So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 1299 - Going Home

Chapter 1299: Going Home

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

After all, the identity and status of Jing Xiaolu were not in line with her car, so Yang Ming was afraid that some people would be judging her. Therefore, Yang Ming decided to buy her a blue one, just like his color, which wasn’t very eye-catching.

Her current status was just an assistant at Ming Yang Entertainment. Although she had a relationship with Yang Ming, it would make others jealous of her and gossip about her if she were promoted too fast. It would be detrimental to her reputation.

In particular, Jing Xiaolu was still working while studying; she wasn’t working full-time. If she were promoted to a higher post in this situation, it would be even more eye-catching.

Sun Jie’s previous red R8 was very eye-catching already, causing a sensation on the campus, but as time went by, everyone wasn’t surprised anymore. Sun Jie was now a graduate student, and she had her own company outside the school, so it was still reasonable for her to buy a red BMW X5 at this time.

“Okay, I got it,” answered Bao Sanli.

“You don’t have to give me that blue X5; just give it directly to Jing Xiaolu and put the name under the company.” Yang Ming thought about it and spoke.

When the car was under the company’s name, it could save a part of the tax. It wasn’t that Yang Ming was stingy, but he didn’t have to give up the right that some taxpayers should enjoy.

“Okay, I got it.” Although Bao Sanli was shocked, his words did not reveal any doubts. Yang Ming is buying a car for Jing Xiaolu? It is even such a high-end car? What does that mean?

Before, Bao Sanli had long suspected that there was a relationship between Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu, but he was not too sure. Until now, Bao Sanli did not doubt it. He had determined the relationship between Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu, thinking that he should take care of this girl in the company in the future.

“How is the company’s business? Is the accounting problem solved?” Yang Ming didn’t think so much. He just considered it as a thing that he had promised someone else to be done. After instructing him, he changed the topic.

“En, the accounting is clear. Qu Daming and Liu Chan have swept away one hundred and thirty million of company assets…” As Bao Sanli said up to here, his tone had a hint of seriousness and self-blame. “Sorry, Brother Yang. President Hou and I didn’t operate the company well for you.”

“Forget it. This kind of thing can’t be prevented. Just be careful in the future.” Yang Ming comforted Bao Sanli with a sentence, but his heart began to plan. Should I just let Liu Chan and Qu Daming get away? Yang Ming certainly wouldn’t let them go easily.

Although one hundred and thirty million was really nothing for Yang Ming, he couldn’t tolerate this kind of thing. Yang Ming intended to use Xia Bingbao’s power to find them. Anyway, Xia Bingbao was now asking Yang Ming to go to Yunnan to catch Elder You. This was a dangerous and terrifying mission. If Yang Ming didn’t ask for something from Xia Bingbao, he would suffer a big loss.

Who knows if I will be able to come back after going there? Yang Ming had experienced Elder You’s horror personally. This guy couldn’t be considered human at all. He was a monster who sucked blood from others to practice a kind of evil voodoo. It really sounded similar to the Western vampire.

Hanging up the call with Bao Sanli, Yang Ming was pondering this thing. Yang Ming was being narrow-minded, but what they did was too much. If they didn’t get some punishment, they would get away without consequences.

“Who is Jing Xiaolu?” Yang Ming didn’t hide from her when he called. Sun Jie was listening by the side. She couldn’t help but ask when she heard another girl’s name.

Sun Jie wouldn’t care about these things if she were the previous her, but now her status was different, and so, her thoughts were different. When she heard Yang Ming buying a car for her and another girl, Sun Jie naturally felt uncomfortable.

“Oh, a classmate, Lin Zhiyun’s friend. I had promised to give her a car before.” Yang Ming did not notice Sun Jie’s expression. He was now thinking about making a call to Xia Bingbao for a while.

“Friend? You give a car like that? You are really generous. Why don’t you give one to everyone you see?” Sun Jie’s words were a bit sour.

Yang Ming recollected his mind. He heard the jealousy in Sun Jie’s words and was embarrassed. “She helped me before, so it’s just a gift to thank her.”

