So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 675 - Temptations

Chapter 675: Temptations

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

“Fine. Yang Ming, since you won’t say it then let me say it.” Sun Jie had adjusted her emotions and said in a faint tone, “Xiao Qing, you see, I knew Yang Ming previously.”

“It turns out that you two know each other…” Xiao Qing hadn’t figured out the situation yet. She didn’t dare to talk indiscriminately.

“But, don’t worry. I have nothing to do with Yang Ming. Yang Ming just pretends to be my boyfriend.” Sun Jie hesitated said, “My dad forced me to have a boyfriend, and I grabbed Yang Ming to be the strong and young candidate.”

“I say, Sun Jie, isn’t it inappropriate to say this?” When Yang Ming listened to Sun Jie’s words, his heart was a little uncomfortable instead. Have nothing to do with me? Then what are the things that happened between us? One-night stand? Two-nights stand?

This made Yang Ming, who was a very chauvinistic person, a little disgusted. “There are no outsiders here. Can we just say it without restriction?”

“Well? You let me say this!” Sun Jie didn’t care about Yang Ming’s words. “Xiao Qing, since this guy doesn’t know what is shameful, then I have nothing to hide! Indeed, I was raped twice by Yang Ming! Do you know why I came to see you this time? I just wanted to end the relationship with you before. Why? I’m afraid that Yang Ming has some disease and passed it to me. Then if I passed it to you again, it won’t be great…”

” Ah ?” Xiao Qing stared at Sun Jie blankly. She couldn’t speak anything.

Yang Ming was so angry that he stared at Sun Jie furiously. “Can you keep some morality in your words? If I have any disease to pass to you, what can you do?”

“You wanted me to say it. I’m just telling the truth…” Sun Jie tried her best to not smile while saying it in a serious tone.

What surprised them was that Xiao Qing actually interrupted roughly, “Xiao Jie…Yang Ming isn’t sick. You don’t have to worry too much…”

” Huh ?” Sun Jie and Yang Ming glanced at each other at the same time. This time, they smiled bitterly and shook their heads with a tacit understanding.

“I am joking…” Sun Jie explained helplessly, “Xiao Qing, the matters between me and Yang Ming was just an accident. You know that I don’t like men either… You can rest assured…”

” Oh …” Xiao Qing nodded with a frown. No one was sure what she was thinking.

Two women, one man. However, they had a very flirtatious relationship with each other, which made the atmosphere at their table a bit strange.

However, the atmosphere was quickly interrupted by other people. A loud noise came from several people on the next table. It was a conflict between several young people and the waiter in the coffee shop.

“We ordered three cups of coffee. Why did you charge money for four cups?” One of the young men in a basketball jersey pointed and shouted at the waiter.

“Sir, you have ordered four cups. You see, there are four cups on the table!” The waiter grievously pointed to the tableware used on the table.

“F*ck, you are f*cking opening a black shop right? Four cups? Putting four cups means four cups? Then if you put a hundred cups here it means I ordered a hundred cups? What stupid logic is this?” The young man in the basketball jersey said furiously.

“But sir, there were four of you just now… You think about it again. One of you who left first ordered a cup, too!” The waiter patiently explained.

“The person just now? The coffee that the person had before, why don’t you charge it to that person? Why are you talking to me?” The young man in the basketball jersey was unwilling. He glared and bared his teeth.

“Aren’t you guys together?” The waiter was helpless, but he didn’t dare to be angry after seeing the three young and tough men in front of him. He had to continue to explain.

“What together? Who told you that we are together?” The youth in the basketball jersey said with some intolerance, “If you talk more nonsense, I won’t even give you the money for three cups.”

“Didn’t you guys just talk to each other just now… You guys ordered the coffees together. Why do you say that you guys aren’t together?” The waiter said in a dilemma.

“F*ck! Are you done?” The young man in the basketball jersey waved his hand and said, “What’s wrong with talking? There are more people talking to you every day. Do you know each of them? Then you talked to me as well. Are you going to pay for me?”

“Sir, aren’t you being unreasonable…” The waiter whispered.

“What the f*ck are you saying? Who is being reasonable? Are you tired of living? You are so bored, aren’t you?” As the young man in the basketball jersey said this, he took the teapot on the table and smashed it toward the waiter.

The waiter was shocked and quickly dodged to the side. This dodge was fine, but the teapot went straight to Yang Ming’s table.

