She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 253 - Chapter 250, better treatment

Chapter 253: Chapter 250, better treatment


Then, he saw an unbelievable scene. Shui Shui smiled, but she looked out of the window. The lawyer retracted his hand. Are All children so mature these days?

Teacher Li brought Shui Shui to the hospital. “Shui Shui, take care of your father these few days. Leave the rest to teacher. Don’t worry. At this time, believe in teacher. That’s right. ”

He didn’t know how to persuade Shui Shui. This was the first time he saw Shui Shui behave like this. He had always treated Shui Shui as his own child. After all, she didn’t have a child of her own, and Shui Shui was a filial child. She respected her teacher and was filial. Moreover, he had spent such a long time just to craft a wheelchair that was suitable for them. It could not be found on the market, and someone actually wanted to buy it after seeing their wheelchair. Seriously, how could they possibly sell it.

Even if she did not want to, she would still persevere. He already knew about her performance in the army. Most of them got outstanding, except for their physical strength. After all, she was different from the army, and it was impossible for her to train every day However, when it came to investigation studies, she learned very quickly. At first, she did not get much points, but later on, she actually got outstanding, which surprised him greatly.

This child, he hoped that she would go further. Moreover, he treated her like his own daughter. It was the same for old Hu. He had some understanding of the situation in old Hu’s family. Although old Hu had children, they were not close to him.

Looking into Shui Shui’s eyes, he asked, “Shui Shui, do you trust teacher? ”

“I do. ” Shui Shui nodded. Teacher Li was really very attentive to her.

“Then don’t bother about those people. Teacher will help you deal with them. You Child, even now, you’re still acting tough. If you want to cry, just cry and let out all your emotions. “holding it in is not good for your body. You’re not alone. You have to remember this. ” He was very serious He also hoped that Shui Shui Shui could understand many things. It was true that she was strong, but she should not force herself too much.

Shui Shui shook her head. She was very touched in her heart because teacher Li was really like a father sometimes “Teacher, I understand what you mean, but I don’t want to cry now. My heart is much stronger than what teacher said. Actually, when I was in the car just now, I really wanted to cry. But when I thought about how those people were still laughing, I couldn’t cry anymore. ”

She didn’t have the ability now, and she wasn’t old enough. So when she became an adult, perhaps she could handle things like an adult. Now, there were too many obstacles.

Qian Shuishui lowered her head and looked at her hands. Right now, she couldn’t do anything about many things. In two years, she would become an adult, so she had to wait.

“teacher, go back and rest early. I’ll be fine. ” She smiled faintly. She trusted teacher Li.

“Okay, you go in first. When you go in, teacher will leave. ” Teacher Li nodded and patted Shui Shui’s head.

After sending Shui Shui into the hospital, teacher Li’s gaze changed slightly. “This child has suffered too much. ”

“Old Li, this child is a little scary. However, old Li, how do you think we should handle this matter? ” The lawyer took out a cigarette and smoked. He was old Li’s friend and he needed help. Naturally, he would do his best. He had taken on many cases like this He could see that there were too many loopholes, and he was confident.

Old Li pondered. “I didn’t expect such a change in Shui Shui’s family. Actually, I want to bring her to Beijing. This child has great potential. I don’t want to bury it. ”

“I’m afraid there’s no other way. The child’s mother is still healthy. Even if something happens to her parents, the custody should be in the hands of her relatives. ” The lawyer frowned. He didn’t expect old Li to want to bring the child to the capital.

“So for now, you take care of the matters here first. I’ll also arrange for good people for the investigation. I’ve taught her for almost a year. I know her character very well. Even if her family knows about it now, she has to do so. “From now on, it’s been hard on you. ” Old Li looked at his friend He could absolutely trust his ability.

After the lawyer finished smoking, the two of them got in the car and left.

Shui Shui returned to the ward and saw Li Xue lying on the bed. Qian Zhian went up. “Sis, what’s going on? ”

She looked at Li Xue and then turned to Qian Zhian. “those hooligans have been controlled. And I’ve asked my teacher for help. I’ve already submitted the lawyer’s letter. I’ll go buy some food. You must be hungry too. ”

“I’ll go with you. ” Qian Zhian went out with Shui Shui. After going out, Qian Zhian expressed his thoughts. “Sis, look, mom is very sad. It’s such a big matter. Why haven’t you seen big SIS? Could it be that big SIS did it again? ”

Thinking of this, Qian Zhian waved his fist, “why would such a big sister come? I really want to beat her up. ”

“Don’t worry. This matter has nothing to do with Qian Momo. It’s indeed a conflict that happened in the police station. It has been resolved. ” The two of them went downstairs and bought a lot of food and fruits because they were prepared to stay in the hospital to accompany her. It had been a while since the last time.. They felt that the driver hadn’t been there for long, but it happened again. Shui Shui really hoped that her father would wake up and be out of danger.

