She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 245 - Stop Pressuring me

Chapter 245: Chapter 242: Stop Pressuring me


Although they weren’t very close, they were still relatives after all. After chatting for a while, they began to get familiar with each other. Shui Shui watched. It was easy for boys to get familiar with each other, but it was difficult for girls. Everyone had the heart to compare. Moreover, she wasn’t a person who took the initiative. When her father saw her like this, he very considerately walked over. “Shui Shui, why are you here alone? ”

Shui Shui smiled awkwardly. “Dad, I’m fine. ”

He Patted Shui Shui’s head. “relax. My daughter is definitely the most outstanding. ”

“Dad, then I’ll go to the company when I’m free to help you, ” she suggested.

She had not been able to find an opportunity before, but now that she opened her mouth, she did not know how her father would reply.

“You, your task is to study. Don’t think too much about other things. ” Qian an did not want his child to get involved in the company. This was what he had thought before, so he rejected it seriously.

Shui Shui knew that a person like her father did not like his children to get involved in the company too early. Although she had gotten involved with some things before, they were all harmless matters. When it came to important matters, they could not get involved However, she was actually not very familiar with the internal affairs of the business, but her father had already taken precautions against the Li family. That was good, because her father would definitely think more than she thought.

He was a professional, and she was just an amateur. Moreover, given her age, she did not know the specific situation, so she did not say much.

She was a very self-aware person. Business was indeed not her strong point. Moreover, when she did not know the specific situation, she would still point fingers. It was indeed quite annoying. Moreover, even if she knew, what could she do This was the most important question.

In an instant, she understood a lot. Even if she knew that the other party had bad intentions, her father also knew. Her intervention might bring help, but it might also bring trouble.

After thinking it through, she was ready to fully support her father.

Qian an knew that Shui Shui was very worried, but she was still too young. He did not want her to come into contact with the scheming and scheming in the business world too early. Moreover, there were already problems in the company itself. There were too many worms left. It was not an easy thing to clean up now. Perhaps it was fate. One wrong step, one wrong step. The softheartedness of the past had caused the current problem.

Shui Shui didn’t miss the regret in Qian An’s eyes. Why should she regret it? Why should she regret it She hoped that she could help, but it seemed like she wanted to help, but she couldn’t do much. She was too young, and the complicated family relationships made it difficult for her to get involved.

Qian Zhian leaned over. “Sis, you were too direct just now. ”

“really? ” She didn’t think that she was direct. It wasn’t good to beat around the Bush when talking to her father. Wasn’t it better to say whatever was on the table between family members?

Qian Zhian preferred to be tactful. However, after spending a lot of time with Shui Shui, he realized that most of the time, she was very direct. When she spoke, he could understand it immediately. Sometimes, he was in a bad mood. His second sister was still the same. Sigh, it would be great if she could be gentler. If his sister was gentler, more people would like her.

Thinking that she already had a boyfriend, he didn’t let his imagination run wild. “sister, are you going on a long trip tomorrow? What are you going to do? ”

“I don’t know how teacher Li arranged it. He wants me to go exercise, so go ahead. ” It was all because of him that she agreed. In the end, this guy didn’t persist, but she didn’t force him. This kind of thing was hard to say because interest was the most important thing. She didn’t have much interest, but at least she still had this idea to learn well, so she would work hard. She was different from him. She knew that she was truly powerful when she was strong. There were many things that she wouldn’t be able to learn in time in the future, so she was working hard now.

“Oh, is that so? It’s only the new year, and you’re leaving already. There’s only one person in the apartment, but can I call my friends over to play? ” He looked at Shui Shui Shui expectantly. “Also, that money, I’ll return it to you after I take the red packet. ”

“No need, you can take the red packet money and spend it. I took a lot of red packets in the capital, it’s fine. ” She smiled faintly. Moreover, she was going to teacher Li’s house tomorrow afternoon. “In the morning, you’ll accompany me to the department store and buy some things to go home. ”

“Okay, SIS, you’re so nice. ” He was quite happy in his heart. Moreover, now that he was getting closer and closer to his second sister, he felt that his eldest sister was too evil.

It was different to have a good sister. If he didn’t have money, he could still ask his sister for it. Moreover, he found that his sister was really rich. His father seemed to only give a few thousand a month. Electricity, water, management fees, and Internet fees were quite a lot. He also needed money for food and drink. He didn’t give a single cent. It was all given by his sister.

