She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 46 - inviting him to the House

Chapter 46: Chapter 43 inviting him to the House


Shui Shui felt that Mu Zilin was a simple-minded person. Why did he say that out of the blue?

After all, she wouldn’t care. After all, it was just a topic. She directly ignored Zi Lin. As for what happened to Zi Yu, she couldn’t care less. In fact, Mu Ziyu’s heart was a little strange. Why did the thought of her not being his girlfriend arise.

The two of them had a tacit understanding and didn’t continue Mu Zilin’s words. Instead, Mu Zilin was a little embarrassed. He seemed to have said something bad. Next time, he should say less. If others weren’t embarrassed, he would be embarrassed.

Shui Shui ate the last ball. This Taro Ball was really not bad. It was fresh, tender, and smooth. When it entered her mouth, it carried a strong taste of salt and pepper.

Shui Shui touched her stomach and ate very comfortably.

Mu Zilin walked to the side, squatted down, and flipped through Shui Shui’s things. “Shui Shui, why did you buy so much literature and ink? Didn’t I accompany you to buy it before? ”

“School is about to start. If the time to go to class is reduced, then the time to practice will increase. ” Shui Shui would not fall behind. Moreover, during this period of training, her physical fitness was also very good The teacher also began to teach her some coping skills, such as how to break free from the rope. It was slightly difficult, but after understanding it, she fell in love with it because it felt pretty good. Moreover, this was a new field for her. Moreover, she wanted to know more, which was also beneficial to her. As a woman, having the ability to protect herself would make her more confident.

In fact, she had experienced robbery before, so she could not do anything. It was really dangerous, and she was very passive. Fortunately, the other party only robbed and ran away, so she did not waste much time. If other things were involved, then she would be in danger. Now that her body was strong, she could still adapt to the situation.

Once Shui Shui was passionate about something, she would persist.

In the afternoon, Shui Shui bought some daily necessities and books before going home.

Tomorrow, they would meet at school. However, since they were helping Shui Shui with the things, Shui Shui would naturally invite them in for a cup of tea. Moreover, it was still early, so she couldn’t let others do the work while she did nothing.

Mu Zilin and Mu Ziyu came to Shui Shui’s apartment. Mu Zilin thought that it should be pink and then girly. In the end, he saw that it was a very ordinary apartment. The equipment inside was very ordinary, and the main key was blue.

Shui Shui went to the kitchen, boiled tea, and carried it out. She also brought a dessert, which was some cookies and cookies that she bought in the supermarket.

The two of them sat in the living room outside. Mu Zilin couldn’t help but tease, “there’s no room for women at all. ”

“You just moved in and haven’t tidied up yet. ” Mu Ziyu felt that it was very clean, and there were a few bouquets of flowers on the table. Although the space was small, it felt good.

Shui Shui brought it out, “sorry, there’s only tea and some cookies at home. ”

“It’s nothing. ” Mu Zilin took it and ate a cookie. “It tastes pretty good. ”

Mu Ziyu also ate a cookie. Although he didn’t like to eat these, he looked at Shui Shui’s other open room. There were a lot of books inside. “Shui Shui, is that your study? Can I take a look? ”

“It is indeed a study. You can take a look. Feel free, but there’s nothing to see at home. ” Shui Shui’s study was the simplest. There were books on the bookshelf and a laptop on the desk.

Mu Ziyu stood up and walked over. He entered the small study room. The books were neat and tidy. He walked closer to see what kind of books they were.

He casually glanced at them and saw that they were all foreign original books. Moreover, what kind of physics were they He took out a book and opened it to take a look. It really was. Her hobbies were really special. Could she understand them Or what He put it back and took another book to read. This was a book that talked about principles.

Of course, other than physics, there were other books, but physics knowledge accounted for most of them.

He accidentally saw a notebook in the corner. On it was written, the main points.

He picked it up with his slender hands and opened it. The delicate and handsome font entered his eyes. There were foreign languages, and there was a lot of content on it that he did not understand very well.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy. Please do not reprint it!

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