So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 1196 - The First Victory

Chapter 1196: The First Victory

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

At least, many mine owners in their spectator bench thought this, but Yang Ming did not think so.

A good defense needs no preparation in advance. What an assassin needed was speed and reaction ability. Victoria had exactly these two points.

Fast and sharp reaction.

After the Italian girl’s probing failed, she was not as irritated as other female boxers. Instead, she regained her calmness and vigorously defended herself. At the same time, she was assessing Victoria.

While the connoisseur recognizes the artistry, the layman simply enjoys the show. In the absence of any excitement, the people on the spectator benches had shown a lack of interest. Many people, who stared at the scene at the beginning, had now lowered their heads and started doing their own things.

The confrontation between the two people had not the slightest excitement to speak of. Although Yang Ming knew that the two were in a volatile situation, they were not willing to make the first move. However, the others did not know about this. Thus, there was the audience reaction described before.

After a long time, the attention of the Italian girl was not as concentrated as before. After all, she was a boxer, not a professional assassin. What a boxer needed was the skill and power of punching, not this kind of psychological game!

At the moment the Italian girl showed some slack, Victoria moved.

Yang Ming smiled slightly, and the ending was already predictable. The Italian girl fell into a disadvantage and was in a passive state.

Victoria kicked the Italian girl’s perineum. Don’t think that only men are more vulnerable at this private spot. In fact, women are equally susceptible. Victoria obviously knew this.

This trick was similar to Wang Xiaoyan’s kick to the balls – a different method that brought a similar wonderful effect.

Victoria understood; the Italian girl obviously also understood. When Victoria launched this kick, the Italian girl’s face suddenly changed. She quickly sidestepped to dodge Victoria’s kick.

There was no rule at all at this level of fighting. Even the underground boxing market did not stipulate any rules but rather had messy fights. Whoever was powerful would laugh in the end.

Although the Italian girl was not weak, she was obviously a graduate of the class who had undergone formal training. Therefore, she was obviously bound by some rules. When she punched, she was used to the specific routine, but Victoria obviously did not. There was obviously no law in her hand. It could be said that it was completely messy. Just like Yang Ming, it seemed like a common trick, but it could bring a fatal blow to the enemy.

Victoria’s kick was just a disguise. Seeing the Italian girl dodge, Victoria immediately retracted her kick and quickly changed her posture, tackling the Italian girl.

The Italian girl’s original attention was on Victoria’s kick. She was feeling lucky to avoid this kick, but she didn’t expect Victoria to disguise her move. The actual attack came from behind, and she was shocked.

However, the Italian girl was trained, after all. Although she was somewhat surprised, she was not nervous. It was too late to evade it, and the Italian girl could only face Victoria’s sharp edge.

In her opinion, Victoria’s figure was much smaller than hers. She still had an absolute advantage in this kind of direct confrontation.

Sure enough, after discovering the intentions of the Italian girl, Victoria did not continue to attack. She seemed to know her weaknesses. This kind of unfair confrontation would not bear a good result.

Seeing that Victoria gave up the attack, the Italian girl was delighted deep down in her heart! She found Victoria’s weakness; that was, Victoria did not dare to fight with her face to face!

As she recalled the previous boxing matches, it was true that Victoria often relied on tricks to win, entirely without the process and experience of fighting face to face with the enemy.

Thinking of this, the Italian girl made up her mind and started her new round of offense!

This time, she changed her previous confrontation rules and began to take the initiative to attack. It was that kind of face-to-face attack. She ignored what Victoria did but continued attacking her!

At this time, the Italian girl gradually realized that those who lost to Victoria had paid too much attention to their own defense so that when they attacked Victoria, they would always pay attention to whether Victoria would ambush.

But the more it was, the more elusive she became. There was a feeling that they could not launch their offense. The end result was that they became fearful, and Victoria took this opportunity to deliver a fatal blow.

Therefore, since the Italian girl had come to this idea, she would not give Victoria any chance.

The Italian girl didn’t care what Victoria was doing following just an offensive attack, and it worked! Sure enough, Victoria began to dodge. Under the fierce attack of the Italian girl, there was no room for resilience, and she can only blindly defend and retreat!

