Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 348

 Temperament of a Lady

When Zhao Hao and Zhao Youyue arrived at the restaurant, Zhang Wanjun had just got there herself. Zhao Youyue was surprised to see that Zhang Wanjun had brought along two friends, a male, and a female. They seemed to be an item. Both of them were good-looking, and they complimented each other.

Zhang Wanjun wore a casual dress, it made her look like a run-of-the-mill third wheel, but it did not bother her the least.

Without a doubt, Zhao Youyue became the focus of attention when she came out of the car. Her dressing and appearance made it clear that she was a real rich man’s daughter. She had even put on some makeup, out of courtesy.

In a way, she was bolstering Zhao Hao’s reputation. As her older cousin, Zhao Hao had every right to brag about his little cousin, because she was so beautiful.

Zhang Wanjun, on the other hand, could not be bothered to doll herself up for Zhao Hao’s reputation. She could care less about such pesky little details in her life; she would not change herself for a man.

Zhao Hao’s friends stepped out of the restaurant to welcome him, but their gazes were all directed at Zhao Youyue instead!

They certainly did not expect the other little cousin of Zhao Hao to be such a cute little girl. Perhaps Zhang Wanjun had sold her short. They just thought his other little cousin was just average looking, and would not be a beauty like those you find in novels or mangas; Ding Yuncong was one excellent example of just being average looking.

They had guessed that his other little cousin was just another average looking person, or else she would have been a little more famous in the circle of entertainment. What they did not expect was that Zhao Youyue used to be a side character.

Today, she was a butterfly who had broken out of her cocoon.

Zhao Youyue embraced the feeling of being the center of attraction; almost every guy was looking at her. While she was waiting for Zhao Hao to introduce her, she realized that the guy who came along with Zhang Wanjun was not looking at her; he was busy comforting his own girlfriend. It was the girl who admired Zhao Youyue; she felt that she could never have the same temperament as Zhao Youyue even though she was a beauty herself, as she felt a surge of inferiority deep within herself.

Zhang Wanjun first came up to Zhao Youyue and hugged her, “Wow, you really became popular on the internet lately, I did not expect Ah Yu to be you all along, please help me promote my channel as well in the future, I’m in your care!”

Of course, Zhao Youyue agreed without hesitation. She only needed to visit Zhang Wanjun’s channel in Bilibili during one of her live streams; it would greatly help Zhang Wanjun increase her videos’ popularity.

Zhang Wanjun was truly amazed by her little cousin. Not only was she beautiful, she had so many talents at such a young age! Meeting her today was like getting to know a whole new Zhao Youyue!

Zhao Hao officially introduced his little cousin, Zhao Youyue to his friends, and he was most certainly proud of it. It could not be helped; with a little cousin like Zhao Youyue by his side, his reputation would surely rise. Reputation mattered a great deal to a prideful man like him.

Of course, Zhao Hao had warned his friends to refrain from having any silly ideas on his little cousin as she was still a minor, and a high school student at that too.

And everyone agreed to it, they were all saying, “Your little sister is my little sister,” “I will protect your little sister, not one animalistic idea on her.” The words that ran through their minds were completely different. What’s wrong being a high school student, even primary school students are already getting romantically involved!

Zhao Youyue deliberately put up the mighty and cold lady act. To be honest, it was quite effective, it saved her from a lot of trouble.

Even though Zhao Youyue had great social skills, sometimes, she preferred to get away from the fuss as it was too troublesome. Pretending to be cold and mighty was an effective repellent.

Ding Yuncong was shocked when he saw Zhao Youyue. Isn’t she the live streamer, Ah Yu? Why is she the little cousin of Zhao Hao? Was this one of Zhao Hao’s methods of picking up a new girl? Was he trying to get closer to her by becoming her brother first, before proceeding to tackle her. This was one of the many classic ways of getting girls.

Of course, Ding Yuncong kept his composure and greeted Zhao Youyue with a big smile on his face. Zhao Youyue just greeted him back politely; he was no different from the others. This left Ding Yuncong a little displeased, he thought that Ah Yu was holding a grudge against him.

With Ding Yuncong’s reputation, she should not just treat him like a regular person. In actual fact, this was all a misunderstanding, Zhao Youyue was just unfamiliar with him.

Zhao Youyue was more interested in the guy brought along by Zhang Wanjun; he only had his girlfriend in his eyes, not sparing anyone else a second glance.

He only nodded curtly and said his greetings to Zhao Youyue, before turning away once again.

Zhao Youyue had to admit that this guy was truly handsome. He was not the casanova, playboy type of handsome, he looked awfully young, but people could tell that he was really mature for his age. He did not have any outstanding features, and he dressed up casually. Even his haircut was normal. To capture Zhao Youyue’s attention in casual clothing spoke volumes of his charm.

“Everyone has already introduced themselves; aren’t you going to introduce yourself?” Zhao Youyue smiled.

The guy replied, “I’m just a commoner, I’m not worthy of standing alongside with them. Besides, even if I introduced myself, you’ll forget about it soon afterward, milady. There’s no need for a meaningless introduction.”

“I’m pretty good at remembering names; I won’t forget the names of everyone I meet,” Zhao Youyue then proceeds to name every single person who had introduced themselves previously to her.

The friends of Zhao Hao were honored to be a part of Zhao Youyue’s memories, unlike Zhang Wanjun, who could not even remember a single name.

Apparently, the guy was shocked by her actions, but he said, “Then I really shouldn’t introduce myself. If milady can remember my name without me introducing myself, that would be my greatest honor.”

“Aren’t you quite a smooth talker, fine then… Nice to meet you, miss.” Zhao Youyue turned to the beautiful girl beside the guy.

The girl hesitated for a moment, but she introduced herself in the end. Her name was Lin Shiya. It fit her image perfectly, Not only she was beautiful, she had a pure and elegant temperament as well. She was Zhang Wanjun’s roommate; she majored in Chinese Language studies, had many talents, and was president of the literature club.

Lin Shiya also introduced her boyfriend to Zhao Youyue, “This is ‘Shi Jingnian,’ he’s my…”

Lin Shiya seemed to be shy; she could not bring herself to say the word “boyfriend.” Then Shi Jingnian grabbed Lin Shiya by her waist and said, “Lin Shiya is my girlfriend.”

Lin Shiya displayed a sweet and relieving smile.

Zhao Youyue replied calmly, “I can see both of you are in good terms, and your name is quite special, it’s easy to remember.”

“Please don’t remember my name, I’m afraid of beautiful ladies who remember me!” Shi Jingnian was pretending to be terrified.

Zhao Youyue only smiled at him and let bygones be bygones.

After they were done introducing themselves, all of them headed towards the restaurant. Ding Yuncong then walked up beside of Zhao Hao, “Not a bad move at all, you little chap. So quick to advance on Ah Yu, is she really your little cousin?”

Zhao Hao was irritated, “Of course she’s my little cousin, didn’t you hear her surname? She’s a Zhao! Her dad was Zhao Jiayi, the younger brother of my father, quit fooling around.”

“Zhao Jiayi? Isn’t he the president of a hospital who had a pretty solid military background? Tch, looks like I was kept in the dark, this whole time.”

Ding Yuncong finally understood why Zhao Youyue had insisted on not revealing her face during her live streams, it was not because she was ugly, but her blood was far too noble…

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