The two of them ate the food they bought in the hospital, and then stayed in the room to accompany them. Shui Shui sat next to the bed. Li Xue looked at the two children. When she saw Shui Shui, she averted her gaze unnaturally and didn’t speak to them.

Qian Zhian looked at Mu Qing like this and suddenly felt a little annoyed because his mother had been crying and asking her nothing. “Mom, can you stop crying? If you cry like this, it will affect Dad’s rest. ”

Shui Shui held her father’s hand and prayed in her heart. She hoped that nothing would happen to her father and that he would be able to survive and get through this difficult situation. When she saw the bandage on her father’s head and the bandage on his arm, her heart ached.

Her phone had run out of battery. She didn’t even know that Mu Ziyu’s phone had been turned off the entire time. In the end, he called Qian Zhian a few times before he got through. When he found out that something had happened to Shui Shui’s father, he rushed to the hospital. At this moment, he knew that Shui Shui must be very sad. When he arrived at the hospital, he didn’t say anything and just quietly accompanied her. Li Xue wasn’t familiar with Mu Ziyu, but Mu Ziyu also directly said that he was Shui Shui’s boyfriend. Li Xue didn’t say much, but she felt uncomfortable deep down in her heart.

Shui Shui did not rest for the whole night. She kept looking at Qian an on the hospital bed, then held his hand to give him warmth.

Her prayers did not bring any hope. The doctor came into the ward for a check-up, shook his head and left. He also had to bear a huge amount of medical expenses. Shui Shui looked at her father with a dull gaze.

Mu Ziyu hugged Shui Shui’s shoulders. “Rest for a while. You haven’t rested for the whole night. The doctor did not say that you would not wake up at all, but destroying your own body now won’t do you any good. ”

At noon, Uncle Li and the others came over and pretended to visit the patient. They brought some fruits over. When they saw Qian an on the hospital bed, their eyes were filled with smiles.

Shui Shui paid attention. She didn’t say anything and allowed them to speak.

“sister, come and eat something. brother-in-law will be fine. The company still needs him, ” brother Li comforted his sister.

Li Xue shook her head. “The company should be declared bankrupt today or tomorrow. It’s gone. I received a call this morning that the company is going to be auctioned off. ”

Brother Li stared at her. “How is that possible? ”

There was no reason. Wouldn’t that land be taken back Moreover, they had just gotten the company’s house. It hadn’t even been written in their name yet. Wouldn’t it be taken back?

Shui Shui saw the change in Uncle Li’s expression. Very soon, he found an excuse to leave. Li Xue thought of something and hurriedly went home. “The two of you stay here and take care of Dad. ”

She suddenly disappeared. Qian Zhian was speechless. “Why is it like this? Furthermore, SIS, is our family bankrupt? ”

Shui Shui felt that Li Xue wasn’t joking around. “It should be. ”

Shui Shui was very calm. So what if she was bankrupt? She only wanted her father to wake up. She suddenly thought of someone. She didn’t know if she should call him. After thinking for a while, she sent a text message. When she realized that her phone was out of battery, she borrowed the charger from the nurse. When her phone was turned on, she sent a text message to uncle Jiang.

In the end, when she sent the message, the call immediately came. She was so shocked that her phone almost fell to the ground. “Hello, Uncle Jiang? ”

Her voice was a little weak, but she still had to be strong.

The voice on the other end of the line was a little shaky. “The text message you sent just now was not a joke, right? ”

“uncle, it’s true. Father is still unconscious. The doctor said that he might not wake up, but there is still a chance for him to wake up. ” She did not know what to say.

“Don’t be afraid. Uncle will go over now. ” Jiang Yuan picked up his coat and left the company. At the same time, he asked his Secretary to book a plane ticket for him. “book a plane ticket to city a for me. It’s the fastest. ”

The secretary didn’t know what was going on, but since the president had said so, he naturally had to do it.

