Shrewd wife of Lin brothers

Chapter 513 Used to hard life

Chapter 513 Used to hard life

  Zhang Xiaohui had been suffering everything in silence because she didn’t want her children to be bullied by An Xia. After all, just one glance was enough to let others know that the woman wasn’t as easy as she seemed, but what did her children do for her? They ignored her, watched her get beaten and even turned a blind eye to all her sufferings. Wasn’t it because their father was earning money now? When she was the one who was responsible for buying and selling grains, they all snuggled up to her but now they were ignoring her since she was no longer in charge of the money? What exactly was she to them a mother or just a money-making goose?

” what are you doing? What the hell are you doing?” Village head Luo had already heard everything that was going on outside but he couldn’t just rush into the fight between two women. He wanted to let Zhang Xiaohui and Grandma Lin sort out the trouble all by herself but then he heard the painful screams of Zhang Xiaohui and had to go out even if he didn’t want to, it didn’t matter what they did behind closed doors but if something happened while he was still here then it would be him who has to deal with the aftermath. “Old madam Lin, have you lost your mind? Your son is still lying in the bed yet you are hitting your daughter in law so furiously, if something happened to her will you be the one who will take care of these two?”

Grandma Lin was still bursting with anger but when she saw that village head Luo stepped out to save Zhang Xiaohui’s skin by himself she had no choice but to let Zhang Xiaohui go, ” putui, what are you even saying village head? How can this waste even be compared to my son? She is used to a hard life and won’t even die even if I beat her all night- and right now I just hit her lightly and that too because she was acting on her own accord, her husband is screaming in pain but instead of taking care of him, she actually said that she will be leaving for the fields, how can I let her do that?  Shouldn’t she be taking care of my son? Just ask the villagers how many women would leave the house when their husbands are hurt like this? She was asking for a beating!”

Grandma Lin didn’t think that there was anything wrong with beating her daughter in law, when she was married she too was often beaten by her mother in law when she made a few mistakes, was there anything wrong with giving a few hard hits to Zhang Xiaohui? As a woman, she should be putting her husband first and then should care about anything else.

The village head had a headache, from Grandma Lin’s attitude it looked as if she wouldn’t care even if Zhang Xiaohui died.

” Old madam Lin-“

” village head Luo” Zhang Xioahui stood up interrupting him, grandma Lin hadn’t hold herself back when she was hitting her, thus her entire face was swollen even worse than Lin Ze who was bitten by mosquitoes for an entire night. ” I want a divorce.”

Her words immediately sent the entire crowd into an uproar, even grandma Lin didn’t expect Zhang Xiaohui to say such a thing. She was so surprised that she lost her momentum for a short while before she jumped, her face twisted so badly that she looked like a malevolent spirit that has crawled out of hell, ” Good! Very good! You ate my family’s food and wore the clothes that my family gave you and now that your husband met with such a plight, you are actually thinking of abandoning him like this? Zhang Xiaohui, you are really great!”

While screaming like a shrew Grandma Lin started to slap Zhang Xiaohui again, she hit her left cheek then her right cheek and then again she would slap her left cheek- she didn’t even stop when blood started to trickle from the corner of Zhang Xiaohui’s lips. Zhang Xiaohui let her do what she wanted and just as Su Wan guided her she kept her head bowed and took the beating. 

” Are you insane?” Village head Luo witnessed how extremely violent Grandma Lin was shouted. Stunned he gaped at her and ordered two women of the villagers to drag her back. Even while being dragged Grandma Lin still tried to jump on Zhang Xiaohui, ” Let me go, I will kill this ungrateful bitch myself!”

” OLD MADAM LIN!” Having seen enough, village head Luo shouted as he glared at the old woman who was panting with rage, ” you are neither the yamen nor the emperor, hold your tongue. Do you think that you can randomly shoot out threats in front of me like this?” Then he turned to Zhang Xiaohui, when he saw how badly she was beaten, he unconsciously softened his tone, ” are you sure, divorce is not something you can joke about.”

” I am not joking around village head.” said Zhang Xiaohui as she pitifully leaned against the woman who was helping her up, ” You have already witnessed how my mother in law beats me, it isn’t just a one-day occurrence, she hit me every day-“

” So what if I do that, you bitch? I am giving you food and clothes and a roof over your head! How dare you be so ungrateful?” Grandma Lin wanted to say much worse things but she faltered under the glare of the village head and simply started to curse under her breath.

” Zhang Xiaohui, do you have to say anything?” asked Village head Luo.

Zhang Xiaohui inhaled sharply and looked at Grandma Lin dead in the eye, ”  I work in the fields then deal with her beating, my husband does not come home and everyone knows where he spends his time.” She added with a deliberate look in An Xia’s direction. ” and even after suffering all this silently and yet my mother in law is always upset with me, I am afraid that I will upset her so much that she will hurt herself, that’s why being the filial daughter in law, I think its best for me to leave the house and not upset my mother in law, lest she gets angered to death.”

Village head Luo: “….”

The villagers: “…..”

The script was fine just a moment ago but now- this sharp wit, haven’t they heard it before?

(Su Wan who was watching the entire show: of course, you have, that’s my disciple right there!)

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