She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 556 - was a serious joke

Chapter 556: Chapter 552 was a serious joke


Li Mingming was really suffering. Why didn’t they know?

It wasn’t that Shui Shui didn’t know, but she couldn’t do anything about it. She hadn’t been able to walk out of it. Even if they tried to persuade her, it was useless. She had walked into a dead end.

Ma Chengcheng didn’t know what to say because she was a straightforward person. After breaking up, they broke up. It had been a long time, and she was the only one who was struggling.

When they reached a shopping mall, Mu Zilin let Li Mingming out of the car. Shui Shui looked over. “Be careful. Give me a call when you get home. ”

“Okay. ” Li Mingming strode away without saying much.

Ma Chengcheng’s sigh could be heard from inside the car. “It’s still the same. I really have no choice. Shui Shui, to be honest, I feel that Ming Ming’s brain is a little out of whack. It’s already been a few months, and she’s still like this. It looks like Zi Lin has already passed. ”

“Haha, yes, passed. I’m actually quite a jerk, but I have no choice. If I don’t like her, then I don’t like her. I can’t force myself to come. I really hate her personality. I didn’t know at the beginning, but later on, I slowly realized that her personality is really terrible. ” He just didn’t like her What else could he do?

He directly said that Ming Ming’s personality wasn’t good. Shui Shui and Ma Chengcheng didn’t know what to say because they had no words to refute him. From the looks of it, Ming Ming’s personality was indeed a little twisted.

“Let’s not talk about this anymore. Even if Ming Ming were to be together on this occasion, it would only be awkward. Let’s not talk about it anymore. Let’s go eat first. Only she can walk out of love by herself. We can’t help her. Moreover, even if we wanted to help, we can’t. She’s not willing to accept our persuasion and help. Let’s just leave it at that. ” Qian Shuishui didn’t like to repeat such words to others It was the same for friends, because friends might not be willing to listen to repeated words.

Even if they were friends, they had their own space between them.

“I don’t want to talk about her either. We broke up, so we broke up. When we saw each other, we were still friends, right? But she was so extreme that she deleted it. And then, occasionally, I would receive weird text messages from her. It was so late at night, and she was so desperate. I didn’t want to say these things, but she was really annoying,”Mu Zilin ridiculed from the side He threw the phone to Shui Shui. “Take a look for yourself. What does she say? There’s one every five or six days, and it’s a whole bunch of them. ”

Qian Shuishui took the phone and took a look. She almost laughed out loud because these messages didn’t seem like Ming Ming’s personality at all. “Sigh, she’s also funny. She has a childish personality. Don’t say too much. ”

Ma Chengcheng stretched out her hand. “I want to see it too. ”

After she finished reading the messages, she laughed until her stomach hurt “I didn’t mean it, but it’s really too funny. Do you know? What she said is really melodramatic. I usually can’t tell that she has so many things in her heart. But, Zi Lin, do you really not have the chance to match up? ”

“I don’t think so. Zi Lin doesn’t have feelings for him anymore. He doesn’t love him anymore. How can he meet him? From this point of view, Mu Zilin is a big jerk. But to me, he is the most thoughtful person. ” She looked at Mu Zilin’s tender side profile and smiled.

Mu Zilin touched his nose and suddenly felt a little embarrassed. “Then am I better than my brother? ”

This shameless words, but Qian Shuishui still endured and nodded. “If you say he is thoughtful, he is actually not bad. But I like friends like you. Your brother gives me the feeling that he is overbearing. We are friends. You understand me. I am very happy. ”

“Hehe, anyway, don’t we have an agreement? If you break up with my brother and I’m single, then let’s be together. Because we know each other too well, we won’t quarrel often when we’re together. ” Mu Zilin teased with a smile.

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