Jiang Yuan felt that the children were about to break down.

Shui Shui’s voice was also very weak. This was a huge blow to the children.

He wanted the fastest plane ticket, but it was facing a thunderstorm. The plane had been delayed, and he didn’t know when it would take off. Jiang Yuan was about to explode with anger. Such a thing had happened at such a critical time. Moreover, the matter that Qian an had once told him might happen. It was a custody issue. Fortunately, Shui Shui’s custody was in his hands. But no matter what, he had to step up for his good friend’s matter.

On This Day, Shui Shui and Qian Zhian were also in the ward. Mu Ziyu was responsible for buying food. His heart ached, but at this time, he couldn’t say too much because this was Shui Shui’s father. How could he tell her not to be sad and ignore him The human heart was made of flesh. He believed that he could walk out of it and remain strong.

Qian Zhian cried every day. He couldn’t bear the loss of his father.

Shui Shui Hugged Qian Zhian. “Daddy is still here. He will wake up. We have to believe in daddy’s love for us. ”

“Sis, what should we do in the future? ” Qian Zhian didn’t know what to do.

Shui Shui didn’t say anything. She just patted Qian Zhian’s head. Mu Ziyu sat at the side. He was so quiet that he didn’t say anything. Occasionally, he would help Qian an dry his body and then buy food.

Because Shui Shui didn’t plan to go back, Mu Ziyu didn’t go back either. He also stayed here to accompany her. At night, Shui Shui finally rested in Mu Ziyu’s arms.

Qian Zhian would wake up in the middle of the night. He would be scared awake. Then, he would look at his father on the hospital bed before going to sleep.

The next day, the headlines were about their father’s business going bankrupt. The house was going to be auctioned off in half a month as collateral.

After getting the newspaper, Shui Shui looked at the newspaper. The headlines and the corruption were written very clearly by Chang Ming. She looked at the names of the media and reporters below.

Mu Ziyu took the newspaper. “Don’t look at these. ”

Qian Zhian took it. “How can that be? Our House is gone. ”

Shui Shui didn’t want to say anything. “Don’t worry about it for now. ”

Bang. The door was opened and Li Xue dragged her luggage in. “I’m exhausted. I took out the valuable jewelry and bags from the house. Mo Mo took the other boxes. ”

Qian Zhian looked at Li Xue in disbelief. She was still thinking about this at this time? “Mom, dad is still in the hospital. ”

“I know, but we still have to live and eat. Fortunately, I bought a small apartment for MO MO earlier, so we’ll live there first. ” Li Xue was also in pain, but at this time, she had to think about what she would eat and live in the future?

Qian Zhian shook his head. “I’ll live in second sister’s apartment. ”

He didn’t want to live with them. Moreover, right now, the most important thing should be dad.

However, Shui Shui couldn’t help but think highly of Li Xue, because she would still think of the future.

“Our family is bankrupt, and your father needs a large amount of medical fees. WHO WILL PAY? ” Li Xue’s sharp voice sounded.

“I will, ” a man’s voice sounded.

Jiang Yuan walked in and saw the man on the bed. The pain in his heart couldn’t fade away.

Shui Shui stood up. “Uncle Jiang. ”

“Uncle, I’m sorry, I’m late. ” He had spent the night at the airport. Damn the rainstorm.

“Who are you? ” Li Xue looked at this man. He looked familiar, but she couldn’t find his name.

Jiang Yuan looked at Li Xue. “My name is Jiang Yuan. ”

“You are Jiang Yuan? ” Li Xue widened her eyes. This wasn’t her husband’s best friend.

Jiang Yuan didn’t look at Li Xue. Instead, he walked to the bedside and sat down. “Qian An, why are you so careless? ”

Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. A man shouldn’t cry easily, but seeing his good brother like this, he felt very sad. “Shui Shui, don’t worry. Uncle will pay for your father’s medical expenses until he wakes up. ”

He knew that the company had gone bankrupt. They didn’t have much money.

“Then Dad prepared three million yuan for each of us. Did Dad think of something? ” Qian Zhian suddenly thought of this. He could only use it when he was an adult.

Shui Shui pulled Qian Zhian back. “No matter what, dad always puts US first. ”

“Okay. ” Qian Zhian leaned on Shui Shui’s shoulder and cried.

