Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 452

 No Better Than Texas Cakewalk

Rage erupted in Han Leng’s heart. He had fought countless wars on this battlefield. His experience had made him a guru of strategies. He recognized this as a common trick used by old sea dogs to get back to the game.

It was fine if he was the only one used as a stepping stone. A spar of ink with an old-timer would be fun. Han Leng was well-known in online ink-war. He silenced his peers with definitive sweeps, as if he had been genetically modified for victory.

Under no circumstances should this imbecile have used Lady Zhao for own benefits. Apparently, Han Leng was not aware that Zhao Youyue had sealed herself from the outside world to focus on her studies. He was still worried about the distraction that all this might cause.

Zhao Youyue was like a mountain in a storm, she remained unperturbed as the Apocalypse took hold of Mount Vesuvius and turned it into a battering ram for her front door. On the other hand, Han Leng had been busy with the butterflies in his stomach, as he blamed himself on this incident.

Zhao Youyue would have remained an ordinary audience if he had not started this war. If this were a novel, she would not even be mentioned.

Zhao Youyue remained silent after his careless actions. She managed to retain her status as an audience. For the protagonist, things were worlds apart.

He was busy sprinkling acid on principal’s recommendation of Huang Zongchao to the University. His love letters to Lady Zhao were threatening to be more famous than his “Beautiful April.” Now, this ugly psychopath was claiming to be his hardcore fan, and had offered every part of her skin to be blessed by him

Han Leng had been turned into the protagonist. However, the protagonist disgusted him. He could not refrain himself from cursing the senior author Zi Mu!

He gave his full support to Lady Zhao, confidently stating that she would pass with flying colors. There would be no surprise if Lady Zhao got some awards out of it. He hoped that everybody would remain calm, as this would be a cakewalk for her.

This national exam would prove Lady Zhao’s capabilities! Han Leng then made a forceful statement, proclaiming that his fans were sane and able to think logically. Those who did not qualify should just leave him in peace!

His statement drew a rainbow in the worlds of his fans. Those young ladies shed tears of joy and happiness!

Yes. Well said, Han Leng! They were not crazy bitches. They understood each word and expression of Han Leng, and therefore succumbed to his influence willingly. Ugly psychopaths like Zi Mu should leave Han Leng alone! Her cold body would get no warmth here!

In no time at all, Zi Mu’s Weibo had been soiled by dung from those “sane” fans of Han Leng.

Meanwhile, Zi Mu did not forget to promote her new novel.

He is the rising star among the new generation of idol authors with countless fans. She was one of his ordinary fans. Destiny had entwined their fate together in a complicated knot. This young idol is just about to taste the complications of love!

That’s right. Zi Mu’s new book protagonist was just another lust-seeking young lady. This time, she did not crave for a rocker. She was in love with an idolized author!

Han Leng saw what Zi Mu was up to. He was like a beast that had fallen trap to a hunter who was using Zhao Youyue as bait!

Unfortunately, Han Leng’s greatest weakness was Lady Zhao. He could be an iceberg to any female in this world; even Lin Xuanya was sent off empty-handed. She had been sincerely infatuated with him. Now she was the leader of her own choreography team. Her fans were deeply impressed by her dancing skills!

She had never once mentioned that she courted Han Leng to anyone else. She had even requested that Han Leng wrote a love letter on her behalf. Its recipient – herself! In return, she received no letters, no acknowledgment.

Such was the character of Han Leng. People who obsessed over their principles were often left alone walking in their paths. But loneliness never bothered Han Leng, as his literature would never abandon him.

An Ox cannot be forced to drink if it is not thirsty. It could only apologize, at most.

As Han Leng struggled to free himself from that trap, another enemy struck from the darkness

Su Li.

Su Li was triggered by the sarcasm that had been directed at Lady Zhao. She could not stand by that, especially since it was coming from some disgusting character! For the sake of her best friend Lady Zhao, she had to take the lead and be the protagonist for once!

Su, the Great Deity had not posted any illustrations for quite some time. All of a sudden, she published a drawing of some ugly bitch author in so-called Smart Fashion!

The ultimate curse!

For once, Su Li truly believed in the power of her illustrations!

Things were getting heated. Those netizens who loved to promote Su Li’s curse started to reheat their old threads

“It’s happening again! Su, the Great Deity performed her ritual!”

“Damn, this ugly bitch is horrifying! Just die already!”

“Su Li was definitely protecting great scholar Han! Perhaps they had some bedside business? Why else would she show up to aid great scholar Han?”

“Something between them? Great Deity Su is a well-known best friend of Lady Ah Yu. She posted so many photos of her being with Ah Yu, and had even been invited to her mansion! As for Han Leng, he was definitely a passing “innocent” boy who fell for Lady Ah Yu’s beauty.”

“Come and place your bets! How long would this Zi Mu last?”

“She only has days. Do not forget how Shih Jingnian got crippled”

“So much hatred! That was the ultimate curse by Great Deity Su, Zi Mu should just quit as an author!”

“Cease writing, Zi Mu!

Su Li was not the only one who had stepped out. Zhao Youyue maintained a good relationship with a lot of authors, especially those great, influential authors. Su Li and Han Leng were like splashes in the ocean compared to these heavyweights. Even so, their support could be seen on their personal Weibos. Rosemary condemned the author’s action of taking advantage of other authors while stabbing an exam candidate from the back. He aligned himself with Han Leng and Su Li.

Zi Mu was shocked by the response. She never thought that a legendary character like Su Li would actually illustrate her!

That was no different from sending her on a Texas Cakewalk! Did the grim reaper have an eye on her now?

It was better to start apologizing, Su Li’s curse was terrifying!

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