Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 125

 Zhao Youyue Dreams of Becoming an Empress

As it was spring in March, and every corner of the school was filled with life.

This high school was one of the famous schools in the country, and of course, it did a fairly good job at adding greens to the school area. It certainly was most beautiful when the cherry blossoms were blooming. However, this school is not open to public, or else there would be tourists visiting the area during this season.

Right now, the cherry blossoms trees at the sides of the path had not really blossomed out yet, but the tree branches already carried a tinge of pink. Zhao Youyue felt simply liberated when she walked the path between these cherry blossoms trees.

It was actually the time for lunch break for those students who stayed in the dorm, so commuting students like Zhao Youyue could enjoy her peaceful moments in school.

She had finally gotten over the glum of Rosemary’s “treatment”. This, was of course, a fact that was greatly aided by the “Yu Shengfan card” which was now an iconic character card. She can comfort herself more than other readers, because Yu Shengfan was not actually dead!

Yu Shengfan did not live inside of Lin Feng’s glory, but she lived inside Zhao Youyue’s body, and she had been reborn through Zhao Youyue’s body…

Not only that, Little Fish was actually healthy for once. Imagine when Zhao Youyue activates her “Yu Shengfan card”, her gaming technique would only get even stronger, because Yu Shengfan would be in perfect condition!

Sometimes Zhao Youyue wondered whether she could set a character card with a summoning ability, so that she could summon “Xu Jing” and “Yu Shengfan”. It would be interesting. Zhao Youyue was the creator of both characters.

Even though Zhao Youyue had snapped out of the traumatic experience, she could not help but blame herself for being so weak minded. She had almost cried because of a sad plot in the novel, if only she had an iron will and be more optimistic, she would not be so miserable after Rosemary caught her off-guard.

Zhao Youyue remembered that the science subject elite scholar, Chen Haoran had almost made her cry too, and she thought herself really pathetic for falling into it. She had even used the “Xu Jing card” and was not able to finish the mathematics exam. Not only that, Chen Haoran had even mocked her sarcastically. Ever since that incident, he had fallen from her good side.

Luckily Zhao Youyue was able to prove herself with her remarkable results in the mathematics exam. She was one of the best students in the class, or else she would be doubting her arithmetic capabilities…

Long story short, when Zhao Youyue reminds herself as a weak minded little girl, she would feel deeply embarrassed!

But what could she do, these were all her natural body’s reactions, she would be unable to control herself unless she is using that tri-no elite scholar Xu Jing card.

Zhao Youyue could be frustrated at times, this was most probably because of her unique physiology as a female. She was not pleased with it, because she believed that this weak female body brings out a flaw in her personality. She was never a strong-willed person, and she can be bullied easily…

As a lady from a rich family, she could have anything ever since she was young, and she did not have to strive for it. She lacked the initiative. The environment is certainly important for one person’s growth. With that side character trait of Zhao Youyue who did not have much sense of a presence, this had prevented her from getting bullied in school, and people would not bully her because no one will ever think of her…

So, Zhao Youyue now believed that she needed to get her hands on some manly power, without becoming one of those strong-willed women. She would be satisfied as long as she becomes more independent, strong and gains her own freedom. She can be lazy when she wants to be lazy, but she would be very passionate in a task once she sets her mind to it.

Zhao Youyue was used to relying on herself, but she would need to be more reliable in order to become the perfect female protagonist. She did not entertain the slightest idea of wanting to rely on a man, and in truth, most girls did not want to.

But Zhao Youyue was a step above the sort of dependence that other ladies aspired for, she intended to become the main protagonist!

If it is possible, Zhao Youyue wanted to create an “empress” character who ruled the world. She would not dabble in petty romantic relationships, she would only care for her people and her country, and she wanted her flag to cover every inch of her land!

Zhao Youyue had become excited after she thought of it, creating an empress character would certainly be interesting. A lot of famous emperors flashed through her mind, like the emperor of Qin and Han, King of Tang and Sung… and of course, the western King Arthur and Iskandar The Great as well…

Zhao Youyue realized her favorite was the first emperor, Qin Shi Huang, so would a new iconic character be established if she ever creates a female version of “Qin Shi Huang”

The Qin Emperor had conquered the six-nations and united China with his fierce dominance.

Whenever the emperor waved his sword, every rich prince would migrate to Xian Yang!

The next favorite would be King Arthur, that heroic temperament and that non-stop conquering attitude, she always admired that, but she thought that King Arthur lacked some domineering qualities thanks to Type-Moon. Whenever she thought of King Arthur, that saber Artoria would always appear in her mind. For male otakus, saber would be their goddess, this King Arthur was certainly moe, a kind of moe that brings justice!

Zhao Youyue believed that Artoria certainly did not have the domineering qualities of a king, she was not a merciless killer, but only more like an innocent girl.

Zhao Youyue also thought that an emperor should have their own self-cultivation, they should not waste their time on illusory justice or some other minor detail.

Even though the “Two Dimensional Gate” was totally random and unpredictable, Zhao Youyue had a strong feeling that she would venture into a historical novel, and her mind drifted off to those famous Qidian authors who wrote historical titles”Moongate”, “AngelOscar”, “GreenApple”, “Larvae2”, “3CrazyThieves”…

She has already thought up a method of communicating with these historical High God graded authors, and had played the conversation in her mind prior to taking action. Such was the confidence of a super tycoon, a person who has established an influence, via a list of books!

As Zhao Youyue arrived at her classroom, she decided to take a nap to explore the new realm. Steady as she goes, she knew she would soon be entering a historical novel!

The moment she entered the new realm, she did not hesitate to possess any character, she would make the decision after reading the original novel or manga in reality, when she exits the “Two Dimensional Gate”.

She wanted to acquire an empress character card!

She looked forward to it. Thus, she opened the “Two Dimensional Gate” once again, and was shocked to see a literary work called “War Heroes”. China was not fighting against Japan in this realm, because Japan was the Vassal State of China since ancient times. The big revolt never occurred.

China was fighting against the Russians from the north, and these two nations had fought over in the World War for these far east lands. The Russians were the first to invade China and took away their lands, but the Chinese were able to retaliate soonafter.

This anti-Russian War was quite a popular trope in China because everyone loved watching Russians get beaten up…

This “War Heroes” was not a novel nor was it a manga, it was… a script!

A script written by playwrights!

Curse you, “Two Dimensional Gate”, my dream of becoming an empress is ruined!

Where was that promised historical novel? Even though this realm is somehow related to history, still, it’s totally weird!

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