Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 284

 Waiting for Lady Zhao to Make a Joke of Herself

As expected, Zhao Youyue did as well as before in the monthly examinations. She was the top scorer for all of the liberal arts subjects. After the elite scholar, Huang Zongchao, decided to take science instead, Zhao Youyue had automatically moved up the rankings, as their respective streams separated the boards. A lot of people believed that Zhao Youyue would end up just like Huang Zongchao in the previous year, all alone in the top student zone…

Zhao Youyue’s achievements had left the class representative Bai Yunshan speechless. Bai Yunshan was hoping that Zhao Youyue would flop her monthly examinations. This was because Zhao Youyue would always fool around during lessons, and spend all her free time playing on mini 4WD cars, like a childish elementary school student. This time, although Bai Yunshan had worked extremely hard, she still only managed to place second in the whole grade.

Bai Yunshan had originally intended to work her butt off, just so she could beat Zhao Youyue. However, reality is harsh, and it can be cruel and ugly. Even so, she could not sell herself short, she was second in the entire grade, after all!

Bai Yunshan could only admit that Zhao Youyue was a true genius. She had to be something like a legendary god of learning. If not for that, how could she possibly waste so much of her time and still get such good results?

Fortunately, Bai Yunshan had a strong mentality and was the master of her emotions. Otherwise, she would have been psychologically traumatized after all this. Sometimes, those who truly work hard are still unable to beat those who constantly fool around and take everything for granted. Life is just so unfair.

Zhao Youyue riled Bao Yunshan up in more ways that one. She had been working hard ever since that incident. This was because she wanted to beat Zhao Youyue academically. Once she achieves that, Zhao Youyue would fall to hell, and she would finally be respected as a strict class representative! Zhao Youyue will never again cause her trouble!

However, Bai Yunshan did not realize that, unconsciously, her tolerance for Zhao Youyue had also grown. As she had been ostracized by the entire class, ironically, Zhao Youyue ended up being the one who interacted with her the most. The two of them had even done so much as to go to the school toilet together…

Zhao Youyue was great at flattering girls. On the surface, Bai Yunshan naturally acted as if she was indifferent towards Lady Zhao. She tried very hard to show everyone that she and Zhao Youyue were everything but friends. When the class teacher, Fatty Yang spoke to Bai Yunshan again to ask about Zhao Youyue’s academic performance, Bai Yunshan had thought that she could happily tell him about how Zhao Youyue was childish and was actually indulging in a newfound hobby of mini 4WD cars.

However, Bai Yunshan ended up hesitating, and she only managed to say that she had already stopped paying attention to whatever Zhao Youyue was doing.

After the results of the monthly examinations were released, the class teacher, Yang Liqun, felt that there would be no need to worry about Zhao Youyue anymore. Based on Zhao Youyue’s outstanding results, nothing could be said about her. As long as she maintains her performance, she could surely be the source of honor for the 11th class!

Perhaps, she can even become the number one scholar in liberal arts!

Something else had happened, but this did not come as a surprise. Zhao Youyue’s deskmate, Shen Menglian, was a girl who had always stayed in the top 20 among her grade. However, this time around, her results had taken a fall.

Shen Menglian’s ranking in the grade had fallen outside of fifty. This was probably the worst she had ever been placed upon entering this school!

Students from liberal arts and science streams were now ranked separately, but she still had not been able to place herself within the top 50 in the grade. If this was still the first year of high school, she might not even have been able to be positioned within the top 150, as there were far more science students than liberal arts students in this school. In addition to that, most of the elite students had opted for the science stream.

Therefore, logically, Shen Menglian should easily be able to earn a spot in the top ten, or top five, even.

When Shen Menglian found out about her results, she was crestfallen. She had never expected to perform so badly…

She did not realize that this was all Zhao Youyue’s fault!