After listening to Yang Ming, Sun Jie did not pursue it anymore. After all, it would be irritating if she asked too much. Sun Jie didn’t want to be such a person.

Sun Jie simply went to the bathroom to fix her makeup. In fact, she could still shine without any makeup, but girls always liked to be more perfect. She fixed her hair, curled her eyelashes, and wore a small pendant on her neck before she went to the bedroom and changed her clothes.

Yang Ming was simple. He just had to wash his face and put on his clothes. He didn’t have to bother about clothes. Yang Ming didn’t need to rely on his appearance to attract girls anyway.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Sun Jie came out of the living room and changed into a set of sports and leisure clothes. Maybe because she was going to school, she didn’t wear professional clothes.

However, it was precisely at this time that Sun Jie was the most youthful. A professionally-dressed Sun Jie always made Yang Ming somewhat uncomfortable, as if she were wearing camouflage.

“Not bad. You are quite pretty. Why haven’t I seen you wear those clothes before?” Yang Ming praised.

“Really? Is it good?” Sun Jie was a little surprised. The sportswear was given to her by Zhao Ying because she said Sun Jie should wear clothes suitable for a student at school, so she gave her sportswear to Sun Jie. However, Sun Jie was captured by Tian Long before she could wear it. This was only Sun Jie’s first time wearing this outfit. “A sister gave it to me. It’s nice, right?”

“It’s very good, but it’s a bit familiar like I have seen it somewhere before.” Yang Ming couldn’t remember where he had seen the outfit.

“There are a lot of students wearing similar styles in school. It’s normal to be familiar.” Sun Jie nodded. “I think it’s a bit more youthful. Otherwise, I would look just like your older sister.”

“You don’t seem like that at all.” Yang Ming snorted. “Someone might believe it if I say that you’re my younger sister.”

“Stop the nonsense. You don’t need to comfort me. I have a good psychological quality. I am very optimistic about being a cradle snatcher.” Sun Jie said with certainty, but Yang Ming really liked the way she was. She was unlike Xiao Qing who was always overcautious and indecisive; she wouldn’t turn back once she was determined on something.

This was a bit like Chen Mengyan. Although she was wronged, she did not think about leaving Yang Ming.

“Who is comforting you? I mean your Sun Family children all look like children. Just look at Sun Zhiwei; he is still like a junior high school student even after he goes to university.” Yang Ming laughed and said.

“D*mn, he has brain damage. How are you comparing me to him?” Sun Jie was a bit annoyed, but what Yang Ming said was true. Sun Zhiwei was already a young adult, but he was still so childish. He had not grown up yet even until now.

“Hehe.” Yang Ming said with a smile, “Are you done packing? We are going to school.”

“I have already packed. It’s you who wasted time talking. Why do you ask me?” Sun Jie glanced at Yang Ming, and she carried a seemingly youthful little bag on her back.

Yang Ming finally knew why a woman was unreasonable. He waited for her so long, and she had just finished packing, but it turned out to be him delaying the time by just saying two sentences before going out.

However, Yang Ming didn’t want to look into this as it would serve no purpose. It would waste more time instead. He would still be the one who gets the blame in the end.

He took the car keys and went downstairs. Yang Ming suddenly remembered that Sun Jie didn’t seem to drive her Audi R8 back after getting into his car, so he asked, “Little Jie, where is your car?”

“Who knows? Tian Long’s men drove it away. I forgot about it since you have a car.” Sun Jie shrugged. “But there is a new car right away. The car can be placed in Donghai first.”

Yang Ming nodded. The R8’s interior was too small; it could only fit a few people. Yang Ming also didn’t want Sun Jie to drive the car.

The place where Sun Jie lived was not far from the school, but no one knew when the number of Song Jiang’s private cars had increased. There was even a tendency to have traffic jams during commuting hours.

At this time, it depended on the driver’s own ability and background. Therefore, many cars used the opposing lane, but Yang Ming did not intend to go against the rules. After all, it would be risking his life. Although Yang Ming was more privileged than these people to drive in the opposite lane, Yang Ming never thought of it as his privilege.

