Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 335

 Sockpuppet Exposed!

Once again, all was calm in Zhao Youyue’s life. In the real world, at least. Thanks to the most recent New Year’s Eve, her popularity in school had reached a new peak. Even students from other schools had been made known of her existence.

After all, in the provincial city, there was another premium high school, comparable to Zhao Youyue’s current high school. The alumni of that high school tended to apply for overseas universities. It took a radical, relaxed approach to learning, and considered itself to provide education of actual quality. The students were open-minded and critical thinkers.

In general, its results were not as good as Zhao Youyue’s current high school. However, in terms of quality, it was hard to say.

The students of that high school viewed themselves highly. They considered the students from Zhao Youyue’s current high school to be bookworms, with no personalities, specialties, or comprehensive development. They would only add on to society’s mindless drones, unlike the unique existences that each and every one of them would be.

Some nosy people who frowned upon that school’s arrogance brought up Zhao Youyue’s shocking performance. It instantly quelled the voices of many self-righteous students. They had never expected such an all-rounder within a high school that practiced such rigid exam-oriented education, to appear before their eyes!

The video clip about Zhao Youyue’s performance was soon uploaded to the internet. At first, nothing happened. After all, Zhao Youyue was just a student. No matter how beautiful she was, it was hard to see without High-Definition. Only those who had seen Zhao Youyue up close would understand how stunning she was, on that New Year’s Eve

Don’t forget it was not long after the popular female live streamer Ah Yu unintentionally exposed her identity as a female high school student, causing many fans to start digging for more information jubilantly. They wanted to find out who this high school Ah Yu was.

After almost half a day, they were only able to find a few schools with uniforms similar to the one Ah Yu wore. Yet, they could not determine exactly which school she attended. However, someone happened upon the New Year’s Eve video. They noticed the audience donning similar school uniforms to Ah Yu’s.

That’s it!

This had to be it!

Ah Yu was studying at this school. She most probably performed in it!

She definitely attended the rehearsal!

Looks like even God wanted to tear the veil off Ah Yu’s identity. The school authorities had uploaded the entire event in High-Definition, on their official website. Obviously, the school authorities intended to use this annual anniversary celebration to promote their facilities in hopes of reeling in more talented students.

This era no longer believed in quality, but in eyeball effects[1]. No famous high school remained bashful when boasting about itself

An interview with the excellent student Zhao Youyue was also within the uploaded video clip. There was even a narration that listed all the honors that Zhao Youyue had received. She had been chosen as one of the top 10 students within the whole province, as part of the top student cadre, etc.

Somehow, these honors had found their way to Zhao Youyue. Her results spoke for themselves. She was not supposed to be a class cadre representative, and she was not in the student council. Yet, her name was on the student council’s member list, and she was considered a member of the top student cadre

Obviously, the school authorities considered Zhao Youyue’s appearance to be lovely and photogenic. It would be a waste not to make a promotion around her. She could be the new face of the school!

Under such circumstances, there was this one person with the username, “Ice Queen of the North.” He was a College student from an Engineering College; real name Wu Yihao. A senior Ah Yu fan, who spared no mercy when it came to spamming gifts to live streamers. He would only read the pirated version of novels. This person had even written a post with rigorous reasoning on the TianYa Forum. Its contents were shocking. He pointed out that ——

The mysterious female live streamer, Ah Yu’s true identity was actually the Goddess Zhao Youyue, who was the officially recognized school flower of a certain high school in Jiangnan province!

This school flower was also academically as daunting as she was beautiful. Above all, her musical talent was widely worshipped by those around her. She had once entered the finals of the national violin music competition

The thread on the TianYa Forum blew up overnight. It spread like wildfire throughout Weibo, Zhihu, etc. The servers of Zhao Youyue’s high school soon collapsed due to the overloaded traffic!

The school authorities believed that they were under attack by hackers!

Although the official website collapsed, the “Zhao Youyue in HD” outbreak was just starting!

No, the Cyber Navies were not trying to market something. It was a carnival of Ah Yu fans. Nope. Not just Ah Yu’s fans, but also Zhao Youyue’s fans!

Of course, the most popular video clip on the internet by this time was supposed to be the video clips of various New Year Concerts, as televised by several TV stations. Some TV stations were trying their best to invite extremely popular idols from Korea. Even so, those video clips were drowned out by one New Year’s Eve video clip

Even news about Leng Zi, the author of “Beautiful April,” who did not turn out to be a beautiful lady, but a male, did not cause much reaction. Only male readers who attended his autograph event, felt their perspectives towards world, life, and value collapsing. Why was Master Leng Zi a male? It was true, he was a little handsome, but his cross-dressed appearance was already sear into their minds!

Only Master Leng Zi’s female readers considered this matter interesting. They did not expect Master Leng Zi to actually be a Lady boss. He was definitely born to have such talent.

Unfortunately, “Beautiful April” was old news. Further adaptations into anime, reality TV series, movies would be required to continue expanding its influence.

The current, biggest focus on the internet was the matter about the female live streamer, Ah Yu’s mysterious identity, finally being revealed. Therefore, as a Lady boss, Han Leng was considered to have gotten off lightly. He did not need to face the onslaught of public opinions, while Zhao Youyue had been wholly dissected by the public, due to the exposure of her identity.

Zhao Youyue only realized this much later, as she had already delved into the literary world right after New Year’s Eve. She wanted to search for a new piece of work before the “Two Dimensional Gate’s” cooldown ended. It was time to create her fourth iconic character.

The New Year of this world was often followed by a seven-day holiday. Zhao Youyue then received a call from her elder cousin Zhao Hao. They had not seen each other for a long time but still keeping in touch. Zhao Hao invited Zhao Youyue to Shanghai to have some fun with him and Zhang Wanjun. He would personally drive to pick her up. After all, Jiangnan Provincial City was rather close to Shanghai.

Zhao Youyue did not know why Zhao Hao had spoken to her in such a gentle and careful way. Wasn’t he the braggart of braggarts? After all, he was the crown grandson of Zhao family, Zhao Ritian. But now, he was treating her like some sort of VIP

Translation Note:

[1] Eyeball effect – Generally speaking, it refers to using all kinds of possible ways and methods to create eye-catching, sensational effects, to attract others’ attention, achieving self-promotion to achieve a certain goal or purpose.

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