Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 290

 Dark Horse

The crowd believed that Zhao Youyue’s stamina had finally caved in, after seeing her finally slow down towards the end. Yu Jia, the sports student, who would never quit was almost catching up to her. Ultimately, she failed, her body having met its limits.

In reality, Yu Jia was a sports student, through and through. She had the stamina and athletism to be called one. Because she had been thrown off her tempo by Zhao Youyue’s cheats, she was out of the running. Otherwise, she could have won the race, even against a “Zhou Chun Card” empowered Zhao Youyue.

The card would never take Zhao Youyue over her limit, she would only be able to perform as well as she usually could, only for a greatly extended period of time. Even that cheat had been greatly depowered, as her beloved car was not with her

Therefore, Zhao Youyue did not break any records. She had even broken the rules by drinking water during the race.

That aside, everyone was left greatly astonished!

Yu Jia who was left far behind Zhao Youyue in the race had given up on even thinking about it. A total layman like Zhao Youyue had left her in the dust. She did not know how to describe Zhao Youyue’s technique, if any. Is this so-called talent?

Talent is the iron rule of sports. All this while, Yu Jia had always believed that she was rather talented in sports. It had not been a problem for her to achieve the title of the national second-class athlete. However, Zhao Youyue had completely rewritten everything she knew about running. She had been beaten to a pulp, and thought that she should just go home and get married!

At that moment, Yu Jia felt so wretched.

Hua Zhongchao, the president of the student union, who stood on the rostrum had thought that Zhao Youyue was just sprinting cluelessly in the beginning. Who would have thought that this fellow would actually manage to win the preliminary competition and qualify for the finals?

Tsk. He was growing curious about Zhao Youyue, and wanted to know her in more detail.

Besides that, Han Leng who thought that Zhao Youyue had grown up because of her apparent opinion that “involvement is everything” was dumbfounded too, after witnessing her reality-defying operation. He never expected that she would enter the finals. He would have been pleased enough if she had not placed last.

Zhao Youyue’s classmates surrounded her after seeing her was the first to cross the finish line. They cheered and applauded —

“Zhao Youyue, you are awesome! I never would have thought that you are good at sports too. You even beat a sports student!”

“Looks like you have been hiding your light under a bushel. Why didn’t you participate in the sports competition last year?”

“Missy, would you like to drink some water?”

“You nailed it beautifully, glory for our class!”

“You would probably sweep the finals clean too, right!”

Zhao Youyue had deactivated the Zhou Chun Card earlier on. After careful deliberation, she realized that Xiao Chun might ruin her image. That girl was stupid and cute, and would laugh out loud, thinking that she was a super talented king of long-distance running!

Besides that, Xiao Chun who never thinks before speaking would proclaim that she wouldn’t have had to depend on those sports drinks, if her beloved her had been here to run with her.

Her arrogant personality did not match the gracious Zhao Youyue at all. Her wonderful acting skills came into play after she deactivated the character card. She pretended to wipe off the sweat and rest on her knees to catch her breath.

In truth, she had merely jogged over a distance of 100 meters. If it was not for the sunny weather, she would not have sweated at all. After all, it was Autumn.

Among her classmates, Shen Menglian who had bored a longstanding grudge against Zhao Youyue was the only one confounded by her performance, as she had thought the dainty lady to be abysmal at sports. Apparently, it was all a facade!

She defeated a sports student in the preliminary competition, and she even seemed to be handling it well. Could this indicate that she would continue her road to godhood in the finals?

Shen Menglian noticed the girl who had tried to catch up to Zhao Youyue and defend her dignity as a sports student, was sweating and panting. Her exhaustion was apparent and genuine. Zhao Youyue was as calm as usual, and had not even dropped her gracious, ladylike demeanor

After seeing Zhao Youyue becoming even more popular and gaining even more prestige in their grade, Shen Menglian who wanted to see Zhao Youyue at her most embarrassing moment could only sigh. What isn’t Lady Zhao incapable of?

At the same time, Bai Yunshan, their class monitor, who had a strong sense of collective honor was impressed by her incredible performance. One should know that marks would be given by participating in each category of the autumn season sports competition. Only their classmate, Lu Rui, as well as the sports committee member, had been able to obtain marks for their class. After all, most of them had been so focused on studying

However, she was grateful for the courage of Zhao Youyue. Her only hope was that their class would not get the lowest total marks.

Next up, was the competition of other categories of sports, and this gave ample time for those who were qualified for the finals to rest. The finals would start after one hour.

This time, the rule were now stricter. Participants were not allowed to go to the side of the track to drink water during the race! Affecting the pace of the competition would be the reason!

Zhao Youyue was uneasy about it, worried that she would end up walking to complete the 800 meters race!

Fortunately, her mind was quick enough to think of a solution. Besides sports drink, food could help in restoring her stamina. There was packaged milk too

Thus, she stuffed her pockets with milk, chocolate, and candy. She could have even taken steam buns along, for that matter. After all, the food was not going to enter her stomach. They would be turned into energy that the character card would immediately consume. From there, the energy would wash over her body and produce her amazing “stamina bar.”

The new rules would not affect Zhao Youyue at all. It would be her pleasure to snack on the milk and chocolate and candy as she runs!

Eventually, Zhao Youyue turned out to be the dark horse of the 800-meter race. Still, she did not break any records, as she took the lead and then leisurely ran across the finish line, just like she did in the preliminary competition.

She would only be able to run like this in a school sports competition. There would be no chance for her to do so in an actual competition

She repeated the method in the 1500 meters race, and won!

She was the dark horse of their school competition this time. At the same time, it brought severe psychological trauma to other sports students!

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