to the manager, the consultant also had a big say because although the consultant may not be an expert in business, he was definitely an expert in gambling. Therefore, the majority of his opinions must be considered.

“Then, I will ask someone to bring you the information now.” Huang Lele did not dare to delay. After hearing Yang Ming’s words, she quickly picked up the phone and called the manager of the casino.

“Uncle Zhang, this is Lele.” Huang Lele said to the person on the phone.

President Zhang was the CEO of the Huawei Casino, Zhang Guozong. When Yang Ming investigated Zheng Shaopeng in advance, he learned about the personnel structure of the casino and knew about Zhang Guozong. However, it had nothing to do with the whole context. Yang Ming did not investigate further and only knew of the name.

“Lele, is there something you need from me?” Zhang Guozong heard it immediately. The phone called was from the Miss of the Huang family, so he dared not to neglect.

“President Zhang, come to my room. I have some matter to discuss.” Huang Lele instructed.

The time around, Huang Lele was like a daughter of the noble house as she commanded the underlings. Yang Ming looked at her with great interest. Huang Lele’s look at the moment was really different.

Yang Ming just didn’t know that despite Huang Lele’s innocence, she had seen many things under the influence of the big family. She knew how to talk to those who worked for the family.

“Alright, the manager will be here soon. You can ask him later.” Huang Lele said to Yang Ming.

Not long after, the sound of knocking on the door came from outside the room.

“Please, come in.” Huang Lele sat up from the bed and took care of her bangs to make herself look normal.

Yang Ming had unlocked the door of the room after the phone call. Hence, at this time, when Zhang Guozong pushed from outside, the door opened.

“Miss, are you looking for me?” When Zhang Guozong saw there was another person in the room, his address for Huang Lele also changed from “Lele” said in private to Miss.

Logically, he was Huang Lele’s elder. Zhang Guozong worked for Huang Lele’s father a long time ago. Until now, it was normal to call Huang Lele, “Lele.” However, if there were outsiders present, it was possible to be laughed at by others for not following the rules and even shamed for taking advantage of his seniority. Hence, in front of outsiders, Zhang Guozong was still very respectful and called Huang Lele as “Miss.”

“En, he has something to ask you. You talk to him on the specifics.” After Huang Lele finished, she went to the computer desk. She turned on the computer monitor and played on the computer self-servingly.

“Hi, President Zhang, right? My surname is Yang, Yang Ming.” Yang Ming smiled as he reached out and shook hands with Zhang Guozong.

If Zhang Guozong could run such a big casino, he already trained a pair of good eyes. He did not notice when he first entered the room. However, now he somewhat understood the relationship between Yang Ming and Huang Lele. The two people must have a close relationship, and it should be a couple’s relationship.

The reason why he was so sure was because of several reasons. Firstly, it was Huang Lele’s casual appearance in front of Yang Ming. If he were a stranger, she wouldn’t leave her guests aside and play on the computer by herself.

Secondly, after Huang Lele saw Zhang Guozong come in, she did not deliberately introduce the identity of Yang Ming, but let Zhang Guozong talk directly with Yang Ming. In this way, she wouldn’t treat someone as such if they weren’t close.

The third and most crucial point was that after Zhang Guozong entered the room, he smelled an unusual atmosphere. It was the unique smell that remained after men and women had pleasures together. How could Zhang Guozong who had experience in this be unaware?

Looking at Huang Lele’s face, there was still a blush that had not subsided. Zhang Guozong was even more determined. The young man in front of him was the Miss’ sweetheart.

Given that Zhang Guozong could hold his position in the Huang Family for many years, his ability to observe was superb. So after speculating on Yang Ming’s identity, Zhang Guozong was particularly careful about this future Huang Family’s son-in-law.

No matter how capable he was, Zhang Guozong still worked for the Huang Family in the end. At this moment, Huang Lele’s father basically didn’t bother with the company’s affairs, so the company’s affairs would definitely be handed over to these juniors.

Although most of the Huang Family’s matters were handled by Huang Lele’s eldest brother, Zhang Guozong understood that the old man wouldn’t give all his business to his eldest son in the future. He would hand over a small part of the business to his second son and his most beloved youngest daughter.

Even the property that Huang Lele gets might be similar to the eldest son because Zhang Guozong knew the old man’s character very well. After having a daughter in his older years, of course, he would treasure her a lot. Even if the management rights were given to the eldest son, Huang Lele’s equity would definitely not be less.