The Italian girl noticed her offense was successful. She was overjoyed, and her attack on Victoria was even wilder. She no longer defended herself. Initially, Victoria had the upper hand, but in this way, the Italian girl successfully reversed the situation.

The owner of the Italian girl was also an Italian, called Marott. He was also a very powerful guy. He was said to have a close connection with the Mafia.

In short, in the land of Country X, he was the guy who was second only to Bobby. Initially, he saw that Bobby got such a strange woman who killed a few people the moment she went into the arena. Marott was hesitant about whether he could attain the final victory.

However, when he saw that the Italian girl had the upper hand now, he was delighted. In fact, he didn’t know much about boxing, but he just watched for the excitement. In terms of earning money, he still had some knack for it, but he was completely a layman for this.

He didn’t know why Victoria had fallen to the disadvantage as he only watched for the excitement. He saw that his Italian girl got the upper hand and immediately cheered up. He and Bobby had been fighting for a long time, so when he saw that his boxer overshadowed Bobby’s boxer, he was naturally very excited.

“To hell with it!” Bobby cursed, seemingly a little discouraged. He also knew the strength of Marott, knowing that the people he looked for were certainly not mediocre.

” Hehe , how is it? Are you disappointed?” Yang Ming heard Bobby’s low groan and asked faintly.

“Not really. It is a fair competition. I also admit my loss.” Bobby smiled; he did not want Yang Ming to see his stingy side.

“Loss? Not necessarily.” Yang Ming shook his head. “Keep watching it. The results won’t disappoint you.”

” En ?” Bobby was stunned. Although he didn’t understand why Yang Ming was so determined, he still said, “I hope your auspicious words come true…”

The Italian girl attacked fanatically while Victoria kept dodging. Victoria wanted to wait for the Italian girl’s physical exhaustion, and then counterattack. But now it seemed that the Italian girl was very energetic. She seemed to have received long-term training, and her endurance was extremely strong, so Victoria had to change her mind.

It was because there were no rules in every game, but there were time limits. Victoria could not stay in the fight indefinitely. If either of the two had not defeated the other by the stipulated time, it would be determined as a draw on both sides.

In this way, unless one party voluntarily withdrew, the two parties would also acquire the management rights of the mine. In this way, a gold mine would be divided into two, and the two parties would operate together.

This was a situation that no one wanted to see, so there must be only one person left in the arena. Of course, this kind of situation rarely happened, but it did not mean that it would not happen. From the current situation, it was not strange to have a tie at the end of the fight.

Bobby was anxious, and Marott was anxious too. People were always like this. They are always unsatisfied animals. Previously, Marott did not think about winning against Bobby. In his opinion, Bobby must have come prepared.

After seeing that his Italian girl was not defeated by Bobby’s Victoria, Marott became excited deep down in his heart. Later, when he saw that the Italian girl actually got the upper hand, Marott began to imagine that she could attain the final victory.

The Italian girl was actually very anxious. She threw her moves blindly like a monkey, but she could not hit her enemy at all. It was not fun at all. She wanted to quickly end the battle as soon as possible and stop delaying.

However, although Victoria did not attack, she was very clever. She did not allow the Italian girl to attack her. It was just that as the situation continued, the result of this game would be a draw.

Victoria understood what Bobby meant to get her into the arena, so she couldn’t wait any longer. Victoria, who was helpless, could only keep searching for an opportunity to give the Italian girl a fatal blow with the least damage to herself!

Finally, Victoria found this opportunity. When the Italian girl once again attacked Victoria’s back, Victoria seized the opportunity sharply!

Victoria did not evade this time, but exposed her whole back to the eyes of the Italian girl! The Italian girl seemed to cherish this opportunity as well, and she was concentrating on punching Victoria.

” Peng !” Victoria’s back was hit by the Italian girl. Victoria groaned, but at the same time, the Italian girl made a louder and more intense scream!

Her previous scream changed into Victoria’s soft whisper. The huge body of the Italian girl slowly fell to the arena! Her big mouth was gasping for air. She held her little belly with one of her hands with her body trembling.

Victoria was very fast, and almost no one could see how she did it. However, the people here didn’t care about it. They only valued the results. As for the process, it did not matter, right?

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