Shui Shui Patted Qian Zhian’s head. She realized that her father loved to touch her head. She loved to touch other people’s heads. Haha, it was a vicious cycle. “You’re my only younger brother. ”

“You, don’t think so much. Study hard. ” She was also working hard. On her father’s side, she would observe and occasionally accompany her father. There was nothing wrong with having a meal together.

“In the future, we’ll often go for a meal with father and spend more time with him, ” she told Qian Zhian as well as herself.

Qian an had already gone to his father’s side. His father wanted him to arrange for a few of the men in the family to stay in the company. Qian an agreed and did not refuse. Everyone felt that it was strange that Qian an was so easy to talk to.

“Qian An, what position are you planning to arrange? ” Qian Lin asked. This was the main point.

“start from the bottom. I’ve said the same thing to Mo Mo. if you want to work in the company, start from the bottom. ” He was also direct. He treated his own daughter like this, not to mention to others. This company was under his own control. Moreover, although he was the majority shareholder, there were still other shareholders with foreign surnames. Therefore, this company did not completely belong to him. He had a bottom line when he arranged for people. This was because the big job was not something that he could decide on his own. If he arranged for a high position, he had to discuss it with the other shareholders. At the same time, he had to test whether this person was qualified for this position.

The old man was dissatisfied. He knocked on his crutch. “What? The grassroots? No Way! ”

Qian an shook his head. “I can’t do anything about this. Although I’m the company’s largest shareholder, I can’t directly arrange for any high-level positions. If they have the confidence to participate in the company’s assessment, as long as they pass, they can still be in the position they want to be. ”

“Why go through so much trouble? You can just give out a portion of the shares. ” The old man read the shares of Qian an company and the annual dividends.

Qian an’s face turned ashen. What a good plan “I now control 40% of the shares, the second shareholder is 33% , and the other shareholder is 27% . Once my shares are exclusive, the risk is very high. Moreover, even if I want to transfer the shares, it will be to my children and not to outsiders. Dad, don’t you agree? ”

“Bang! They are your nephews, not outsiders, ” the old man said angrily “Moreover, your children are still young. What’s there to be anxious about? Are you still worried about your own family? Do you still believe in those real outsiders? Let’s just say it. ”

Qian an insisted on his principles. “Dad, there’s really nothing we can do about this. ”

Suddenly, the other brothers and sisters quieted down. They didn’t understand why Qian an was like this.

Shui Shui stood up and quickly walked to her father’s side. She held a cup of tea and said, “Dad, I’ve brought you a cup of tea. ”

“Okay, Dad will drink it later. ” Qian an nodded. “Go and sit down. Dad Wants to talk to your grandfather and your uncle on the phone. ”

Shui Shui understood what he meant. She didn’t want her to sit there and listen, so she could only sit back down. She looked at the group of people and Casually said, “Dad, I’m going to buy some things tomorrow. You have to sponsor me. I’ll calculate it later. ”

“okay, okay, okay. You’ve done your calculations. Tell Dad how much you need. ” He knew that his daughter knew how to use money well and wasn’t worried that she would spend it recklessly. Besides, his daughter was already pampered to begin with. He could buy whatever she wanted if he had the ability. It was the same for Qian Momo, but the things she wanted, she liked to ask for too much. She didn’t know how to control herself at all. On this point, it was his fault. In the past, he had spoiled her too much. He had spoiled her so much that she didn’t know the immensity of Heaven and earth.

The old man called out to Shui Shui, “Shui Shui, which high school are you in now? Your aunt recently organized high school students to go to summer camps and participate in these kinds of activities more often. ”

Shui Shui Chuckled, “GRANDPA, I’m in the third high school now. I might not have time to attend summer camps. I usually have to go to the teachers’ place to learn my interests. ”

She deliberately said that because she wanted to give her father face. Did this group of people think that her results had always been bad Hehe.

