So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 666 - A Diary

Chapter 666: A Diary

It seemed that my daughter had always been in this unrequited love. Before this, I also misunderstood the young man, Yang Ming. However, no matter how the misunderstanding was, my daughter did eventually suffer from the injury because of Yang Ming. Therefore, Mother Zhou would naturally not have any good impression of Yang Ming. However, she had no choice. The doctor said to her that her daughter could be considered as being fully recovered in her current situation. As for when she could wake up, it was entirely up to her!

As for the present Zhou Jiajia, her whole person was in a self-confined state. She refused contact with the outside world and refused to wake up! It seemed that she had some unresolved issues in her heart! The only way to wake her up as soon as possible was to think about ways to resolve these issues in her heart.

As to how to resolve it, it wasn’t something that the hospital doctor could do! Therefore, the doctor suggested that Mother Zhou accompany Zhou Jiajia to talk more often. Perhaps that way it could untie the knots in her heart.

If Zhou Jiajia had a lover or friends, it was best to let them spend more time with Zhou Jiajia. Perhaps they would know what desires or unresolved issues Zhou Jiajia had.

Therefore, Mother Zhou found Zhou Jiajia’s good friend, Wang Xue, according to the doctor’s suggestion and learned of the entire happenings between her daughter and Yang Ming from Wang Xue!

After listening to Wang Xue’s narrative, Mother Zhou came up with an idea all of a sudden. Is Yang Ming the unresolved knot in my daughter’s heart? If Yang Ming could spend more time with my daughter, maybe my daughter would wake up sooner!

Therefore, the previous scene happened.

Yang Ming couldn’t imagine this was actually Mother Zhou’s request to him. He couldn’t help but say sincerely, “Aunty Hua, Zhou Jiajia was injured because of me. Even if you don’t say it, I would often visit Jiajia! You didn’t need to request this from me at all!”

“That’s good; that’s good!” Mother Zhou nodded. She said, “You come to talk with Jiajia. I’ll go eat something.”

“Okay.” Yang Ming didn’t think much. He sat down on the top of Zhou Jiajia’s bed.

Mother Zhou, however, wanted to just excuse herself for a while. She was hoping that if she was absent, Yang Ming could speak to her daughter about something private, so that Zhou Jiajia may wake up as soon as possible. If I was there, then Yang Ming would definitely be embarrassed to say those kinds of things.

After Mother Zhou left, Yang Ming grabbed Zhou Jiajia’s hand with pity. Her hand was a bit chilled, but they were really smooth. It made Yang Ming’s heart feel moved for not much reason. Looking at Zhou Jiajia’s pale face, Yang Ming sighed faintly.

I owe her too much! Ever since the moment I made the promise, I have decided that I will never ignore this girl in the future. Regardless of whether Zhou Jiajia would wake up or not, I will take care of her forever.

If possible, I will also put her in a wedding dress. This was a promise I gave to her – a man’s commitment, but also a commitment of a lifetime. Although a big part of the reason why Yang Ming said this sentence was so that Zhou Jiajia could persevere until she reached the hospital, it could be regarded as a white lie.

However, Yang Ming didn’t intend to take back the words he had said, and he wouldn’t break his promise. Although Yang Ming didn’t think that he was a gentleman, he wasn’t the kind of person who wouldn’t keep his words.

However, although Yang Ming felt a deep sense of apology to Zhou Jiajia, he hadn’t fallen in love with Zhou Jiajia. The thing about a relationship was that it wasn’t something that could be created upon words alone. Yang Ming didn’t understand Zhou Jiajia at all, he didn’t even understand why Zhou Jiajia liked him. So, while he could accept Zhou Jiajia, but to really fall in love with Zhou Jiajia, he needed to understand this girl later on.

“Jiajia, please wake up soon. I’ll honor the agreement between us…” Yang Ming clasped Zhou Jiajia’s little hand and said softly.

However, Zhou Jiajia didn’t have any fluctuation in her expression. Yang Ming didn’t expect it to work in a single meeting either. He had also watched a similar situation on TV. This was gradual work! It was something that couldn’t be rushed.

While he was talking, the door of the ward was pushed open. When Yang Ming looked up, he saw Wang Xue coming in.

“Hey? Yang Ming? You are here?” Wang Xue asked with some surprise.

“Wang Xue? How come you are here, too?” Yang Ming knew that the relationship between Wang Xue and Zhou Jiajia were good, and she was also Tian Donghua’s girlfriend. Therefore, he gave a friendly nod to her.

“During this time, I often come over.” Wang Xue sighed. “Jiajia was my good friend. Now that she became like this, I’m also very upset. Therefore, I would come and talk to her when I have time.”

