She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 288 - the new neighbors arrived

Chapter 288: Chapter 285 the new neighbors arrived


After breakfast, Qian Zhian sent Qian Momo out. Qian Momo wasn’t too happy at first, but she had no choice because Qian Zhian was already standing at the door and waiting for her to go over.

Qian Momo dragged her way over. “Alright, I’m going back. ”

Qian Zhian sent Qian Momo into the car “Big sister, don’t touch those things anymore. They’re not good things. “My second sister and I have a good life now. If it’s really difficult for you, I’ll definitely help you. But I have to tell you, I haven’t graduated from college yet. I don’t have any income, and I can’t help you much. Now, my living expenses are all earned from my second sister’s small investments. ”

“Investments? What small investments can she make? ” Qian Momo said disdainfully.

Qian Zhian shook his head “I’m not very clear about this matter either. You should leave. Besides, if you have nothing else to do in the future, don’t look for us. After all, we’re all different elders. If you have something to do in the future, just look for your mother. If you look for us, we can’t solve it either. Also, I’ll lend you 300 this time, and the bail will be 3000. Remember to return it. “just return it to me. I can still go and get the remaining living expenses. ”

Qian Shuishui didn’t tell him this, but he took the initiative to ask for it. It would be good for both of them if they were to be clearer. Moreover, he felt that he had to be clearer with his sister. If he didn’t return it, he wouldn’t be able to help her in the future. Otherwise, she would think that their help was unlimited and free.

Qian Momo snorted coldly, “don’t worry, I’ll return this money to you. ”

“Then I’ll send my bank message to your phone later. Send it to me earlier. It’s best if it’s before my final exam. ” Anyway, it was impossible for her to not have this money. It was just a matter of time. He forced his sister to return the money earlier.

Qian Momo almost gritted her teeth and got out of the car to hit Qian Zhian. “I’ll return it to you when I get back. Don’t rush me. It’s as if I’m rushing you. ”

Qian Zhian waved his hand and walked home. He immediately sent Qian Momo a text message. “remember to hurry up. ”

Jiang Li looked at Qian Zhian’s evil smile. “What are you laughing at? Did something interesting happen? ”

“I asked my sister to return the money to me, and then my sister exploded in anger. Haha, it’s really easy to get angry. I only said a few words. ” He secretly laughed. “When my sister returns the money to me, I’ll invite you to play. Haha. ”

“It’s not good for you to do this. You still want to take back the money with your elder sister? Does elder sister Qian know? ” He looked at Qian Zhian. His method was to carry Qian Shuishui to take back the money.

“You don’t know my elder sister’s personality. If she knew that I did this, she wouldn’t blame me. After all, it’s good for us to be clear with elder sister. ” He looked like he wasn’t worried about anything.

Shui Shui took out the information. “I won a grade one exam paper. Now, you guys do it for me. ”

“Math? ” Qian Zhian stretched his head out to look.

“It’s a math paper, but before you do this, tell me, do you want to choose arts or science in your second year? ” Shui Shui didn’t know what they were thinking. If it was science, they could specialize in science, but she couldn’t do arts.

The two of them said in unison, “science. ”

“Okay, you guys do this math question first. I’ll print out the physics question. The other subjects will depend on you. ” Shui Shui jumped out of her two favorite subjects to save herself some trouble.

The two of them thought that Shui Shui was going upstairs, but in the end, she just sat in the living room and did it. The two of them could only bury their heads in writing. It was awkward to have an exam at home.

There were many questions that they were unable to solve

After an hour and a half, Shui Shui walked over and collected their exam papers. Then, she handed the physics exam paper to them. “Next is the physics exam paper. You guys do as you see fit. ”

Shui Shui took out a red pen to help them read it. When the final score came out, Shui Shui could not help but hold her forehead “This score lets me see that your foundation is a little weak. Also, do your answers and analyze the graph to prove that this CDE is an equilateral triangle. Then, how do you prove it? You can’t just randomly mess around with this place. The most important thing is to prove it succinctly and deduce it based on the existing conditions. ”

“Your weaknesses are similar. I can also see it. Then, let’s start with the basic proof questions. ” These questions were basically compulsory. Just now, she found some questions on the Internet, but there were no answers, so she filled in the answers herself. These were extremely basic proof questions. She handed them to them. “Let me give you a general description first. What are the characteristics of these few, … ”

In an hour, she sorted out all the graphics and let them remember their characteristics. This was very important. The proof depended on these.

These two people felt their heads swell. They had to memorize so many things at once. Fortunately, they had some impression of what they had learned before. It was not very stressful to memorize them in an hour.

“although we have memorized it, we don’t have a deep impression. Now, we will start to do some simple questions to deepen your memory. ” She had already printed out the questions and gave them each a copy.

The two of them looked at such simple questions and started writing quickly. The speed of the questions increased. After finishing, Qian Zhian was still sighing. “It would be great if the exams were all such simple questions. ”

“Stop Dreaming. ” Shui Shui looked at their simple questions and found that they were all well-written. “Now let’s move on to the second part. ”

Auntie Jiang came over at this time. When she walked into the living room, she saw the children studying. “AIYO, not bad. This atmosphere. Wait for me for half an hour and I’ll cook a delicious meal immediately. ”

She carried the dishes to the kitchen and began to prepare. She was in a good mood and was even humming a song.

