Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 711 - Sorry, The President Can Do As She Pleases

Chapter 711: Sorry, The President Can Do As She Pleases

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Fans of Lady Zhao are easily entertained. All they wanted was to watch her broadcasts with that pretty face and the sweet voice. With her remarkable talents, she could mesmerize her fans with her violin.

Lady Zhao’s wealthy fans increased tremendously. Some of them hoped to become a part of her network and get to know her connections. Lady Zhao did not need money, but her fans never once held back on the tipping and gifts.

The only problem with Lady Zhao’s broadcasts was her habitually random hiatuses. Unlike those professional broadcasters who treated the everyday show as their first broadcast, she did not even have a fixed time for live broadcasts. Nevertheless, her fans easily accepted her excuses. Who would blame a top student for being focused?

The broadcasts were labeled as “The journey of a Student Council President.” Upon receiving notifications of the new update, her fans showed up on the stream almost instantly.

Lady Zhao wore a standard student uniform, but there was a scepter in her hands. A beautiful tophat sat on her head like a crown. A despicable looking fatso was hauling her mobile throne along. Obviously, he was planning something…

Everyone bowed to her presence, as if an empress was making her royal rounds in her own land.

It would most definitely be awkward if one stood up like a sore nail. Someone must have paid her rivals off to bow in subservience.

Many have looked past her like a brick on the wall. The Deputy Minister of the Cultural department was a position one would not consider significant in any manner. Now, she had returned as an empress!

Her fans were content with what they saw. Ah Yu was definitely worth bowing and worshipping with a sincere heart!

The bullet screen was filled with comments that took note of the theatrics. Nobody had ever broadcasted a coronation of a Student Council President live before.

Some stated that the Student Council president of Jiangnan University was not like any other. Any other organization that intended to collaborate with that university or advertise their company at the university would have to go through Lady Zhao first. Perhaps, the wealthy Lady Zhao would offer extra fundings for the benefits of both parties?

After a careful analysis of the behavior of the members, some people concluded that Lady Zhao had perfect control over the Student Council. Why else would they bow to her so courteously and sincerely?

There were haters too. They condemned her arrogance. Her despicable hunger for praise and worship had oozed all over the broadcast. A typical Leo would have such inborn leadership, not because they intended to serve, but because they craved for reverence…

No matter how arrogant or awkwardly dressed one was, a beautiful face would always be adorable and charming. Just looking upon one would be pleasing to the soul.

Unfortunately, beautiful people could do whatever they wanted to.

A ripple of excitement went through the chat when Jiangnan University students recognized Qiao Fei and Cao Chuanguang in the broadcast. Everyone had believed that they would reject Lady Zhao. After all that planning, all that conniving, even having victory in the cusp of their palms, this Lady had willfully strode in and smashed their dreams. Along with it, their entire teams!

So much for their effort and plans for this “great election.” And now, you expect them to hail to Lady Zhao as well?

Their self-control must be exceptionally disciplined if they could remain quiet throughout the entire process. Not a single student could imagine that these two individuals would bow down to Zhao Youyue so courteously!

“WOW!” was all over the bullet screen.

“Qiao Fei is showing an ungodly amount of self-restraint. Does she think that she’ll get to stay on as the Minister of Discipline?”

“What’s wrong with these two? Where is their pride?! They really know when to lie low and when to walk tall.”

“I pity them having to live in the same era as Lady Zhao.”

“Lady Zhao’s time is just beginning. Let’s not talk about these insignificant greats, everyone who has to sit in the same room as her would be crushed by the tremendous pressure…”

“Lady Zhao is like an empress! I wanted to serve her… I have decided to join the Student Council, just so I can worship Lady Zhao every single day!”

Zhao Youyue finally reached the President’s room. She took her seat behind her large office table, removing her top hat and crossing her arms. She stared right into the lenses of Han Leng’s phone. After a deliberate pause, she started to speak of her plans.

“I have never ever been elected as a President of a Student’s Council, but my experiences as an empress should be more than enough to handle this position. You might not believe this, but in my empire…”

There and then, Han Leng felt the urge to smack his face. Hard. There it was, that severe case of chuunibyou kicking in. Now, she seemed all so adorable when speaking of her life as the Empress of some magical empire. Was she actually one? Or was she just trying to demonstrate her talent in cosplay?

There was this CGI film that just recently started trending on the internet. What was it called again… “Road to a Female Emperor?” Was Lady Zhao cosplaying the empress Olivia?

Nevertheless, her audience seemed to really like it. They were impressed, mostly because she seemed so sure and convinced of her own words. Ah Yu was truly charming!

Lady Zhao’s speech left everyone chuckling nervously, hoping that her plans for tomorrow held up true. As the broadcast ended, she summoned the Student Council and started her iron ruling as the president. No mercy was given!

“Cao Chuanguang, your services as vice president are no longer needed” Zhao Youyue’s voice was soft, demure.


“I am the president.”

“What… so a president could do that?”

“Sorry, the president could do anything she pleases.”

“Then… what should I be?”

“Nothing. You are no longer a member of the Student Council. Enjoy your life as an ordinary university student — it would be a carefree one.”

“You have gone too far, I refuse to comply!” Cao Chuanguang went mad — like a dog deprived of its precious bone!

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