Li Xue looked at Jiang Yuan. “Mr. Jiang, can we talk for a moment? ”

“There’s no need. I’m here to help Qian an prepare the medical arrangements and deal with the follow-up matters. “. I heard what you said just now. Since there are so many valuable jewelry, there won’t be any problems in the next few years. Moreover, the children will also get money when they reach adulthood.”He was not stupid Moreover, Li Xue might be the person who caused the current situation.

But what was the use of saying all this now He originally thought that Qian an would be able to solve it, but he did not expect such a thing to happen. “Shui Shui, come and tell uncle about the general situation. ”

Shui Shui nodded and went out with Jiang Yuan.

Half an hour later, the two returned. Jiang Yuan did not look too good. When they returned, the room was filled with people. Qian Zhian and Mu Ziyu were no longer there.

Shui Shui saw who it was. “GRANDPA, you’re here. ”

“Yes, I’ve also asked the doctor. This matter isn’t what everyone thought. You don’t have to feel pressured. Your mother said that your father has a fund for each of you, and your mother also has some savings. ” The uncle spoke first. He was somewhat gloating In the past, the third brother was the richest. Now that he was bankrupt and the third brother was lying down, he could finally be proud.

Shui Shui looked at her uncle and said, “I won’t trouble you to worry. We’ll take care of it. The Ward needs to be quiet. If there’s nothing else, don’t make a fuss in my father’s ward. ”

Her uncle snorted coldly and walked out. He felt comfortable in his heart and didn’t care about them.

Her grandfather felt uncomfortable. After all, these were his children. “Li Xue, take good care of these three children. Fortunately, Mo Mo is already an adult and has graduated from university. ”

“Yes, father, what should we do? Fortunately, I bought a small apartment for Mo Mo. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be a place to stay. ” Li Xue was a little sad. Fortunately, she didn’t have to pay for Qian an’s medical expenses.

“Alright, as long as you have a place to stay. Also, you bought these jewelry. They add up to a lot of value. Alright, I’m going back. If you have any problems, call me. ” GRANDPA also left. He didn’t like the smell of the hospital.

Everyone else left. Jiang Yuan asked the doctor to arrange Qian an in a quiet ward and to prevent those strange people from visiting.

“money is not a problem. Take good care of him, ” Jiang Yuan said coldly to the doctor and requested to change rooms immediately.

After everything was done, it was already afternoon. After all, Shui Shui was from city A. Mu Ziyu and Qian Zhian took the initiative to stay behind to take care of Qian An, while Shui Shui brought Jiang Yuan to dinner and packed for the two of them.

Jiang Yuan ignored Li Xue, even though she wanted his phone number. The other party was still pestering him. He directly said, “Don’t think that I don’t know how you married Qian an back then. Alright, we don’t have anything to talk about. There’s no need to Pester me, because even if you pester me, I won’t take a fancy to you. ”

Of course, he couldn’t say this in front of the child. He only said it in private. After saying that, Jiang Yuan ignored Li Xue. Li Xue was too embarrassed to be so thick-skinned.

She took the things to the small apartment and found that there were only three rooms in the apartment. Moreover, the space wasn’t big, and the master bedroom was a little small. The wardrobe actually didn’t come out alone. She didn’t like it. She thought about how she used to like luxury goods, but now she couldn’t go anymore.

However, when she thought about how she no longer had someone to rely on, she was sad. However, now that they didn’t need to worry about Qian an’s medical expenses, she could keep these bags and let Qian Momo take out the three million. Then, there wouldn’t be any problems. She began to calculate carefully. There were some things that she really had to experience before she knew that she liked Qian an, but she liked herself even more.

Now that Qian an had collapsed and the company had gone bankrupt, how many people would laugh at them?

When she thought about those comments, she felt uncomfortable. There were also people from her in-laws who started to ridicule her. She was really furious. However, three million yuan. When Zhi an and Shui Shui reached adulthood, they would have three million yuan. She wasn’t worried.

Shui Shui was brought by Jiang Yuan. Of course, she still had to point the way. After all, she was only familiar with this place.

They found a quiet restaurant and sat down. After Jiang Yuan ordered the dishes, he asked directly, “go back to the capital with uncle. Your father, in order to give him better treatment, I want to bring him to the capital. ”

Shui Shui was slightly stunned. “Go now? ”

“Yes, although the curriculum is different, I think you can keep up. ” This time, he came directly for this purpose.

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