Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 240

 Song of the Spirit

Gu Yuan came to visit Chu Luoxun alone. He had his head bowed down, as depressed as a human can be, as if he was the one dying.

If it had not been for Lin Meiyue, he wasn’t even sure if he would have the courage to visit Chu Luoxun.

Chu Luoxun noticed his saddened look. She cheered herself up, smiled at him and said, “Being sent into the ICU was a slight roadblock. That is my first time being in an ICU. The place makes me nervous…Hey, don’t give me that look, you’re visiting me!”

“I’m…I’m sorry!” apologized Gu Yuan immediately.

“Oh! You have even brought me my favorite cake. I want to eat it outside.” said Chu Luoxun with a wider smile.

“It’s freezing outside…” advised Gu Yuan.

“I don’t want to stay in the ward!” said Chu Luoxun capriciously.

Chu Luoxun asked Gu Yuan to carry her on his back to the rooftop.

As Gu Yuan was carrying her on his back, he grew all too aware of how light she actually was. He finally realized how much Chu Luoxun was suffering from her disease.

At the same time, he felt like he was carrying the whole world. Her smile from the beginning was like a reminder to him that she was a perfect goddess who could kick away any form of disease!

He remembered that being his first time being in such close contact with her. He suddenly hoped that he could carry her on his back forever. He recalled all the good times he had with her. He knew her hobbies very well. She loved dolls and sweets. She was a very soft-hearted and normal girl.

However, in the past, he never dared get close to her. He always felt that she was too brilliant. She was unattainable, beyond his reach. It was only until this moment that he noticed that she was as much a mortal as he was. That was why she wouldn’t be immune to diseases.

The two of them reached the rooftop. Chu Luoxun saw the snow falling from the sky. Her smile grew wider. She could not help but praise the beauty of snowflakes.

Chu Luoxun was gently placed on the bench. She asked, “Still playing the piano?”

“Not anymore.”

“So you’ve found the abyss again.”

“I can’t continue playing anymore. Music has taken those close to me, one after another…”

“Don’t you still have Meiyue? Besides, I’m feeling great as well! You still have me!” Chu Luoxun smiled and said, “My surgery will be on 18th February. I will recover. I will never stop struggling until the very last moment. This is your fault, all because of you and Meiyue! Why am I so attached to this world? It’s all because of the two of you!”

That’s true. Chu Luoxun’s original body, Zhao Youyue, had always been a firm member of Lin Meiyue’s fan club. She will never stop supporting them as a couple.

18th February would also be the day of Gu Yuan’s finals.

“Why don’t you struggle a little bit more? Aren’t we both best at struggling? We have already entered the finals! Let’s do it again!” Chu Luoxun tried her best to encourage Gu Yuan.

The moment Gu Yuan heard the word ‘again,’ he remembered the picture of his one and only public ensemble with Chu Luoxun. He had been expecting to have a second one. However, due to her health condition, that window has passed.

Everytime Gu Yuan thought of the picture; there would be infinite power flowing out from within his body. However, he replied, “I have not touched the piano for a week. My fingers have…”

“Isn’t that the same as our first performance together?”

“At least I was still practicing regularly back then. I won’t be able to play it now! It will be a miracle if I’m able to do so!”

“Miracles…can be created.”

The next scene is one of the most iconic scenes within the entire novel. Chu Luoxun showed her unique technique——‘The Air Violin’!

This was a miracle that Chu Luoxun is showing in front of Gu Yuan right now!

She stood up, stretched her hands towards the void and retrieved a violin from among the snowflakes in the sky…

She started performing with a calm smile on her face.

Gu Yuan did a double take in surprise, as if he had actually seen a transparent, dazzling violin appearing in her hands. She threw herself into her performance, and he could actually hear the sound of the violin!

Of course, this was all Gu Yuan’s imagination, but he would not be able to do so if it was not because of Chu Luoxun’s lifelike expressions and convincing movements.

Gu Yuan felt like seeing the perfect goddess who was shining brightly on stage once again. The girl that he had been desiring but lacked the courage to approach

This is her song of the spirit.

Chu Luoxun definitely had tried everything to strangle the throat of her destiny. She even used her technique ‘The Air Violin’ to perform, even though she could no longer lift a real violin up.

A strong sense of embarrassment emerged within Gu Yuan’s heart. A person like him who is always giving up easily, is nothing at all, l compared to Chu Luoxun’s determination in music.

“See, as long as you want it to be, a miracle will happen.” Chu Luoxun stood bare-footed on the snow. Not that it mattered, she could no longer feel her legs. Still, she stood up. Her head was full of sweat. It was painful for her to even move by a little.

Chu Luoxun finished talking and fell. Gu Yuan immediately helped her up. She said, “You’re also within my heart, Gu Yuan. The two of you are the best friends of my life. I actually first saw you ten years ago. I was so lucky that I happened to meet you at that time. Unfortunately, we were never even acquainted. I’ve known you for such a long time, and yet I do not know you as well as I do Meiyue. I truly admire her for knowing everything about you. I want to know more about you. Haha, perhaps in future. I will recover!”

Gu Yuan was a bit dumbfounded. What’s with that ten years situation?

He only knew that she looked beautiful as she always did in the snow.

Under the miracle performed by Chu Luoxun, Gu Yuan finally cheered up once again. He decided to convey his blessing towards Chu Luoxun through music on 18th February. Not only to Chu Luoxun, but also to all the people he loved and the entire audiences.

This day had finally come. Chu Luoxun was being wheeled into the operating room. Before that, she had written a song for Gu Yuan—— “Happened to Meet You.”

Other than the song, there was also a precious photo, one that was kept by Chu Luoxun. It was Gu Yuan during his childhood. As Chu Luoxun took a selfie, he had somehow found his way into the frame. This was their only photoshoot together.

Zhao Youyue still chose to leave, although she did not want to. It was for obvious reasons

As Chu Luoxun, she had given it her all. As Zhao Youyue, she had set her other self’s fate in stone. It had to be done.

However, she had not yet left the literary world of “Beautiful April” yet. She went to Gu Yuan’s competition scene.

She would fulfill Chu Luoxun’s last wish——an ensemble with Gu Yuan.

As long as Gu Yuan’s music reaches that realm, she will be able to appear within the music spiritually and complete the ensemble with him.

Gu Yuan would only be convinced that he is hallucinating, unsuspecting to the fact that he would be having a duet with an actual ghost.

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