Not far away, he saw the traffic police stopping cars that drove on the opposite lane. Sure enough, these people paid the price because they wanted to save a little time.

When they arrived at school, Sun Jie got off. Her graduate student department was at a different place from Yang Ming’s class. Yang Ming also planned to go to see Chen Mengyan, Zhou Jiajia, and Lin Zhiyun. After all, he hadn’t seen them for several days.

He made a phone call to Chen Mengyan at the school gate, but he found that they had not yet gotten up; they were still at home. However, it was only seven o’clock in the morning. They didn’t have a class in the first session, so they could come to school late.

Hearing Yang Ming’s voice, Chen Mengyan was a little excited. After all, Yang Ming always said that he would go home, but he was kept busy with other matters. Today, Yang Ming finally came back. Chen Mengyan woke up at once. “Then, Zhiyun and I will be waiting for you at home.”

Yang Ming did not think much of the fact that Chen Mengyan did not mention Zhou Jiajia. He thought she just forgot about it. Yang Ming went to take his attendance from Xie Yongqiang. Xie Yongqiang naturally wouldn’t say anything to Yang Ming because Xiao Qing had already given him prior notice.

Xie Yongqiang just told Yang Ming that there may be some upcoming big events at the school. Xie Yongqiang asked him to participate because the school wanted to check the number of people; otherwise, it would be inappropriate.

Yang Ming nodded. The so-called large-scale event was nothing more than a must-have event for the Spring Games and the art festival. This was an activity that reflected the collective spirit. The school naturally strictly demanded that everyone be present. If Yang Ming didn’t attend, Xie Yongqiang would also be reprimanded. Therefore, Yang Ming would not make it difficult for him. After all, Xie Yongqiang had been helping him a lot. How could Yang Ming give him trouble at a crucial moment?

Leaving Xie Yongqiang, Yang Ming drove directly back to the Hua Shang District and parked the car in front of his villa. When he entered the door, he glanced at Wang Xiaoyan’s villa, and he found that there was no movement inside. Yang Ming didn’t know if she had gone to school. As he wanted to use x-ray vision to look inside the villa, he dispelled this idea. Although Yang Ming had special abilities, and Wang Xiaoyan was his woman, so it was justified for him to peek, everyone had their own privacy, and Wang Xiaoyan was no exception. No one wanted to be monitored, including Yang Ming himself, so he decided to leave some private space for her after thinking from a different perspective. Yang Ming chose to give every girl of his some private space. If he believed in them, then he shouldn’t peek at them.

When Yang Ming opened the door, he saw that Chen Mengyan and Lin Zhiyun had already gotten up. At this moment, they were sitting at the dining table and eating breakfast which seemed to be some snacks. Yang Ming didn’t pay much attention, but he was baffled not to see Zhou Jiajia. “Where’s Jiajia?”

“Jiajia is participating in a research group at school; she didn’t come home for a few days. It’s rare to see her once during the day…” Chen Mengyan complained, “But Jiajia likes it. I can’t say anything. Since there are fewer people in the house, Zhiyun and I are a little bored.”

“Oh, so that’s the case.” Yang Ming didn’t think much about it. Zhou Jiajia liked to study computer things. Yang Ming knew that she had her own ideals and pursuits, so he nodded. “Then don’t bother her. Let her be busy. I’m free tonight. I will ask her out for dinner; I won’t bother her during the day.”

“That’s true. She seems to be really busy. I called her yesterday. She was still busy at noon.” Chen Mengyan said, “I wanted to ask her to have lunch together, but I could only give up.”

“Mengyan, did you miss me? I thought that when I come back, you will give me a hug. Now it seems that you are quite calm.” Yang Ming felt that there was a gap between the ideal and reality. A novel’s hero would be surrounded by girls when he returned home after a few days, enjoying the blessings of all people together, but he was just talking normally with them.

Chen Mengyan’s face was red. She naturally wanted to be intimate with Yang Ming, but Lin Zhiyun was also there. Chen Mengyan was the “big sister” among them. She should naturally lead by example. How was it appropriate for her to be intimate with Yang Ming?

