Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 470 - Chapter 470: The last resort (4000 words)(l)

Chapter 470: The last resort (4000 words)(l)

Translator: 549690339

Walking in the flower of death, the strange song made people feel irritated and uneasy, as if they couldn’t control themselves.

The strange pain coming from all parts of his body was enough to completely destroy a person’s will.

The sorrow and pain that the flower of death itself emitted formed a wave-like oppression, as if it was sinking people into the bottom of the sea. The pale spiritual bodies around him swayed around him like fish. The intertwined spiritual radiation was too strong, and it felt like he was really in the deep sea. It blocked every pore, making it hard for people to breathe.

The entire forest of the dead was like a sea with undercurrents, filled with all kinds of negative emotions.

To a certain extent, it was even like a shallow abyss.


All the emotions associated with death could be found here, just like the turbulence.

Any spiritual body in this Sea area would be destroyed.

Because whether it was the fear, unwillingness, and pain of death contained in the flower of death, or the anger and curse of those who had turned themselves into this state, they were all hidden in the spiritual bodies that had crawled out of the dead. Through the special existence of the flower of death, they were released bit by bit, affecting everyone around them.

If death was a proposition …

Then this forest explained this proposition incisively and vividly.

Lu Xin walked through the sea, carefully feeling and experiencing everything.

He was trying to understand what pain felt like.

This was a very good way to verify the seven steps theory that he had just learned.

Just looking at the information was not enough. He needed to put it into practice.

Lu Xin was like a young man who had just started his medical studies, practicing non-stop.

Whether it was this forest of the dead or the two abilities that were affecting him through their abilities and the broken domains, they were both strange and terrifying. However, Lu Xin suddenly felt that they were not so mysterious.

Lu Xin didn’t know what to do with the lunar eclipse Research Institute’s attitude.

However, he had to admit that the lunatics in the lunar eclipse Research Institute … Oh, no, a researcher, he was indeed amazing.

It was very interesting that they mentioned that people had seven kinds of defects in the face of mental pollution.

Perception, emotion, desire, recognition, instinct, memory, and self.

From shallow to deep, there were seven flaws.

Or rather, it was the seven wounds that he was born with as a human.

Mental power polluted a person through these seven wounds.

in simpler terms, all pollution would affect people through one of the seven aspects.

Perception referred to the five senses, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and touch.

An ability user could affect a person’s five senses, making them blind to sight, hearing, and smell.

Or perhaps, not only did it turn off its function, but it also affected people so that what they saw and heard were not real.

A typical drunkard.

Her ability could directly distort a person’s five senses and make them enter an illusory world. Then, when people entered her world, what they saw, smelled, heard, and touched were all fake. At this time, it was inevitable that people would doubt that their five senses made them feel something that didn’t exist. Then, was it real or fake?

Emotions were joy, anger, sorrow, sorrow, and joy.

When he should be excited, he would be angry. When he should be angry, he would only feel sorrow. At the same time, it was a terrifying distortion.

Desire was food, lust, and even all temptations to people.

Cognition was the understanding of everything in the outside world, the understanding of concepts.

Instinct was the energy contained in one’s body, why the heart beat, why the blood flowed, why the five viscera and six bowels had their own functions, why the cells split and died, why people grew into the shape of humans, and not cats and dogs.

Another example would be memories, which determined one’s identity in this world.

Another example was the deepest level of self.

At this moment, Lu Xin could clearly feel that the massive turbulence of spiritual energy and abilities around him was targeting these aspects of him. The grief and pain of the flower of death around him were targeted at his own understanding.

Humans were born with the desire to live, and this desire was greater than anything else. However, this flower of death could make one believe that death was the best.

That kind of singing, on the other hand, was faintly affecting his emotions.

Where did joy come from? where did anger come from?

As for the intense pain, it was even easier. If the brain thought it had a wound, it would have a wound.

It didn’t matter if there was a real wound, the most important thing was that it


It was as if he wasn’t himself anymore. He observed calmly and recorded everything in detail.

However, his actions weren’t affected. He continued to walk towards the dead man forest.

The third ability of a zero ability user was endurance.

When a normal person had a powerful mental energy level, they would also begin to develop three abilities, or rather, instincts.

One was the distortion force field, and the other was the spiritual attack.

The third was to endure.

No matter what ability the other party used on him, he would accept it with his own body..

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