Lady Zhao was a walking, talking malignant tumor. She was full of mischief and is always fooling around. As the saying goes, “one takes on the color of one’s company.” Zhao Youyue’s unruly actions had rubbed off the people around her, and had unknowingly caused the hearts of others to drift away from learning. Unless they had “Xu Jing’s cards” of their own that allowed them to completely submerge themselves in learning and boost their learning efficiency by up to 200%, they were bound to be infected!

Even though Zhao Youyue fooled around a lot, she had always been able to instantly switch into a serious mode whenever she has to study or do her homework. Bai Yunshan only took note of the Zhao Youyue who got high and goofy. She never once noticed the Zhao Youyue who was completely focused and paid full attention during lessons. Furthermore, right before exams, Zhao Youyue would suddenly enter a zealous state of focus and determination. Although it did look like she was intensively cramming at the last minute, you’ll have to admit that her last-minute cramming skills were exceptional!

In the end, Shen Menglian accepted the fact that her unsatisfactory results were a consequence of her own carelessness. Next time, she will do better!

She did not carry out any self-reflection. Instead, she eagerly waited for Lady Zhao to become the joke of the year. It was almost time for the Autumn sports competition. Zhao Youyue had been unwittingly thrown into the 800m, 1500m, and 3000m running events.

Although the whole event would span over a total of two days, the 800m race appeared to have a preliminary round. Also, the finals of the 800m race would be conducted on the same day as the 1500m race. This meant that, on the first day, Zhao Youyue would have to run a total of 3100 meters. The next day, she would have to run another 3000 meters. Would she even survive that?

The long-distance running events have always been the most unpopular events. It was nothing but pure torture. Most would pray hard that these events would not fall upon their shoulders. This time, all of it had been dumped onto Zhao Youyue’s shoulders!

Zhao Youyue was rather popular in the class, especially among the girls. She was like their spiritual leader. Naturally, someone took the initiative to stand up and fight for Zhao Youyue.

It was Xie Ting, the girl who sat in front of Zhao Youyue. That evening, during their individual study period, Xie Ting had gone up to Bai Yunshan and asked if she was doing this to exact revenge. Bai Yunshan had clearly assigned Zhao Youyue to all the long-distance running events on purpose. Did she really have to go so far?

Of course, Bai Yunshan instantly denied her accusations. She claimed that this was Zhao Youyue’s own idea, and that it was Shen Menglian who helped Zhao Youyue to sign up for it all. Bai Yunshan had even asked Zhao Youyue for her confirmation, and she had simply agreed with everything.

Xie Ting and Shen Menglian were not exactly good friends. After all, the two of them were constantly competing to gain Lady Zhao’s favor. Thus, Xie Ting went to ask Shen Menglian about it.

Of course, Shen Menglian denied everything, and insisted that the deceitful Bai Yunshan was framing her. That tattletale class representative clearly wanted to sabotage Lady Zhao. Hence, she had assigned all the long-distance running events to Lady Zhao…

Xie Ting vaguely felt that something was amiss. There must some sort of conspiracy going on behind the scenes. Most importantly, why did Lady Zhao so readily agree to such ridiculous conditions? Now that her name has already been submitted, hasn’t she nailed the coffin shut?

In actuality, Bai Yunshan was a compassionate person. If Zhao Youyue is truly incapable of running the 3000 meters on the second day, Bai Yunshan had planned to run in her place. Deep down, she was not the type of person who could stand watching Zhao Youyue become an absolute joke, and additionally, she also wanted to do it for the collective honor of the class.

Shen Menglian wants to see Zhao Youyue become a joke. Bai Yunshan, on the other hand, is worried about Zhao Youyue. This is all very interesting.

For the 3000m female race event, points are given, as long as the participants manage to finish the race. However, more often than not, many participants would give up halfway through…

At the moment, Zhao Youyue was intently studying her new “high popularity character card.” The character card would only last for a year. However, it carried another function. The card could be exchanged for an item from the world it originated from!

Once again, the “Two Dimensional Gate” had unexpectedly revealed more features!

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