In fact, the casino in Macau came about because of Huang Lele’s work. The most contacted person from the Huang family was Huang Lele, so this casino was likely to be handed over to her in the future.

Huang Lele was a girl after all, and she wasn’t very interested in business matters so the person who was in charge of the casino would be the son-in-law in front of him.

“Hi, Mr. Yang. What President Zhang? Hehe, this isn’t a business affair. Lele calls me Uncle Zhang. How about you call me that as well?” After guessing the identity of Yang Ming, Zhang Guozong removed his serious appearance. Because in this case, a family relationship was more useful than others.

“Great, then I will call you Uncle Zhang. You don’t have to call me Mr. Yang. Just call me Yang Ming.” Yang Ming smiled and said.

“Alright, I will call you Yang Ming.” Zhang Guozong naturally didn’t want to distance the relationship too much. The situation fit his intention. “Yang Ming, what do you need from me? We can skip the pleasantries. Just say it directly.”

“This is the case. I want to know about Zheng Shaopeng’s information.” Yang Ming said straightforwardly.

“Zheng Shaopeng is the head consultant of our casino,” said Zhang Guozong. “What information do you need to know?”

When Zhang Guozong spoke, he deliberately referred to Huawei Casino as “our casino” and used the word “our.”

“For example, when did that person enter the casino and what was his career before entering the casino?” Yang Ming said.

“Why? He… did he offend you in any way?” Zhang Guozong said with a smile, “If this is the case, I will fire him. With the reputation of the Huawei Casino, there is no worry about finding a good consultant.”

“That is not the case. I don’t have any personal resentment with him. I just saw that this person participated in a bad matter before, so I suspect that his character is problematic.” Yang Ming shook his head and said.

“This is the case.” Zhang Guozong nodded after hearing. “In fact, when we hire consultants, mostly we just look at his talents. There is a saying that we don’t ask about the hero’s origin, especially in the gambling industry. The backgrounds of these masters are secrets. It isn’t quite appropriate for us to ask. However, I have a record of his time at the casino. It happened eight years ago.”

“At that time, was he already very famous?” Yang Ming did not expect Zheng Shaopeng to stay in the Huawei Casino for eight years. So, did he have any plots for the casino?

“No, he just came to apply as a dealer. He didn’t want to apply as a casino consultant.” Zhang Guozong said, “The requirements for becoming a dealer aren’t high – as long as the person knows how to gamble and has a nimble hand. Zheng Shaopeng passed a simple assessment, and he came to work in the casino.

“After that, he was promoted to foreman, deputy consultant and director consultant with his nimble hand until now. ”

It is an ordinary career pathway. Yang Ming shook his head as he found nothing unusual.

“Is he at the casino now?” asked Yang Ming.

“He is. When the casino is still doing business, and if there is nothing else, he will stay in the casino except for vacation,” said Zhang Guozong.

“Did he take a vacation a few days ago?” asked Yang Ming.

“Yes, he just took a vacation a few days ago.” Zhang Guozong replied.

“Alright, arrange a room for me. I want to meet this Zheng Shaopeng alone.” Yang Ming said, “There should be no monitoring equipment in the room.”

“You can rest assured that there is no problem with it. In our own territory, we have our say here.” Zhang Guozong used the word “our” for the second time.

Zheng Shaopeng didn’t know why President Zhang summoned him. Rather than going to the CEO office, he was asked to go to another room. Although it was strange, Zheng Shaopeng quickly put down the matter at hand and rushed over.

There was no one in the room. Only President Zhang’s secretary was there. When she saw Zheng Shaopeng, she stood up and said to Zheng Shaopeng, “Consultant Zheng, you wait in the room for a while. President Zhang will come soon.”

“Okay.” Zheng Shaopeng nodded. Although he had some doubts in his heart, he could not ask President Zhang’s secretary.

The moment Yang Ming pushed open the door and entered, he turned his face into the appearance he used outside of Zheng Shaopeng’s villa that day and closed the door.

When Zheng Shaopeng heard someone come in, he thought that President Zhang came in. He stood up and was about to say hello, but he saw an unfamiliar person standing in front of him.

“You? Who are you?” Zheng Shaopeng asked Yang Ming in confusion.

“Zheng Shaopeng, don’t you know me?” Yang Ming smiled coldly and took a step closer to Zheng Shaopeng.

“You… I don’t know you, right?” Zheng Shaopeng looked at Yang Ming in bafflement and shook his head.

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