As for Lin Zhiyun, her temper was born to be tender. Since Chen Mengyan was sitting there without moving, Lin Zhiyun, of course, wouldn’t move either. She resisted the impulse of missing Yang Ming, sitting there, and drinking porridge.

“You can hug Sister Lin. She really missed you.” Chen Mengyan rolled her eyes at Yang Ming, then she said to Lin Zhiyun, “Zhiyun, didn’t you always miss Yang Ming? Didn’t you call his name even in your dreams? Why are you not going over now?”

“Sister Mengyan, don’t make fun of me…” Lin Zhiyun blushed. She didn’t know what to say.

Yang Ming naturally knew of the scruples and embarrassment in their hearts, so he didn’t force them. He sat on the chair opposite them, watching them having breakfast.

“You are tanned…” Chen Mengyan looked at Yang Ming. This face, full of yearning, finally couldn’t help but reveal its true emotion. “You also seem to have matured a lot…”

“The sun in Africa is too strong; it can’t be helped.” Yang Ming shrugged. “You two are getting more and more tender too…”

“You immediately become inappropriate when you get home. I have classes at ten o’clock. You can be intimate with Sister Lin at home,” Chen Mengyan stood up and went to the soya-bean milk machine to pour him a cup of soy milk, then she sat back and looked at Yang Ming. “I have to pack up and go to school. Today, I promised a sister to photocopy my notes for the semester for her. She has to make up the exam.”

Yang Ming naturally did not know whether Chen Mengyan was telling the truth, or she was deliberately creating an opportunity for him to be alone with Lin Zhiyun.

“Sister Mengyan, didn’t you say last night that you can sleep until nine o’clock today…” Lin Zhiyun whispered.

Chen Mengyan glanced at Lin Zhiyun. “I suddenly remembered that I made an appointment with her yesterday.”

Yang Ming immediately noticed Chen Mengyan’s intention at once. Although she didn’t want to, she had to pretend to be generous. It wasn’t easy for this big sister to be in this position. If she kept fighting for favors, it would obviously let others feel that she was stingy. She could only maintain this position by continuously thinking for others.

“Why? You want to stay here together too?” Yang Ming asked with a smile.

“What are you thinking?” Chen Mengyan snorted. She, of course, knew Yang Ming’s filthy thoughts, but she did not completely rebut him. She left him with some room to fantasize instead. “Let’s talk again at night.”

“At night?” Yang Ming was overjoyed. Didn’t Chen Mengyan agree with some of his special proposals? Just as he wanted to ask another question, Chen Mengyan had already gone upstairs, leaving only a fragrant breeze…

Only Yang Ming and Lin Zhiyun were left. The atmosphere was a bit awkward suddenly. Lin Zhiyun was not good at expressing her feelings. She had always been in a passive state when she was with Yang Ming; she did not ask for anything herself.

She naturally knew that Chen Mengyan wanted to leave her the opportunity to be alone with Yang Ming, and she was touched. Lin Zhiyun looked at Yang Ming, but she didn’t know what to say. Chen Mengyan hadn’t left yet. How could she just jump on Yang Ming now?

“Look at you; you look so thin. Are you not eating well?” Yang Ming reached out and touched Lin Zhiyun’s face. Lin Zhiyun just blushed, but she didn’t dodge it.

Lin Zhiyun shook her head. “No, I still feel that I am fat. I seem to have a small belly. I also talked to Sister Yan two days ago that we want to buy a Wii to do some exercises.”

“Wii?” Yang Ming was astounded, then he immediately remembered that this was the motion-sensing game console. Zhang Bing used to talk about it. This kid was a gamer, and he seemed to have bought one during the high school summer vacation.

“Yeah, there is a Fit board in conjunction with the Wii; I can also do yoga.” Lin Zhiyun was obviously interested in this kind of game.

“Then, let’s buy one.” Yang Ming didn’t know anything about the Fit board, but since they thought they could exercise, then it would do. “I will ask someone to buy it later.”

“It’s fine. Sister Mengyan and I want to go buy it on Saturday; we’ll go shopping on the way too.” Lin Zhiyun waved her hand. “We can even try it on the spot.”

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