“En, thank you.” Yang Ming had now treated Zhou Jiajia as his own woman, therefore, he was naturally polite to Wang Xue’s gesture.

“Why are you thanking me?” Wang Xue said with some irritability, “Even if someone were to thank me, that would be Aunty Hua!”

“Nothing… hehe.” Yang Ming smiled and suddenly felt that he was too egoistic. Yes, no one knew about the agreement between Zhou Jiajia and me except Xia Xue, so it was normal that Wang Xue didn’t know about it.

“Yes, Yang Ming…” Wang Xue suddenly paused and said, “I have something for you.”

“There’s something for me?” Yang Ming was stunned and he looked at Wang Xue suspiciously.

“This was the case. Aunty Hua asked me to help Jiajia clean up her things in the dorm…” Wang Xue said as she opened her backpack, “When I packed up, I found a diary. I think it’ll be more appropriate to give this to you…”

“Give to me? Why give it to me?” Yang Ming was baffled as he took the diary that Wang Xue handed over. He looked at the diary and realized that the diary was also locked. “There’s actually a lock?”

“Because I’m with Jiajia every day, I probably know whatever she wrote in the diary, too.” Wang Xue smiled. “The key wasn’t found. Who knew where this little brat placed her key? You need to find your way to open it… I didn’t peek inside!”

“Thank you.” Yang Ming immediately understood Wang Xue’s intention. There were probably some of Zhou Jiajia’s secrets in this diary. Yang Ming was also intending to know more about Zhou Jiajia. Therefore, he accepted this diary with pleasure.

After chatting with Wang Xue for a while about Zhou Jiajia’s condition, Yang Ming got up and said goodbye when Mother Zhou came back. Old Buffon had already learned of the news of his return, and he was anxiously waiting for Yang Ming at the hotel.

Yang Ming was still pretty apologetic to Old Buffon. Old Buffon had given great help to himself. Although Yang Ming was his master, it was just a name and Yang Ming hadn’t taught him anything.

After coming out of the hospital, Yang Ming drove in a hurry to the Moon Island Hotel where Old Buffon stayed. When Old Buffon heard that Yang Ming was coming, he had already gotten prepared to wait and greet him at the door. When he saw Yang Ming, he immediately ran over eagerly. “Master…”

“Softer, don’t let others hear it!” Yang Ming frowned.

“I know, I know.” Old Buffon immediately looked around, then he lowered his voice, “I’ll keep it a secret. I know martial arts people like to stay low-key…”

Yang Ming shook his head helplessly and went upstairs with Old Buffon. After closing the door of the room, Yang Ming put away the smile and sat on the bed in the room. He said to Old Buffon seriously, “Old Buffon! Now I will officially accept you as my disciple.”

“Thank you, Master!” Although Old Buffon knew that Yang Ming had already promised him, after hearing Yang Ming say it in such seriousness, he couldn’t help but feel joyous about it. He quickly followed according to what he knew about the process of apprenticeship. He knelt on the ground and bowed three times respectfully.

When Yang Ming saw that Old Buffon was already such an old man and yet had to kneel to him, he couldn’t bear it in his heart. However, there was no age order in the martial arts world. The ones who were capable became the teachers. Such were the rules, and everything could only be done according to the rules. Yang Ming could only accept it openly.

“It’s too early to be happy. There are a few things that I still have to explain to you first.” Yang Ming said plainly while waving his hands.

“I know. Are there any clan rules? I’ll obey them! Master, don’t worry!” Old Buffon nodded quickly.

“The clan rules are just one aspect. The most important thing is that I can only accept you as a secondary disciple.” Yang Ming looked at Old Buffon with some sense of apology. “With your present age and capability, it would be impossible for you to continue my legacy. Therefore, I will only teach you some practical Kung Fu that will help to keep you fit.”

“I understand, Master. I’m also aware of my present situation!” Old Buffon nodded.

“Okay, then I’ll teach you some practical Kung Fu now…” Yang Ming said, “Do you want to learn the fighting skills or the acupuncture points?”

“Acupoint! Oh, my god! Master, are you for real? You want to teach me how to strike acupoints?” Old Buffon’s eyes were filled with surprise.

Yang Ming nodded slowly, “I can teach you some of the simpler Kung Fu. If you want to learn the full system, that’s almost impossible. The meridians on the human body can’t be learned in a short time. I can only teach you a few simple and easy-to-recognize big acupoints. For example, these are the acupoints that when you strike it, you can make people laugh or make them lose their mobility for a short time.”

Yang Ming couldn’t freely teach about those advanced acupoints Kung Fu without Fang Tian’s permission, therefore, he could only pick some of the simpler things to teach to Old Buffon.

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