Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 364

 A Fan of Novel Characters

Other than being promoted by Su Li’s exceptional illustration skills, Bakuman’s repeated plot twists garnered the beam of more spotlights for Wen Qingyu.

Wen Qingyu was merely a side character that ate books and promoted them. She was supposed to be just another reader that ate “Bakuman’s” works and praised them.

Wen Qingyu had now evolved into a unique character who published her own work. Her work was not meant to gain fame or benefits, but to taste the various flavors of works produced by different authors.

Her writing style was not hard to picture. Its rendition was fresh and raw. The rawness mostly came from her inexperience. Yet, it was mentioned in the story that she possessed an eidetic memory when it came to the contents of her stomach. After devouring so many books, she had been able to utilize that skill to accelerate her learning progress.

Readers were understandably jealous. It was a dream for most to have such an ability. All they needed to do for their exams was to buy a few textbooks and eat all of them. Passing an exam that way was guaranteed, right?

Wen Qingyu had also described such books in detail. Educational books were dry and sticky. They were dull and tough to swallow, just like compressed cookies. There was no other way but to gobble them whole for better exam results.

That was exactly what Wen Qingyu did for her exam. She forced herself to swallow her textbooks. It was a horrible ordeal! Her chemistry book in particular had been mixed with the taste of fuel and fertilizer.

In theory, it sounded like a cheat ability, but it had been torture. This ability was more suited towards literature. It was filled with beautiful artistic words and chapters filled with wonders. That was all it needed to be delicious!

Students most likely thought that the act simply involved tearing pages out of books and eating them. She was not just eating paper, she was consuming concepts. Concepts were disgusting in more than one way.

Another example of unpleasant food would be online articles. It was like poop-coated candy, or poop that had been marinated in poison. “The Strongest King” by Rosemary which rated rather highly, had ended up as “plain soda.”

Eating a book was indeed an act that required several safety measures. Only famous classical novels were the safest books to consume. They had survived the test of time, after all.

Regardless of that, the ability to memorize the book contents by devouring it was most handy. Zhao Youyue could taste test those seemingly boring articles of literature. Maybe her mother, Wang Hua’s articles would taste great, who knows?

Wen Qingyu did not travel much in the novel, but had certainly consumed a lot of books. All she had to do was to practice writing on a daily basis. With the accumulation of experience, she would unquestionably outperform the ordinary.

Wen Qingyu was like the Zhang Wuji who already mastered the art of “Godly Power of Nine Men,” and was able to master any skill with ease. As a notable senior reader, she knew a lot of authors.

Among these authors, there were fresh but gifted ones, those who were struggling in their careers, and those experienced authors who were still chasing their old dreams. Also, some were famous at the moment, and some were stubborn old-timers.

Bundle them up together, and they would all shed the same skin. They were all Bakumans!

Under the undivided guidance of these excellent teachers, her writing skill improved expeditiously. Her creative skills were beyond compare. After all, she did not taste food, but books. How many possessed such an ability?

Wen Qingyu’s work left readers speechless. She must have descended from a species of higher intelligence. After reading her description of novels that she had ingested, authors asked themselves the same question

Could an article even be written this way?

Of course, her coarse writing could not express her vast imagination. Just like the late author, “Setsuna.” Every word written was comprehensible, but when they were linked together, nobody understood what she meant. Only she enjoyed the taste of the book.

That sublime aroma was ineffable for her. Perhaps the food only existed in another dimension?

“Bakuman” was much more interesting, with its character Wen Qingyu trapped in such a scene.

Shi Jingnian, the real creator, was at the height of his spirits. His thoughts had drifted far and deep into the world of his own Wen Qingyu!

That’s right, it was not Wen Qingyu who caught his attention, but his obsession with her work. He precisely described her works throughout “Bakuman” to every reader…

He should not be the only one who admired these remarkable works. There had to be more people out there who stood on common ground!

Shi Jingnian loved books to his core. He was the only one who made notes about famous novels. A student did that for marks in their assignments and examinations. But he never once stopped this practice, even as he traveled across the world.

Nobody would believe that this author, Shi Jingnian, would become a fan of his own book character!

A hardcore fan!

Shi Jingnian had watched her grow as he wrote more about her. It was just like following an author as he created his account, contributed by subscribing, followed and gifted them until he became a god. Walking alongside a growing God was a most surreal, profound experience.

Wen Qingyu was yet to be a goddess. She was still growing. Shi Jingnian strove to create more novels to decorate her stage. One day, she would be a notable character in literature!

Wen Qingyu will be a classic character!

“Shi Jingnian! You have been acting like a possessed person, lately! All you can think of is to write the next novel for her! You don’t even care about me, no greetings in the morning, no messages at night. Are you bored of me?” Lu Xue complained on the phone.

Lu Xue did not believe that Shi Jingnian’s obsession with the writings of “Bakuman” was an act of responsibility. He was unfair by being kinder to Lin Shiya. He loved Lin Shiya more than her!

Other than Lu Xue, another two pretty girls who were very close to Shi Jingnian also complained that how could Shi Jingnian be so cruel to them? Where was his promise of being fair to all?

Was Shi Jingnian once intimately close to Lin Shiya?

That’s right, Shi Jingnian had always dreamt of having his own “True Love Palace.” Other than Lin Shiya, he had never rejected any chance of being mentally connected to other people. That was a common problem for a literature youth.

It was completely typical of any protagonist in a novel containing open relationships, set in a city, to simply flirt with girls, but not commit himself to any of them. The same went for manga protagonists who had droves of admirers. Yet, Shi Jingnian had maintained this publicized relationship with Lin Shiya for so many years. He did prove his competence in bed.

He enjoyed being surrounded by beautiful girls Just like walking through a forest filled with blossom trees, without getting a single leaf stuck to his body.

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