She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 229 - was very efficient

Chapter 229: Chapter 226 was very efficient


Jiang Yuan looked at Shui Shui’s data and said, “it’s pretty good. What do you think is good about this company? How much more profit can we make? ”

“It’s estimated to fluctuate by 5% . That’s what the data shows. We need to calculate the exact number again. ” Shui Shui only came to this conclusion based on the formula. In fact, she was quite familiar with making models, so she was very good at it. She even added some principles, and the model came out by itself.

Jiang Yuan nodded. “impressive. Save the documents, go eat, and come back in the afternoon to take a look. ”

Secretary Huang was really surprised when she saw Shui Shui Finish all these. She thought she was messing around, but she didn’t expect that she could do it so well.

Jiang Yuan thought for a while before taking Shui Shui Shui Out. “Have you learned this before? It looks like you’re very familiar with it. ”

“The software has a foundation, and some of the formulas are ready-made and can be applied. ” It was difficult for her to explain. Some of the knowledge was brought over by her in her previous life.

“I originally wanted you to study hard, but it looks like you can learn it directly. Moreover, I see that your English is pretty good. It looks like your father was right. “I originally thought it was an exaggeration. Do you know how your father praised you? ” Jiang Yuan Thought of Qian an boasting about his daughter There was simply no water left.

Shui Shui raised her head. “What did my father say about me? ”

“Your father was saying that my daughter is pretty good in all aspects, especially her academic results. In the first semester of the first year of high school, all the examinees had always ranked first in total scores. His tone was full of self-satisfaction. It wasn’t like he was first. But at that time, I asked your father. I asked him what ability Shui Shui had that satisfied him the most. He said, “your English is pretty good and you can read foreign language books. Now, it looks like you’re not bad at all. ” Qian an wasn’t bragging Shui Shui really had this ability. Thinking about her own child, why was she so lacking? She was only a few years old. One of them already had the ability to be independent, while the other still wanted to play all day long. It was too late to be sensible. If she could be sensible earlier, she wouldn’t need her parents to worry too much. Shui Shui being sensible and letting her parents worry less was indeed quite good.

Shui Shui nodded. Her father did love to say these things because her father was gradually becoming proud of her. She was very happy that her father had such thoughts because being able to become a topic of pride for her father, she believed that as a child, it was a success.

“regarding your mother’s matter, try not to tell your father too much. Because of that woman, you’ve come into contact with her. I’m not going to tell you how she is. I want to ask you how you feel. ” Jiang Yuan respected Shui Shui’s opinion.

Shui Shui recalled. “actually, I don’t have much of a memory. If I really want to talk about this person, I think that the reason why she paid attention to me and asked about my background was because she was happy. However, this kind of happiness was mixed with something, and it wasn’t very pure. Every time she saw me, she was actually deliberately expressing her emotions. Overall, I haven’t interacted with her much, and I still can’t make a conclusion.”

“Haha, you’re just like a little adult. Since the last time, I’ve asked my friend to find out that she can’t have any more children, and she has to stabilize her position and the power of her three concubines. Actually, marriage is a very good marriage. It’s a business marriage. After all, that daughter of hers isn’t her own child, and their relationship isn’t that good. She’s probably worried that when that child comes of age, he’ll do something bad to her. Her boy is still young, so he naturally can’t do anything. Uncle doesn’t like to speak ill of others, but I think you’re very sensible and mature. There are some things that uncle isn’t afraid to tell you. That mother of yours will definitely have a strong motive to acknowledge you. ” He still hoped that Shui Shui would not get too close to that woman.

Shui Shui recalled Mu Zilin’s words. “Uncle, can you tell me about my father and my mother? ”

“Yes, of course. Let’s wait until we reach the restaurant. ” Jiang Yuan felt that this topic was not suitable for them to talk about on the way.

When they arrived at the hot pot restaurant, the two of them each ordered a pot that they liked. Shui Shui Shui ordered a spicy hotpot. They sat at the side seats. Although there were many people at this time, there was a small distance between the tables. If they did not get close to each other, they would be easily attracted by the noise around them.

After the two of them placed their orders, Jiang Yuan and Shui Shui chatted in detail.

Shui Shui learned a lot from this. When this topic was about to end, Shui Shui asked a question, “you told me not to tell my father. Does that mean that my father doesn’t know that my mother married someone else and thinks that she went abroad? ”

“That’s right. After all, it’s difficult for city a and the capital to meet. ” There was nothing to hide.

Shui Shui nodded. “Then what if my mother wants to fight for custody of me? Will it succeed? ”

She was underage now, and she had to consider this point. Although she didn’t think that the woman would fight for her custody, it would be good to know more just in case.