Her aunt walked out at this time, “the third high school. You must have spent a lot of money. ”

This sentence made Qian an’s expression turn even uglier, but Qian an still explained gently “Shui Shui passed the exam on her own. She got 700 points in the Middle School exam. She was originally admitted by the first high school. Later, because her friend only passed the third high school exam, she went to the third high school. Not long ago, she even got first place in the city’s mathematics competition. Aiya, this child is giving me more face. ”

Shui Shui’s aunt’s expression changed. She knew that the first place in the mathematics competition was familiar. She thought that it was impossible for her niece to win first place, so she did not pay attention to it. So it was true. “Shui Shui is so amazing now. ”

“Yes, this child is promising. She doesn’t need me to worry about her studies. She has outstanding performance in all aspects. ” Qian an was very gratified. Whether it was the mathematics competition or the English debate competition, she had performed very well. Moreover, she had taken on several excellent teachers. He didn’t need to worry about her future anymore.

He was proud that his daughter was so outstanding, but at the same time, he was relieved.

His grandfather looked at Shui Shui. This was the first time he was looking at his granddaughter, a rebellious granddaughter. Previously, whenever he said something, Shui Shui would reply back ten times.

“Not bad. Your aunt is now working at the education bureau. When you’re in your third year of high school, you can chat with your aunt more and see what university is suitable for you to enter. It’s a holiday. If you have any activities, try to participate. Your aunt has arranged to go to summer camps in America or Europe. You can learn a lot.”His grandfather spoke to Shui Shui gently, which was rare.

Shui Shui nodded. “thank you, Grandfather. ”

She did not reject him. As for whether she would look for an aunt, that was a matter for the future.

Qian an looked at his daughter gently. “Shui Shui, you can also go abroad to study in university. You can consider it. ”

He had not thought about it before, but when he mentioned summer camps today, he felt that his daughter’s spoken language was so good that she would definitely be able to adapt easily to going abroad. Open-ended study abroad was also good for his daughter, right.

The others looked over enviously. Studying abroad for a year would cost an unknown amount of money.

“Dad, I don’t have such thoughts for the time being, but there’s a type of exchange student in university now. If I can exchange with a foreign university for a semester, I can consider it. ” She had thought about it for a long time and decided to stay here. She hoped that when the time came, dad would give up the company’s power Then, they could go traveling together during the holidays. It wouldn’t be a bad idea.

Thinking about it, she felt that she could do a lot of things in the future.

Qian an rubbed Shui Shui’s head “You child, you’ve already thought about everything, but it won’t be good if things change. Dad, I have three children. Each child will leave 10% of the shares. If Xiao Shan and the others come in and do a good job, I’ll give each of them 2% of the shares. ”

This amount of shares was already considered a lot. After all, they would have shares after working in the company for a period of time. Although it wasn’t much, the annual dividends were still not bad.

His way of doing things was already very generous. He treated his own nephew very well.

Shui Shui listened. Although she understood, she didn’t understand why he would do this. However, she didn’t raise her own questions at this time. Because of her grandfather’s interruption just now, she naturally sat down here.

“Qian An, give me 5% . This has to be fair. ” The old man sighed and said. This company was written in Qian An’s name. Although he was Qian An’s father, at this moment, he was weak.

Qian an shook his head. “There’s nothing I can do. After all, I’m a father. I naturally have to give more protection to my children. Dad, I’m me, and my brothers are still here. ”

“Uh. ”

So that’s how it is. Wanting shares.. “GRANDPA, DAD’s business isn’t a family business. Dad started it from scratch. Besides, cousins have parents, and their parents will definitely leave something for them. Why do I have to give everything that belongs to us to someone else? ”

Shui Shui pretended to be a naive and curious little girl and asked curiously.

In a word, why did they have parents and asked her father to give them the same share of the property? Why Why did they get the shares without paying any labor or anything else?

The grandfather didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t that he didn’t know this logic, but he had to think about his other grandchildren. Qian an was the most promising one now, while the others were holding their iron rice bowls. After retirement, with the little pension, the children had to get married, buy a house, and a car. How could they afford it?

Qian an insisted on his bottom line. Moreover, he could not take out his shares at this time. He could not talk about the company’s matters here, which made him a little frustrated.

“Dad, let’s talk about this in the future. ” He did not know if the company would be able to tide over the difficulties. Even if they could not, he would not let others take advantage of them. At the very least, the funds he left for his children would be enough for their future lives.

Shui Shui felt that her grandfather was being too biased. “GRANDPA, recently, Dad has been very tired because of the company’s matters. Don’t force dad anymore. ”

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