Yang Ming was instantly angered. If you refuse to pay, I don’t care much. But if you threw the teapot toward me, then it is your fault! Yang Ming’s reaction was so fast. Seeing that the teapot was about to smash him, Yang Ming simply swung his hand and the teapot flew back in the original direction.

However, the water in the teapot still spilled and some of it splashed onto Yang Ming and Xiao Qing. This wasn’t what Yang Ming could control with his skills. Yang Ming could deflect the teapot, but he couldn’t deflect the water. It was because of this, that Yang Ming didn’t hold back with his counterattack. The teapot flew back rapidly and smashed on the face of the young man in the basketball jersey. His nose was bleeding all of sudden!

These sudden changes made the waiter and the young men in the basketball jersey stunned. After that, the young man in the basketball jersey reacted. He covered his nose, and pointed in Yang Ming’s direction and shouted, “You stand up!”

“You talk bad about our Donghai? It seems that Song Jiang’s little punks are quite a lot, too!” What scene had Sun Jie not seen before? She didn’t put these little punks in her eyes, so she could still joke about it.

Yang Ming smiled bitterly. When he was in Donghai, because Wang Chengen troubled them, Yang Ming had ridiculed Sun Jie with innuendos. Meaning that in the Sun Family’s territory, a little punk actually dared to trouble Sun Jie. The management was really bad!

Now, although Sun Jie still didn’t know he was Song Jiang’s behind-the-scenes boss, it could be considered revenge for her previous grievance.

“No one knows you in Song Jiang.” Yang Ming smiled.

“What do you do now? You can solo three of them?” Sun Jie looked at Yang Ming and asked.

“They have three; we have three as well. It is very fair.” Yang Ming said indifferently.

“Do you think me and Xiao Qing have any combat power?” Sun Jie glared at Yang Ming.

“If Sister Xiao Qing doesn’t, then I will fight two. You fight one.” Yang Ming smiled.

“Yang Ming, I find that I hate you a little more.” Sun Jie said seriously.

“If you want me to be the hero who saves the beauty then say it. Stop beating around the bush.” Yang Ming shook his head.

“You caused this trouble. Why do you need to save the beauty? People are looking for you, not me…” As Sun Jie’s voiced out, she didn’t expect it to be fulfilled…

“F*ck, I’m talking to you. Did you hear me? Are you deaf?” The young man in the basketball jersey was enraged. When he saw Yang Ming actually flirting there, his anger increased.

However, when he saw the appearances of Xiao Qing and Sun Jie, he was stunned immediately. Then his saliva dripped down. “You, kid, really know how to enjoy. Dating two beauties alone. Let’s do it this way. You leave these two beauties, and I will make an exception and let you go!”

When the young man in the basketball jersey said that, Yang Ming was happy. He looked at Sun Jie with a vague smile. “See? They let me go and let you two stay.”

“Are you willing to leave your Sister Xiao Qing?” Sun Jie snorted.

“Of course not.” As Yang Ming said that, he turned around and said to the young man in the basketball jersey, “I can’t leave these two. Can we discuss? Can I leave one?”

“One…” The young man in the basketball jersey smacked his lips. Then he said thoughtfully, “My brothers are quite strong. Can she take it?”

When Sun Jie listened to Yang Ming’s words, she was outraged! This Yang Ming, isn’t he bad to talk about this? Leave one? Then he means leaving me here?

Xiao Qing, who had never spoken, was a little anxious at the moment, “Yang Ming, don’t play around. What nonsense are you talking?”

“I didn’t talk nonsense. I don’t like to mend other’s businesses. If it’s my woman, I care. If it’s not my woman, I don’t care. Why do I have to care?” When Yang Ming said this, he observed Sun Jie’s reaction using the corner of his eyes.

However, it was a helpless discovery that Sun Jie didn’t have any changes in her expression, but she stared at him in a ruthless manner.

“Who is leaving here? Are you done discussing? I think this big tit is good. Leave her then!” The young man in the basketball jersey stood behind Yang Ming, and he could see Sun Jie directly. When he saw Sun Jie’s hot body, he started to be a little bit tempted.

When he said this, his hand was trying to grab Sun Jie insincerely…

Yang Ming frowned at once. He was somewhat unhappy. I’m joking with you. You really took it seriously?

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