“Hehe, don’t worry about that. Because your current guardian is me, if they want your custody, they have to provide a large amount of materials. Moreover, you’re already 16 years old, so you have the right to speak. After all, she hasn’t raised you before. If she suddenly wants your custody, it’s basically difficult to get it.”Jiang Yuan felt that Shui Shui Shui’s idea was quite interesting He had never thought of this.

Shui Shui remembered it. She began to eat the hotpot quietly.

“come to uncle’s place during the holidays in the future. Uncle will take you to play, ” Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

Shui Shui did not directly agree. She only smiled a few times in response. After the meal, he brought Qian Shuishui to the Office and pointed at the SOFA. “If you want to rest, lie down. There is a blanket in the small cabinet next door. ” He sat on the chair, ready to take a look at Shui Shui’s work in the morning. He still needed to take a closer look to find out what exactly was going on.

Shui Shui did not hold back. She took out a blanket and a large towel. She took it out and spread it on the Sofa. Then, she lay down and slept under the blanket. Shui Shui also adjusted the alarm on her phone and went to sleep.

She was a little tired from focusing on the computer today.

Jiang Yuan looked at Shui Shui’s tidying up and was more and more surprised. Other than the side ranking problem, it could basically be used. Moreover, she had even made a model, which was a little amazing. This model was in place.

After processing it, he saved the document and sent it to the people below. Then, they began to work. He Yawned and looked at the SOFA. The child was already resting. He stretched and went out to ask his secretary to pour him a cup of coffee.

“Director Jiang, this is the list of 20 interns. The first three are interns who performed well. The ones marked in blue are those who are very diligent even though they are not competent. ” The female employee handed the document to Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan opened it and looked at it. It was a three-month performance evaluation.

Shui Shui had also gotten up at this time. She put the blanket away and went to the bathroom to rinse her mouth. She wanted to go to the office outside to work, not in Uncle Jiang’s office because uncle Jiang’s office only had one computer.

Coincidentally, she saw someone delivering documents to uncle Jiang. “Uncle Jiang, I’ll go to Secretary Huang’s office first. ”

“Wait, this is for you. Based on the selection from above and the quality of all aspects, choose five people with high overall quality and explain why they are high. ” He directly assigned tasks to Shui Shui Shui.

Shui Shui took the documents. “Is this a promotion? ”

“Yes, these 20 are all interns. If five of them can be promoted, you can choose. ” He felt a headache when he saw the documents and felt that they were almost the same.

Shui Shui took them and went to Secretary Huang’s office. However, the employee in front of Jiang Yuan felt that it was inappropriate. “Director Jiang, this isn’t good, right? ”

“There’s nothing bad about it. Come over at four o’clock to get the results. Go to work. ” He waved his hand. There was no need for others to question his decision on these matters.

Every year, he knew that some interns relied on their connections to suppress many talented people. After all, they were not outstanding, so he turned a blind eye to them.

Now, he let Shui Shui come and see how she did. It could also be considered a test for her.

Shui Shui flipped through the information of these people and what they had done. Each department gave a certain evaluation. She saw that one of the evaluations was especially exaggerated. She saw a phrase, “work hard. ”

However, the evaluations of other supervisors were more ordinary. There was also a saying that she often left early. Leaving early was a very bad habit. For a company, she directly ignored it. The other party recommended three outstanding employees, but she had already cut two of them This was because it could be based on attendance and overtime. Because the intern’s salary was not high, there were not many who were willing to work overtime. Moreover, there was also their speed and amount of work completed.

She quickly checked and found that eight of them were pretty good. After that, she continued to look at the details and asked Secretary Huang to transfer their jobs. She looked at them briefly and finally selected five people. These five people all had their own abilities. The common point was that.. They were all quite diligent and occasionally worked overtime. The quality of their work was not bad either. She wrote down the reason for choosing these five people. She did not know if she had done it this way or not, but it did not matter if she had done it wrongly. Uncle Jiang would not blame her.

After she was done, she went to give it to uncle Jiang

Jiang Yuan looked at the last five people and looked at the reasons. “En, not bad. You even went to look at their work assignments. ”

“It also depends on the quality. Some people say that a person is full of hype, but the quality of her work is actually average. It’s not as good as these people’s work. Moreover, they also have overtime records, which shows that they are responsible for their work. In the end, the comments of these managers were quite pertinent. Although there were some who said it wasn’t good, they were all referring to their personalities or bad behavior. ” She had read the comments above There were a lot of false comments anyway. Although he wasn’t sure, he could feel it. Therefore, he could only confirm which one was the real deal by looking at the results of their work.

“Then let’s take these five people. There’s nothing else to do now. You can play by yourself. ” He had nothing else to tell Shui Shui. This child was very efficient in doing missions.

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