Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 356 - Chapter 356: Code name “life” (rounding off to 5000 words) _2

Chapter 356: Code name “life” (rounding off to 5000 words) _2

Translator: 549690339

“Now, it’s time to share the information.’

Chen Jing took out a tablet from her backpack and looked at Lu Xin with a smile. since you’ve already decided to visit your family when you returned to the hotel, you should know that Chen Xun … In other words, where is your relative now?”

“Don’t tell me you guys don’t know?” the lizard’s eyes widened.

Lu Xin and Chen Jing ignored him.

as for the location, I heard them report it in a low voice at the chemical plant. It’s a place called buffalos.

As soon as Lu Xin spoke, the lizard beside him was taken aback. why didn’t I hear you? ‘

Chen Jing showed an approving look and said, “”lf I had known, I wouldn’t have wasted so much effort and would have just asked you directly.”

From what she said, she already knew.

Lu Xin didn’t explain to them that it wasn’t him who had heard it, but his sister.

He couldn’t be blamed for this. After all, his sister liked to run around. So, when Xia Chong asked him to stay in the same office with the support staff from qingang to sort out the relevant information, she didn’t stop. She walked around and looked around. In a short time, she had heard all the news that should and shouldn’t be heard, including the place they had mentioned called buffaloes city.

After Chen Xun and Zhao Shiming, who he had kidnapped, left satellite town 7, they rushed there overnight.

Because they were too impatient, they didn’t even cover their traces well and were quickly tracked down by the spies in the central city. Since he had confirmed that the two of them were there, he could also confirm that the final laboratory was there.

the distance between water buffalo City and the central city is only about 300 kilometers. If you take a helicopter, you can reach there in two hours. However, the reputation of the central city has attracted a large number of wilderness nomads to gather here. They have built one gathering point after another, and water buffalo City is one of them. According to an investigation three months ago, there are at least 100000 people living in water buffalo City.

Since Chen Jing could say this name, it naturally meant that she also knew the location. It was obvious that she had studied the information of this place. it’s also because of these people that Central City needs aptitude users to solve this problem.

“Instead of directly using long-range weapons of mass destruction!”

After she finished, Chen Jing’s face became more serious and she said, “”Now that we know the location, there’s something more important.” the black table, that is, your relative, is doing something now …

but this time, we don’t have any reinforcements, and we don’t have an information analysis team to provide us with information and supplement from time to time. So, we need to understand the mission in advance. “The central city has more information than us, but they chose not to share many things with us. Fortunately, researcher Mo Yi still made speculations about this mission and provided us with the information.”

As she spoke, she took out a tablet from her black backpack, lit up the screen, and swiped it gently.

whether it’s the special pollution incident No. 1021 caused by the black table last night or the secret laboratory under the chemical plant, it can be seen that the essence of their experiments is actually the development, research. and use of a special spiritual body …

that is the power codenamed ‘life’, one of the 13 abnormal spiritual bodies.


Lu Xin’s expression turned serious.

He still remembered that when his mother left. she had specifically told him to be careful if he encountered monsters or things related to the third stage or the thirteen special spiritual bodies … This meant that they were very dangerous! yes, although Central City obviously doesn’t want us to know about the specific research data of the secret laboratory under the chemical plant, nor did they tell us what parasitic items they lost, professor mo Yi still found some clues from the traces and equipment left behind in the secret laboratory. Professor Zhao Shiming is in charge of some kind of research on this kind of spiritual body.

“The black table should also have mastered such a spiritual body, ” Chen Jing said seriously.

and it can be speculated when they got their hands on this spiritual body.

when the red Moon incident first occurred, the lunar eclipse Research Institute had already collected samples of thirteen abnormal spiritual bodies. However, the chaos of the world at that time also affected the Research Institute. After going through migration, betrayal, and experiments going out of control. the ‘escaped laboratory’ incident was the most severe blow to the Research

Institute, and it even affected the later development …

Lu Xin and the gecko listened quietly. At this time, no one dared to be careless.

this kind of spiritual power has a very terrifying characteristic.

Chen Jing swiped a few times on the tablet before passing it to Lu Xin. “Other spiritual powers can affect humans or other animals, but they can rarely affect reality. Spider-type ability users can twist their bodies to do some actions that ordinary people can’t imagine. It’s a rare phenomenon where mental power interferes with the physical body …”

“However, the spiritual energy codenamed ‘life’ is different. It has been discovered so far, and its only use is to act directly on people, or rather, to interfere with reality. The reason for this codename was that it could give anything a strong and uncontrollable vitality. It’s like a piece of flesh cut off from the body. It can give life to this piece of flesh..”

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