Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 707 - Unexpected Entry

Chapter 707: Unexpected Entry

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Zhu Yongnian was struck speechless. His lips started moving habitually, his mind not truly believing his own words. “My Lady, you’re just a Year 1 student. If you participate in the election now, you won’t get far. After all, Qiao Fei and Chen Ye are the current favorites. We’ve run the numbers…”

“Oh? I’m not here to win. I just thought that it would be fun to mingle about and talk to the crowd during the campaign. It’s not like my words will sway them. Well, I’m a Deputy Head, aren’t I? Can’t I join in the fun?

Zhao Youyue had put those words so lightly and casually, yet there was that domineering sense of superiority in her tone.

As for that laughable poll — it was not even worth her attention, wasn’t it? How unreliable. People, students especially, would not put much thought into their votes. They were not determining the next world leader — this was on a far smaller scale. As it was, people rarely chose their nation’s leaders wisely.

Few would have the dignity to pat their chests and say that their votes mattered.

Perhaps Zhu Yongnian had occupied the Student President’s position without doing anything for far too long. Somehow, he gave them all an impression that he was terrified of taking responsibilities. He managed, “According to the rules — on the bright surface at least, a deputy head can most certainly participate in the election. But…”

“I don’t care about those unspoken rules by the Student Council, and I don’t think I need to care. Everything will be fine as long as I don’t violate the rules on that surface. In short, count me in!”

Zhao Youyue folded her arms and sat herself down rather elegantly opposite Zhu Yongnian. As usual, her expensive clothing gave off a Lady-like aura — the type of aura that would stifle the strongest wills.

She had even brought along two bodyguards in suits and leathers. Obviously, she had brought them along for appearances. Otherwise, they would have remained hidden in the shadows.

Zhu Yongnian’s Bureaucratic mind had just kicked in. Only then did he realize who was he addressing!

Cold sweat gushed out. He felt the irrepressible impulse to immediately fall to his knees before Lady Zhao, crawling towards her to lick her feet. By the way, Lady Zhao had silk stockings on today. Wearing silk stockings during Spring was popular. Plus, they were comfy!.

Therefore, if anyone was given the opportunity to lick Lady Zhao’s beautiful legs, it would be their privilege. Let’s lick them raw, and then lick them until her legs fracture!

Let’s not forget that Lady Zhao rarely ever wore stockings. Pants have always been convenient and modest…

Zhu Yongnian wiped his brow and managed a smile. “I am suddenly aware of how much of an honor and privilege it is for our campus to have you as a Student President Elect. I don’t know what came over me just now, to be audacious enough to treat Lady Zhao as an ordinary person. I’m truly too terrible!”

As a Student President, Zhu Yongnian was already a force that regular students would cower before. This ultimate force then lifted a figurative hand up and gave himself a slap. He had now adopted himself as Lady Zhao’s pet dog…

Obviously, even Zhu Yongnian tried to be a dog; he would only end up as a stray. Lady Zhao had no use for him. She already had an entire pack of pedigrees at her side.

Zhu Yongnian certainly hoped for the position — at Lady Zhao’s side, that is. Again, he insinuated that he was willing to obey all the orders from Lady Zhao. If Lady Zhao needed a puppet student president, he was her guy!

Such high hopes. Even as a puppet, he was absolutely useless. He had done nothing as a Student President. If anything, he had betrayed everyone’s trust in him. Even Lady Zhao would not be able to convince the crowd to give him a second chance.

Zhao Youyue could only smile. Zhu Yongnian could only return a similar smile. In the end, he begrudgingly accepted her application form. Students suddenly noticed a new entry. Zhao Youyue!

Zhao Youyue’s resume was truly something. It made all her other competitors look like insects. On paper, all that was written was her founding the Food Research Club. Soon after, she became the deputy head of the Department of Literature and Art. She had conducted a very successful New Years Eve Party during the first half of her first semester to great effect… However, it was currently still the second half semester of her first year.

Her club-based and Student Council-based records aside, Zhao Youyue’s personal glory stood out like a blazing sun. If any other candidate attempted to eclipse her, they would only be incinerated by the rays!

Before Zhao Youyue stepped up, some passionate students were still gossiping about who would win – Qiao Fei, or Chen Ye.

Even the roommates of Du Hang, the “great teacher” got themselves deeply involved for no apparent reason. Zhang Xiang, Han Leng’s personal bootlicker had boldly proclaimed that the just and fair Qiao Fei had it hands down. Chen Ye was a fencesitter, a people-pleaser, a sweet-talker. Useless.

“I hereby state that everyone in this dorm votes for Qiao Fei. Do not forget that Chen Ye and that Cao Chuanguang have been working, hand in glove. And Cao Chuanguang had been a pain in the glorious ass of our faculty’s Zhao Youyue. He’s asking for war. Never, ever trust a senior. Lady Zhao and Elite Scholar Han should be a couple!” Zhang Xiang had said.

Xiao Yu was still on a long phone call with his girlfriend. He claimed himself to be fickle in love but proficient at hitting on girls. The truth of the matter was that he actually loved his girlfriend deeply. He wholly agreed with Zhang Xiang. At the same time, he supported Han Leng. Nobody knew why, but Han Leng was very popular among the male students.

Fatty Ning Yao cradled his guitar. He had finally assembled himself a band. As a musical aficionado, this election would either make or break the future of this band. However, their rock music society was just a small club. He frowned and said, “Qiao Fei intends to cut down the fundings for small clubs. If she truly wins the election, our rock music society will be in great danger… But I certainly won’t support Chen Ye, who’s working for a hand in glove with Cao Chuanguang. Anyone else?”

Zhang Xiang shook his head and said, “Well, there are, but their odds are almost nonexistent. We can only choose between this two.”

Ning Yao’s look dimmed down. He truly did not want the already insufficient fundings of his club to take another hit…

Right then, Du Hang spoke up — rather leisurely at that too, “Zhao Youyue will be running.”


“That’s impossible!”

“She’s just a Year 1 student. Stop joking, will ya!”

Just as the three of them finished speaking, a voice was heard booming through the corridor outside their dormitory ——

“Zhao Youyue has participated in the election! Let us all vote for her! Long live school flower!”

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