Jiang Yuan was dumbfounded. “No way. My MOM IS COOKING? ”

“What’s wrong? AUNTIE’s cooking is quite delicious. I’ve eaten it a few times before. Is there any problem? ” Shui Shui asked back.

“It’s not that it tastes bad. It’s just that she can only cook the dishes that she’s good at. As for the rest, it really doesn’t taste good. I saw the dishes that she brought over just now, it doesn’t seem like she’s good at it. I feel like it’s going to be a tragedy. ” He looked at her with a conflicted expression “Forget it. We’ll see how it goes later. ”

“continue learning. When we eat later, we’ll have to understand these questions at least today. “. “because I’m leaving tomorrow, I’ll give the questions that you’re going to do to uncle Jiang and let uncle Jiang supervise you. “. “I’ll be back in about five or six days. Then, I’ll continue to help you make up lessons. “. I should be able to make it in time. I’ll help you tidy up. You should continue in the afternoon. Otherwise, it won’t be enough. When you’re doing the questions, I’ll help you with the questions and the answers for the next five days.”She had an idea Since she was going out, Qian Zhian would have to trouble uncle Jiang.

The two of them had bitter expressions on their faces. Why did they have to do this? But they couldn’t refute it because there was no reason.

After auntie Jiang finished cooking, they went in to help carry the bowls and dishes. When they saw the dishes, Jiang Yuan was worried. “Sure enough, my mom challenged the new colors this time. ”

“It’s okay. ” Shui Shui carried the dishes out. “It’s still quite fragrant. ”

The few of them sat down and ate lunch together. Auntie Jiang asked, “How’s your learning today? ”

“En, it’s okay. I’m going out tomorrow and will be gone for about five days. I’ll have to trouble Auntie then. I’ll give the exercises they have to do to Auntie later and let them do it every day. It can be considered an extra small task. ”

“Sure, don’t worry and leave it to me. I’ll definitely let them complete the tasks every day, ” Auntie Jiang said while patting her chest.

Shui Shui nodded. “Then I’ll have to trouble auntie Jiang. ”

“It’s no trouble, no trouble at all. I’ll be here to take care of them anyway. Go Have Fun and have fun! With such good results, you have enough capital to be proud. ” She was also very happy Shui Shui was so amazing. Seeing this child achieve her own achievements step by step, of course, when she heard this news, she was also very surprised. After all, she was only a sophomore in high school, but she was able to get the top scorer in science.. This meant that she had only studied in advance and was proficient in her studies.

“Look after the two children. With you as an elder sister, you can bring the two of them along. ” She was relieved to let her son stay in Shui Shui’s Shui family. Shui Shui Shui was a role model. She was also very sensible and knew when to advance and when to retreat. Zhi An and Xiao Li were in the same grade again If she taught Zhi an, it wouldn’t be a problem to have one more Xiao Li.

It was time to eat. Everyone started eating. The dishes tasted ordinary, but chatting with each other increased the fun.

Shui Shui drank the soup. “This seaweed soup is very delicious. ”

“I added some shrimp to increase the freshness, ” Auntie Jiang said proudly. “Oh right, do you guys want to continue in the afternoon? I’ll stay here and take a look. ”

“Sure. I’ll have to trouble auntie Jiang to keep an eye on them later. I’ll go walk the dogs. ” She hadn’t walked the dogs today.

Auntie Jiang nodded. “Don’t worry. You go walk the dogs. I’ll watch them for a while. ”

After dinner, the task of washing the dishes fell to Jiang Li and Qian Zhian. Shui Shui took out two sets of exercises. “Auntie will let them do it later. ”

Shui Shui put the two dogs on their leashes and dragged them out. “Let’s go out and play. ”

The two dogs were very happy and rushed forward. Shui Shui Shui grabbed the leash and told them not to run around. HUSKIES loved to run around because this child was very curious. Most importantly, she had let go of the leash and the Husky had run into the muddy water. She was so angry that she didn’t know what to say.

As soon as she walked out, a car stopped at the villa next to Shui Shui’s and moved the furniture. Shui Shui saw it from a distance. “There’s a new neighbor. ”

Previously, the villa next to her seemed to be empty. Occasionally, she could hear the sounds of renovations. Later, she could bring some gifts to visit. After all, they were neighbors.

Although neighbors did not see each other often, it was still a basic etiquette to visit.

Half an hour later, Shui Shui returned from walking her dog. She brought a small gift to visit the new neighbor.

She pressed the doorbell. Shui Shui Shui thought that the person had left. Just as she was about to leave, someone walked out from inside. Shui Shui Shui did not see clearly and the door was opened. When she saw the person who opened the door, she laughed dryly. “sorry, I pressed the wrong doorbell. Sorry to disturb you. ”

Shui Shui turned around and wanted to leave.

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